Chapter 18

Her Choice

Yongbae's POV (yes finally his POV)


Bom's parents came back just in time for graduation. Well, that was  months ago. (A/N: To make this clear, basically: Yongbae stayed with Bom during the fall semester all the the way to January and then her parents came back.)

Now I'm in Japan. Handling stuff for my father. Yeah, I wanted a break and to just smoothly ease in to work life when I get to normal working age but I guess I couldn't escape. I really have no complaints but I only used that excused so that I would be able to look after Bom when her parents were away.

I always worry about her, ever since we were small. She was the oldest compared to me and yet she acted like the youngest. It became a habit to just worry about that girl. What can I do? I'm undeniably loyal to her. Not sure why; it's not exactly love but I do like her. She's a fun older girl that I wouldn't mind living with.

But before her parents came back, Bom started to distance herself from me. She doesn't say anything but I can always sense when she's keeping a secret. 

Once I left, it was kind of an awkward goodbye. But I remember how she looked that day. She was wearing sweats and a cardigan. She wore comfortable clothing most of the time just in case something happens. 

Bom waved her hands but never said goodbye. I didn't either. She smiled but the look in her eyes were a mystery. It's so obvious she's hiding a secret but I couldn't do anything about it.


I'm finally back at my apartment after a long day sorting out files and just looking over the company's recent activities. It looked like the company was doing well and it was easy to follow their system since it was consistent. 

My bag was on the floor somewhere and now I'm just watching some late night TV, still in my work clothes with some take out teriyaki on the coffee table in front of me. 

Then I heard my phone ringing. It filled the silence in the room. I picked it up but the caller was unknown. I answered it.


"Yongbae?" that voice was shaking.

"Bom?" I whispered. 

"Yongbae...Hi," her voice made me smile.

"Hi? Is that all?" I chuckled and tried to more but I couldn't ignore her shaking voice since the beginning of the phone call.

"'s not. But how are you?"

"Fine. How are you? How's your parents?"

"They're fine and I'm..." she paused.

"I'm..." she attempted to answer me again but she hesitated. 

"You're what?" 

"I'm fine I guess."

"If you're fine then how come it took you so long just to say that?"

"Ok, I'm not exactly, a hundred percent fine. There's something that I have to tell you," it must be that secret she's been hiding.

"What is it?"

"But don't get mad okay?"

"What is it? Did that Jiyong hurt you? I swear I'll come over there and punch some sense into him," my 'joking around' made her giggle.

"No, he's fine. But..."

"What is it Bom?"

"About my condition..."

"What? DId you get sent to the hospital again? Do you have to stay in the hospital? You're not dying on me right now are you?" 

"No. Not exactly. I..I have cancer."

Her words froze me. I could feel my eyes popping out and my mouth widened because of shock.

"Instead of having a heart disease, a tumour somehow appeared and...and it's in my it getting harder to breather once in a while...but I'm taking medication...and...and..." Bom completely broke down. Her voice was trembling in between her sentences. 

"Bom..." was all I could say. I just waited for her to calm down. I wanted to just give her a hug.

"I'm sorry Yongbae...I'm sorry," she cried even more.

"Why are you sorry? It's not your fault. I'm not mad at you," I gave her more soothing words so we could talk to each other properly again.

I waited for a few minutes and it seemed like she calmed down a bit. 

"When did you find out?" I asked her.

"Before you left. The doctor made more scans this time and they found it. I thought that keeping you out of it might be a better idea but..."

"Bom, it's okay. But why? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want you to worry. All I do is make you worry and I don't want that."

"Bom, I care about you. Of course I worry. But your parents know right?"

"Yeah, they do. We had to go visit the doctor to straighten out things."

At this point, I really had no words. I had nothing that could comfort her.

"Bom, you'll be alright."


Bom and I talked some more. More about other things. I was now in my bedroom, gradually falling asleep but I had to make sure she fell asleep before me. Once we said goodnight, I hanged up and closed my eyes.

Then I opened my eyes again. Something struck me. She still hasn't told Jiyong. I know that for sure. 

I made a mental note to call her again about that, but this time I had to get some sleep.


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mtrlfcpa #1
Chapter 32: You make me sob when bom let out her last goodbye,very sad that they didn't end of in the end, but there's nothing we can do about it!reality check! practicality wise bom has an incurable disease. But atleast for bom he was able to be with his last love in the end! And for jiyong he still consider bom's presence! Aist, you rally make me cry every time i remember bom died but still want to congratulate you for finishing and making this great story. Kamsamnida chingu..I hope you'll come up with new GBOM FIC.
Chapter 32: Can't. Stop. Crying. Aigoo~ TT_TT It's a sad-happy ending but this is so beautiful <3 Thank you so much author-nim! I really enjoyed reading this fic. God bless you. Fighting~! <3
janellabeatriz #3
Chapter 31: Kyaaah! Nice move Authornim ^^ Cliff hanger ^_^ kekeke I love how Jiyong confessed to Bommie. kekeke
Chapter 31: I'm totally picturing things out especially at Bom and Jiyong's scene. Kyaaaaaaaaa~ ^3^ Update soon author-nim! <3
Chapter 30: New reader here.. Please make it a happy g-bom ending authornim!! Please.. :)))
Xinnurul #6
Chapter 29: aigoo... authornim, i really like your story, but i don't like how jiyong easily move on...huhu...poor my bommie...
janellabeatriz #7
Chapter 29: New reader here Authornim. You made me cry most of the times. Aigoo. Fighting Authornim!
Chapter 29: My heart.. Aigoo.. Author-nim.. Please for the love of GBOM.. Please let it be a happy ending. T_____T
Chapter 29: My head is spinning like crazy.aigoooo it hurts