It’s Better If You Don’t Understand

You Dont Like Me

Weekends are my favorite part of the week because I get to sleep and relax all day. It pays off the five stressful days of routine I do. Well, let’s just say being an adult makes me take on more responsibilities; responsibilities that I need to do so I could live a well-off life.

It was a Saturday morning and I was technically dead beat from all the workload I had to handle from the past few days. It was just 10 in the morning when Gongchan, a good friend and junior of mine, called me for about 5 times, until I woke up and grudgingly answered his oh-so-important call.

“Well, that took you long enough to wake up?” he airily said. This guy knows how I don’t go well being woken up when I don’t want to. It results to cursing, violence, grumpy mood and a lot more cursing. The last time Baro barged into my room at 8 in the morning, just so he could tell me how he bought a new video game that Sandeul was fond of playing (they are both 23 and they still love playing around… I don’t know how they manage to handle working and being hyper all the time) he ended up staying away from me for a good week. Don’t ask why he did. It was gruesome. Ha.

“The do you want, Chansik?” I asked exasperatedly while I sat up, ruffled my hair, rubbed my eyes and looked at my bedside clock. It read 10-oh-freaking-5 in the morning and that time happens to be 3AM for me when its weekends. It’s too freaking early to be waking me up.

“Typical of you, Jinyoung.” He replied while he gave off a haughty snort. If he was one of the four trying to sarcastically mock me so early in the day, that guy would probably receive a greeting from my fist… right fist, as soon as I see him.

“Last time I talked to you there was still a hyung after my name, hmm?” I was feeling more awake now after staring into space and stretching my arms. If I was my usual self, I would be muttering deadly threats at this guy and make him run away and hide, but he was Gongchan. I could or I rarely would get mad at him no matter what. I always end up letting him off, probably because he rarely does things with moronic reasons and probably because he was the youngest in the gang.  He probably has a good reason to be bothering me this early.

“Heehyun’s gonna have a birthday party plus a reunion from the guys back in the univer—” He explained as he yawned even before he got to finish saying the last word.”—sity. Yeah. She told me to pass the message to you since she doesn’t know if you’re still breathing or not.” Wow, that’s rude. I am alive, I’m just… busy. “… Sandeul sounded so excited when he called me. He sure loves parties.” He continued.

“You mean, he sure loves food. When is it?” I asked.  It took him a good second before he answered. He sounded like he just woke up too.

“Next week. Friday night. Shinwoo-hyung already offered to use his car so we could all go there together.” I see news spreads out fast. I wonder if Baro would go, this was his ex-girlfriend after all. And as if Gongchan heard my thoughts, he explained how Baro agreed to go too since he says he missed everybody and that he needs time to unwind. Well, this probably sums up to me willingly going or for me to await Baro and Sandeul’s annoying pleas for me to actually go. This is bummer but I guess I really need a break too.


Before I knew it a week passed by just like that and it was now Friday night. My shift just ended and I just got home. Just 6 more hours before the party starts and 3 more hours before Shinwoo picks me up. This is one of the perks of having the farthest house from him. I have to wait longer than the others. He just called me minutes ago, telling me that he would probably arrive later because Baro was still asleep when he went to their house and that he had to wait for Baro to finish getting ready.

“He’s really a handful.” I mumbled as I ruffled my hair and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I just finished taking a shower and I had nothing else to do but wait for another 2 hours so I could start dressing up. I’m glad the party wasn’t that extravagant since the invite only said to dress however the hell we want. Heehyun was really a social butterfly so it’s not surprising she chose to make this as casual as it could be. Before I could even continue my inner reflections about this party, the doorbell rang. I frowned. Shinwoo’s not supposed to be here until later. I hesitantly walked over to the door while I wore a shirt that was lying on the sofa near me.

“Hey! I thought you were gonna come later… I’m still—“I nervously tried to explain myself even as I was opening the door because I was expecting an irritated Shinwoo to greet me but no, it was clearly not him that decided to come at this time.

“Yo.” He deadpanned. What is he doing here?

“Gongchan?” I raised an eyebrow at him. “Where’s Shinwoo? You alone? What are you doing here? I thought you—”

“Hyung.” He called me out again and that judging look from him made me stop and shut up.

“What?” I asked him, wide-eyed. Gongchan lightly shook his head and walked past me. He went straight to the sofa and made himself comfortable. I just silently followed him with my eyes and went to the fridge to get him something he could munch on.

“Ya…” I called out as I tossed him an apple and leaned on the kitchen door and crossed my arms. I silently looked at him while he momentarily took a good look at what I threw him before he even took a bite. He too, silently munched on the apple while he took in the look of my house before he even acknowledged my presence again.

“Thanks. And oh… Hyung says we should just go there on our own. Seems like the other two is giving him a hard time.” He said while he continued to scroll through his phone. I can’t help but snort because I can clearly imagine how much scolding Baro and Sandeul’s probably getting from Shinwoo right now.

