Chapter 1

Can I be your Daehyun??

One fine morning..

Daehyun opened the window of his room and smiled to the blue sky.

"What a great feeling." He murmured under his breath.

From the place he stood,he could hear Zelo was fighting over a pillow with Jongup at the living room.

Then,Himchan came and tried to be a peacemaker.

Secretly,Daehyun smiled.*aish,these boys*

All of the boys seemed having a good holiday at Nami Island.

They had worked really hard so they deserved that holiday.

Daehyun started walked to the door;opening it.

"Where are you going Daehyun?" Yongguk asked from the kitchen.

"Out.Wanna enjoy the fresh air outside." he answered behind his shouders and left the house.

After five minutes walking along the road,he saw a beach.


Without hesitation,he walked towards the beach.

..and that was the moment where he saw Sora;wearing a white dress,walking along the beach.

She let the sea breeze blew her long brunette hair.Earphone was stucked on her both ears.

"Is that an angel?" Daehyun was drooling from afar.

Sora who was listening to B.A.P's Stop it from her MP3 player,smiled to herself.

She,then,stopped and leaned against an abandoned boat at the beach.

Daehyun hesitated.*Should I say hi?*

But before his brain started doing any decision,his body automatically moved onward.

"Mind if I sat here?" he said,pointed at beside her.

She looked up once and nodded.

Daehyun smiled and sat beside her.He was secretly trying to hide his grin.

After a few seconds,she looked up again,eyes widened.

Daehyun smiled at her.*Does she recognize me?*

Sora's jaw dropped opened.*Wow! I can't believe my eyes!  He really looks like Daehyun !"

Daehyun smiled."Why?" he asked,pretending didn't know why her jaw dropped opened like that.

*Of course she would be shock seeing me.I'm Jung Daehyun.The famous vocalist of B.A.P.Everybody knows me.* he thought silently.

"OMO!!" She squealed.

He grinned *I told ya*

"OMO!! You are really look alike of B.A.P's Daehyun!! Like a twin!!" she squeaked happily.


Looking at Daehyun's confused face,Sora asked,"Ouh,You don't know who's Daehyun,do you?Wait a second."

Now,Daehyun's jaw turn to drop opened.

Sora took one of her earphone and shovel it on Daehyun's ear.

"This is one of B.A.P's song.B.A.P's members are really talented! I love all of them! The main vocalist is Daehyun! and you got a face like him! Oh,I can't believe it.How lucky you are!" she squealed again.

Daehyun heard 'Stop it' song played from the earphone.

"Daehyun's voice is so beautiful..."she said dreamily.

At that moment,he decided to play along."Oh,really?? Am I that popular??" he said with a laugh.

Sora laughed along with him.

"Oh,me and my charms!" he exclaimed.

Sora giggled again before said."I'm Sora.Park Sora.You?"

He cleared his throat."I'm Jung...."

She raised her eyebrows "Jung what??"

"Jung..Hyun Dae."

Sora squealed again."Oh! you also got the same first name as Daehyun! Jung!"

Daehyun laughed *aish,she really don't get it right? So naive..but.. adorable.*

Then,she told more about B.A.P to Daehyun as she thought he didn't know anything about it.

She told about their songs,their reality shows,their music videos and all.

Daehyun listened with a smile.

Her voice is such a melodic sound,he thought himself.

Suddenly,she gasped,glancing at her watch.

"Omo,I must be at my house right now! My family asked me to come home within twenty minutes! I must go now! " She stood up,wanted to leave.

Daehyun felt the sudden panic when she want to leave.He obviously didn't satisfy enough spending such a short time with Sora.

"W-wait!"he reached for her hand.

Sora stopped.Shocked,she glanced at Daehyun's hand which grabbed tightly her hand.

Blushed,he pulled his hand away."Ermm,Sora,do you think we..we..can meet again??"

She startled."Maybe,Hyun Dae.Tomorrow.Meet me here again tomorrow.If..if you really want to meet me."

With a smile,she left.

Daehyun smiled."Hyun Dae." he echoed then snorted."How can I came out with that such name?" 

But thinking that he would meet Sora again tomorrow made him getting overwhelmed..

*I fell in love at the first sight!*



Will update soon~

Sorry for the grammar or spelling error~

Too sleepy to fix anything~

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MitsuKyuYamazaki #1
Chapter 2: OMG OMG OMG
This story~~~~arrrggghhh~~~~
update sooon~ X'D
Chapter 2: Just found this story and I like it!!!!!!! I hope you update more!!! :D
Chapter 2: update soon~~~~Author-nim...XD
wow. i just realized that the main image of this pic is nami island.
i went there last autumn and it's a very romantic place <3333
Chapter 2: omg this is really sweet <3