Unknown Number



Sleep. Scratch that; sleeping in. Now that was something she hadn't done in a while. Today was the first Sunday she had off in way too long. Even if she didn't have class, the errands came home with her, all because of that shoot; the shoot that was finally over and done with.

The warm rays of the late morning sun feel warm on her skin as it found its way through the sheer white curtains of her bedroom window. Her eyes struggle themselves open as her body shuffled through the cold sheets and pillows on the bed in comfort. It was a difficult task to get done after such a beautiful night's sleep. She catches a glimpse of the clock above her desk on the other side of the room before her vision began to blur again. It was almost noon and upon realization, asks herself if she had put the whole morning to waste. She takes in the familiar air of her bedroom and tightens her embrace on the closest pillow. No, she smirks to herself, catching up on my sleep is never a waste. She figured it would be a good idea to at least get her body up and out of bed by now, but the queen-sized mattress just wouldn't seem to let her.

Okay, okay, she whispers to the pillow under her head, five more minutes..

Beep, beep.

Or not.

The cellphone vibrates again to remind he ro the unread text message waiting to be opened. She gives a stretch and a yawn then shuffles over to the other side of the bed where the phone lay.

From: Sehun          11:51AM

Morning! Get enough sleep? Or are you still sleeping haha

Her lips curve.

To: Sehun          11:52AM

Just woke up, how'd you know?

She waits another minute for a reply.

From: Sehun          11:54AM

Just guessed :)
Hurry and get up, I just bought food and I'm coming now

The message makes her jump up in a second, her thumbs rushing to hit the right letters.

To: Sehun          11:54AM


She doubts the message until the next one received.

From: Sehun          11:56AM

I'm bored, go get out of bed already

She sends one last reply before rushing to clean herself up.

To: Sehun          11:56AM


Her right thumb slams down on the green send button at the corner of the screen then throws the block on the messy pile of pillows as she flung herself across the room to the bathroom.

Usually, it wouldn't be a problem if Sehun came over out of he blue because if he had been seeing her everyday (plus the giant mess she becomes during those hectic rehearsals), then seeing her dressed in her slack clothes and no makeup at home was not that different.

But boy, she was nowhere near the Haneul she sees in the mirror every morning when she looked today. Let's just say that it was late when she got back home last night and all she wanted to do was finally get to sleep.

Right now, she looked horrid: uneven foundation, smeared makeup, hair that looked like no brush could handle it, and crazy eye bags she didn't even know she had. She was lucky that none of that cake on her face stained her ivory white sheets.

She could hear a clock ticking as she rushed through the products on the counter around her sink. Minutes pass and another vibrate could be heard from the room. He was probably just outside the building already. She picks up a towel and dries the dripping beads of water on her face then runs back out to check the message. Yep, he was downstairs. Her oversized men's t-shirt flies off as quickly as she slips on a pair of leggings and a hoodie fresh from the closet when the buzzer at her door rang.

"Coming!" she yells through the rooms before rushing to the door where Sehun stood, greeting her with a box of hot pizza in hand.

"I brought lu-- woah," his sentence changes at the sight of you behind the door, "What happened to you?"

Her eyes narrow at him, "Good morning to you, too."

"It's past twelve," he mocks, "Are you okay? You look sick, or dead."

She scoffs, pushing the door open to gesture an invitation into her apartment, "Thanks for caring for your best friend."

"You know I care," he brings everything to the kitchen counter while she followed, "No wonder you just woke up. Are you feeling alright?"

She nods, "I'm just tired. I came home late and I was just so tired."

The smell of the freshly cooked pizza reminds her stomach about the two meals she had missed, and he giggles upon hearing its call.

"Time for lunch then," he smiles to pick up a slice and hands it to her on a plate.

"Thanks," she smile back before biting off almost half of it at once, "So I see you have nothing planned today?"

She scans over his worn out jeans and wrinkled basic shirt, and he notices her eyes' movements, "I totally have something planned."

"And what's that?" her brow shoots up.

He takes the box and carries it to the couch, dropping down to a seat with it, "I'm probably gonna stay here until you kick me out."

She snorts at his so called plan, "What a great plan you got going there."

He notices her eyes roll with her words, "What? It's boring at home and I'm too tired to go to the studio today."

"Good," she sighs while jumping onto the couch with him, reaching for another slice, "You probably would have dragged me with you."

"Yeah, that's about right," his reply makes her laugh, but he could feel the weakness in her voice as she did, "Are you sure there's nothing wrong?"

"What?" she widens her eyes at his question but the look on his eyes asked the same thing, "I don't know.."

With these words, Sehun brings down the food and takes all attention on her, "What happened?"

She takes in a lung full and breathes everything out, "I really don't know.. It's like there's an emotion in the back of my head taking over but.."

She continues to ponder through the possibilities as her words trail off into a silence that screamed in their ears.

"Was it about yesterday?" he asks with a tone much different than it had been since he arrived. She questions the look on his face with his concern btu she could practically hear his voice yelling out another name.


"Oh.." she shies away from his eyes, eyes that seemed to be speaking a whole other language.

"Haneul.. what happened?"