“I see. Then do you want to go there early? I was just waiting for Shinwoo to arrive.” I asked. I don’t want him to get bored waiting for another 2 hours before we head out. There’s nothing to do in my house at all.

“Umm.. sure. Im gonna make you some coffee while you go get ready. I don’t want to die on the way to the party. You look dead tired, hyung. No offense.” He flat-out told me while he had that annoying smirk on his face.

“Yeah. Whatever. No sugar.” I waved him off as I walked up the stairs.

“I’m gonna mix in a load of it though.” Gongchan silently muttered. This kid can be evil at times you know. I don’t think anybody besides me and Shinwoo realized that. Unfortunately for him, I heard his plan.

“Try me and I will not let you ride with me after the party ends.” I threatened. I didn’t get to hear his reply but I did hear him laugh. I opened my room and went on to get change. This is going to be a long night. “I need to look good anyway…” I murmured to myself.


“Umm… did you come here with somebody?” a girl about my age asked me.

“Yeah. She just went to the restroom.” I replied. Im sorry Gongchan, I need to address you as a girl for the whole night, I guess. The girl forced a smile and then left. I sighed. This has been the nth time somebody went up to me and tried to have a chit-chat. Shinwoo and the other two still aren’t here yet and the party already started an hour ago. If I only knew this would happen… I wouldn’t have left Gongchan alone. I went out to take a puff and knowing Gongchan, he’ll surely scold me for doing so. Actually, everyone scolds me when they see me smoke. I… I just can’t help it. I promised them I wouldn’t smoke anymore but the habit’s still stuck to me so I would sneak out from time to time.

“Ugh. This…is bull.” I dramatically muttered. “Another one please!” I exclaimed to the bartender. I decided to drink the night away since I wasn’t a fan of dancing, or more like not a fan of girls circling me when I do. It’s also been about half an hour when I started drinking and it still surprises me I’m wide awake. When I was younger, I couldn’t handle my alcohol well that after 10 glasses I’ll probably be passing out already. I guess all of my vices rooted from there.

“Ahh. . Why do I even have to remember that?” I talked to myself again. I frowned at the glass I’ve been playing with for a while now. The bartender then came and poured me another glass of vodka and I gave him a nod. Heehyun had everything for free so I’m drinking all I can tonight. I turned around my chair and looked at the dance floor that was practically a crowd of a mess. Everyone was dancing here and there and all the tables at the side had passed out people or people flirting with one another on them. I got to spot some familiar faces but I’m too lazy to come up to them and talk. Besides, I don’t think I had a lot of friends back in the university. I bet Heehyun just invited me so she could get an excuse to invite Baro too. I smirked at the thought and gulped down my vodka. I was about to stand up and go out again but my phone vibrated so I took it out and read the message.

From: Shinwoo-hyung.

Subject: Hey.

We’re finally here. Where are you? The two already escaped my grasps and has pranced around to the dancefloor and the food. -_- Oh wait, I think I know where you are.

“And when I was about to smoke too… ” I mumbled and sighed. I guess I have to wait for him to find me. Seeing as I have this brightly dyed red wine hair… I’m sure Shinwoo finding me would be a breeze. I clicked my tongue and placed my phone back to my pocket and turned back to the table as I gulp down another glass until he comes and finds me.

“Umm… Excuse me? Do you have some soda here? Or juice? Without some alcohol mixed in it? Coz I have a friend who’s being—”A girl suddenly jumped on the seat next to me and started to bombard the bartender with questions, the bartender looked half amused and half pissed. Is she kidding? A bar with a drink without Heehyun’s party? This girl must be a first timer. I stole a glance at the bartender’s face to see his reaction and I smirked. He had this unsure face on and had the are-you-kidding-me-miss face. He held the glass he was wiping a minute ago, not sure if he should answer the girl or ignore her. I was about to take another sip of my drink when another girl spoke. It sounded familiar but I wasn’t sure so I continued to look down at my glass and eavesdrop.

“Cho! Shut up. I told you I’m okay. You’re drunk. Now stop.” The other girl commanded. “I’m sorry about this obnoxious woman. Please ignore her.” I can’t help but silently snort at her remark. Well, that was downright blunt.

“Aww! But Jungie…” I suddenly jerked my head to the girl’s direction as if my body reacted to it by itself. It was too late to realize that I wasn’t the one being addressed. My action was so sudden that I was expecting them to laugh at me but they were too engrossed about teasing each other so they paid me no mind, and heck was I glad for that. “…since when did you address me as Cho? Th-That’s…meannn… Where’s the unnie in there? Huh? HUH? Bad… Bad! So bad.” The girl who sat beside me sat backwards and leaned her back to the table. She had her hand near her chest as if her heart really hurts. I was silently amused that I had to bit my lip to stop myself from laughing out loud, this reminds me a lot of how I talked with Gongchan (well minus chest grabbing part) when he called me this morning.