"Nothing, really.." she pouts and sighs, "I think it's just my own fault for doing this to myself."

"Doing what?"

He was interested, but she only tried to laugh it off to avoid further detail, "It's nothing important."

"You can tell me," he becomes attentive to her words as he shifted his body more towards her direction.

"It's.." she ponders, "a bit of a confusing story."

"Take as much time as you need," he grins, then wiggles his legs to cross them over each other, signalling his stay for the day, "What did you do yesterday?"

"We just went to get ice cream but the place got crowded," she begins, "He wanted somewhere nicer to stay, I guess, so we went to this place near Jeong Hee."

"All the way there?" his voice grows louder, maybe even more protective, "Why would you go all the way across town with a guy you just met? That's dangerous, you know."

"You sound like a parent," she jokes, but the moment simmers back down as Sehun waited for her to continue.

"I don't know, I just wanted to go with him," she shrugs, "He would've brought me home right away if I didn't."

"And that's bad?"

"I just wanted to spend more time with him, is that so wrong?" she sticks her tongue out at him.

Yes, Haneul, it is, he whispers under his breath but her subtle snicker overlaps.

"Maybe it is.." she adds.

Her words strike him, afraid that he had thought aloud. But he keeps quite while he watches her with another sigh.

"Am I stupid for feeling this way?"

How badly he wanted to convince her to say yes, he couldn't even explain. But he couldn't say that to her. Not now. 

"I don't see why it's wrong," he lies.

"What if there was another girl?" she blurts, as if she was trying to turn her point against herself.


"If there's already someone else in his life," she repeats, turning to him for an answer but the look on his eyes demanded details.

Haneul takes a breath, ready to narrate Jongin's story. From the side, she could feel Sehun's eyes focusing even more.

"He said he met a friend, and they became really close not too long after. He told her he would stay at Jeong Hee to study with her for another year, and she couldn't have been happier."

Sehun's chest started to feel the weight coming down on it. 

"But he left her to come to transfer here, and because of that, their friendship ended in an instant. Apparently she never had any other friends, either, but he said he's never heard from her since."

Could it really be..?

Haneul sighs, and her lips pout, "So he promised to find her and make things right."

The exact words Sehun dreaded was now slipping right out of her lips. Now what was he supposed to do? He couldn't tell her now now, he couldn't tell her ever. How does someone bring up such a conversation?

This had gotten much more difficult now that he was here. That Kim Jongin--

"Yah, Sehun," her hand waves in front of his blank gaze, snapping him back to the room, "Did I bore you that much?"

"What? No.." he clears his throat, "Sorry, I just.."

"Ah, this whole conversation is bringing you down," she jumps up out of the couch to bring the box of pizza back to the kitchen, "No more of this."

"What are you doing?" his head follows her as she rummaged through the rooms.

"I don't wanna talk," she shouts two rooms away, "let's go out and do something."

"Like what?" he tries to force a laugh convincing enough for her to keep doing whatever she was already doing.

"I don't know," she echoes, "Hey, let's go get some sushi for a late lunch-- oh! I have to go pick up this new collection, wanna come with me?"

"Right now?"

"Why not? You're dressed and I'll be quick!"

Sehun paces around the living room listening to Haneul's rushing footsteps from door to door as she got ready.

"Let me just change!" she calls, then runs into the bathroom down the hall. He hears the door slam shut and the lock flick as it did.

She'll be there for a few minutes, he breaths and readies for a wait when a little something caught his eye from the corner of the kitchen.

The screen of Haneul's cellphone flashed when a new text message came up, and Sehun could figure out the name even from a distance.

From: Jongin          1:20PM

Thanks again, you know, for listening to me.. :)

This message might have been the reason why something in him triggered for his finger to tap on the top left corner of the screen, on the button labelled 'Contact Info'.

"Sorry," Haneul hops out of the bathroom after a few more minutes of waiting, dressed and ready to go.

"Took you a while," he scoffs.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm done now," she fans her hand towards the door, "Let's go?"

He nods and leads the way out the door, Haneul quickly snatching her phone from the counter before tailing behind him.



Jongin had been eyeing his photo albums again when his phone's vibrating against the wooden table by the bed interrupted him. A new message was displayed on the screen.

From: Unknown Number         5:11PM

If it's possible, can we meet?

Probably the wrong number.

To: Unknown Number         5:14PM

Who is this?

That seemed the most logical reply to send, right?

From: Unknown Number          5:16PM

We've met before. I'm Haneul's friend, and I need to talk to you.

He hesitates to send a reply. He couldn't think of a proper reason as to what he could possible want to converse about; it wasn't like they had anything in common. But then he remembered the threatening look he had given him when they met, and it made things a bit more clear. Haneul was probably the reason.

To: Unknown Number         5:20PM


He figured a place not too difficult to find since it was quite a sudden invite, and soon enough, the answer came with the next message. Just as he thought: the parking lot.



The empty lot was tinted orange as the sun began to set. The surrounding buildings casted shadows that covered the lot in a darker shade but it didn't hide the black Toyota sitting idly in the corner. The driver's door was wide open and Jongin could make out a familiar silhouette sitting there, waiting. So he takes his car and moves to the spot just beside him, the sound of his tires rolling across the paved ground bringing Sehun's attention from his iPod to Jongin.

The two spend a few moments still on their own seats as they stole a couple of subtle glances at each other's way, clearly unsure about how this whole rendezvous was meant to start.

Jongin remembered the eyes that struck him on their first mutual encounter, and he dared not to make the first move today.

Sehun kept the space quiet, but he was busy in his own min: thinking of a prompt to the conversation he meant to have, thinking of what he actually wished to achieve from his little invitation. In all honesty, Sehun had no clue how he planned on going through with this, but it seemed like a necessary move after acquiring his phone number so easily.

He hears Jongin shut off the engine of his car and takes this as a sign that he had willingly come to his call, and possibly taken an interest in something he had to say. But then again, why wouldn't he when it concerned Haneul?

He moves slowly out of the car, keeping him away from his sight as he approaches the hood of his car for something to lean on. To Jongin, this was a 'follow me' gesture so he does the same, leaning just out of his car door so his body faced Sehun's direction, but eye contact was still out of the question.

"Why are you here?" The words spit out of Sehun's lips so suddenly even he himself didn't see it coming.

"You invited me here," he kept his tone the same but questioned what he meant.

"I mean the school," he clarifies, "Why'd you transfer?"

"Because I wanted to switch my major," Jongin answers bluntly, wondering where the guy was going with this, "Did you call me here to question about me?"

Sehun bows his head at the question attacking him, caving in. Jongin clearly knew this wasn't what he was after. 

"I'm curious about how you know Haneul," he admits.

"What do you mean?"

Sehun takes his first glance towards Jongin, having a second look at his face making him cringe at the thought of him being here in the flesh.

He looks away and collects himself again, "What do you know about her?"

"Haneul?" Jongin his head to the side while his eyes focus on the back of Sehun's head, "I know everything about her. We've been friends since the first year of high school."

"But didn't you leave?"

Jongin froze. He couldn't defend himself, and Sehun could tell.

"Are you trying to get her back?"

Sehun's questions kept coming and none of them were making sense, but when their eyes met again, it became clear that Sehun knew everything that had happened.

"Yes," Jongin mumbles, "I.. I have to."

Sehun kept his face low but his ears open.

"I know I shouldn't have left her," he goes on, "but that's why I want to make it right again."

"And you think she'd let you after you tell her?" his tone grows more furious than the look he first shot at him. His body twists back to face him as he spoke.

"I thought so too," he further explains his point of view as calmly as he could to prevent any more temperamental reactions, "but I think she understands.." 

"She.. understands?" Sehun's expression softens but still uncertain.

"Maybe it didn't turn out so bad for her after I left," he presses his lips and his eyes drag down and back up at him, "She met you, didn't she?"

His eyes shift from side to side, bothered by his own thoughts, but Jongin doesn't seem to notice.

"You were probably a better friend to her now that--"

"Wait, you.." he interrupts at his thoughts' conclusion,

"You don't know, do you?"


Until then, I must bid you all a temporary farewell ;^;

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Ahh I'm sorry for taking a little break with this one, I'll get back to it soon, I promise ;~;


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liviya #1
Chapter 7: Ohh please at least say the date when you are going to write next chapter please.curiosity kills me please
Chapter 7: So Sehun does know something important. I'm guessing Jongin is about to find out...
Chapter 6: I'll admit that I am confused. I assume Kai is talking about Haneul, but the way she responds is very distant because she thinks he's talking about another girl. Yet either he doesn't pick up on it, or he's taking it as her way of indirectly telling him that she understands his side and is kind of forgiving him. Or maybe there's something else going on but I have no idea what.

But yeah, I actually am curious to learn more about Sehun so looking forward to next update!
Chapter 5: Alright, so I guess I see why she wasn't weirded out by Jongin, but now the question of why she doesn't remember him at all is still ringing in my head >.<

But her and Sehun have a cute relationship ^_^ Just wondering what Sehun was thinking when he was introduced to Jongin. Does he know about his and Haneul's past and feels threatened by him?
Chapter 4: I think she has a split personality, my gut feeling tells me so.
Chapter 4: can see Kai being upset when he finds out...:(
Chapter 4: Okay, I was so confused with her behavior in this story. But then I find out that she doesn't even remember/know Kai. Wasn't she creeped out that he knew her name without asking and that he knew so much about her?
Chapter 4: WhUUUuuuuuuuut.... Did she like lose her memory of sumthing? Is she not who Kai was looking for??? O.o so confused right now. Poor Kai. He doesn't even kno she has no clue who he is
Chapter 3: Oh wow, Hanuel must have changed quite a bit if she wasn't recognizable by Kai at first glance. Although he must have changed some too if she didn't recognize him either, unless she couldn't get a good look at him because she was blinded by the light. But I almost think it's fate that Kai was assigned to the fashion department where Haneul is studying. Anyways, looking forward to more :)
Chapter 2: You're story sounds interesting and I like your writing :) I'm a bit confused about some things, but hopefully it gets clearer in the future. Looking forward to your next update ^_^