Just as the girls continued to argue, it was just then that I took the time to observe them both. The girl who was beside me had auburn dyed hair that reached just below her ears. She had smokey makeup on and was wearing a red tube dress that really emphasized how skinny she was. It was not that flattering for her since she barely had s (not that I’m being erted) but it wasn’t that bad too… or it’s just me loving red that I find it acceptable. I really don’t know. The other girl stood in front of her with her arms crossed in front of her stomach. She had her head hung low and impatiently tapped her foot on the ground while talking with the other girl. She had dark brownish hair that flowed down until just below her chest, it covered her face so I can’t tell what she looked like. She was wearing a black cocktail dress that was embedded with little red diamond flowers near the end of her skirt. She kept on rubbing her hand on her right arm while she spoke, she looked wary of this place and was firm about getting out of here as soon as possible.

“Just chill. I haven’t even danced that much yet.” the Cho girl suddenly exclaimed while she playfully slapped the Jungie’s girl’s arm.

“Can’t we go upstairs? This place is so loud.” The Jungie retorted sounding impatient. Before I could even differentiate and observe them, someone tapped my shoulder that made me turn around in an instant.

“Hey! I knew you’d be here! Sorry I kept you—” CNU was cut off when Heehyun suddenly strode our way with Baro and Sandeul in tow. She held their arms and was shaking her head while smirking our way.

“You two!” She barked at us, half joking and half mad. She then pushed Baro and Sandeul our way and crossed her arms over her chest. “I was expecting you hyungs of these mofos to handle them well… and yet here you are drinking and chilling like you don’t have kids with you.” She pointed an accusing finger at us before she frowned.

“Hey! They are in their 20s… Come on.” Shinwoo retorted while he tapped me again in the shoulder for some silent sign of follow-me-up-with-a-better-retort-for-this-girl-to-shut-up. I shook my head and silently stood up and went in front of Heehyun while I smirked at her petite figure compared to mine.

“Hee... I’m sorry okay. He pushed me off the platform first. I was just trying to see how he works.” Baro suddenly muttered. Shinwoo lightly nudged him to shut up. But Baro continued to defend himself. “…Its true hyung! Im not the one who started it.” I held up my hand and signaled him to stop and he did.

“I heard you used to call one of them oppa? Hmm?” I innocently whispered to her with my most charming smile. She frowned at me and stomped at my foot before she sarcastically laughed.

“Well, you see Mr. Jung… You’re friend here…Mr. Cha just punched the DJ and this other derp here just went in the kitchen and made a ruckus since no one gave him hotdogs with marshmallows. HOTDOGS WITH FREAKING MARSHMALLOWS. Can you tell how embarrassing that was? I’m the host here so all the guests that come here are blamed on me.” She heaved out a long and heavy sigh before she continued “Jung Jinyoung, I would appreciate it if you at least keep them in check. Don’t ruin the party I held. Please.”

I looked away and sighed “Okay. Whatever. I’m sorry about them. I’ll make sure to reprimand them later. Is there anything else they did?” I was expecting her to complain more but she just blew her bangs out of her face and pouted. “No. Nothing else. Thank you very much.” With that she her heels and left us. I clicked my tongue and turned around. I was getting ready to scold the two but before I could speak, the Jungie girl cut me off.

“Jung… Jinyoung? Jung no-eyes Jinyoung?” she asked. I was shocked and insulted for a moment but all of the emotions bubbling inside me tripled when I looked at her with the same shell-shocked face like I had.

“Jungie… was you?” I choked. All the confidence I tried to intimidate Heehyun with turned into nothing. I felt like I wanna turn into a pile of nothing. She stared at me more than I want her to, looking me up from head to toe and taking in my presence in front of her. I honestly think I look alarmed as her. For a moment, I was scared and expecting for her to run away at the sight of me but all she did was open her might to try and speak and fail. I have to keep that in mind. Maybe she’s not mad anymore?

“Oh! The cocky Jinyoung! Who’d expect for us to meet here?” and that’s when I realized why the girls who were talking beside me sounded so familiar. I knew them all along.

“Jaemi, Why are you here?” I asked while completely ignoring the other girl which was... yep… you guessed it, Cho Miyato. Why is she with her? I have a bad history with Cho so I don’t want to get involved with her that much. But I was honestly expecting to bump into her here since it’s her cousin’s party after all… what I wasn’t expecting is for her to be with Jaemi and for Jaemi to even be here.

“Hey, JJ!” Sandeul suddenly exclaimed from behind me. I subconsciously gripped my hand so tight that I wouldn’t have noticed it if Baro didn’t mumble out loud that I might be mad. Sandeul just ran into her like they were old friends. Or were they? I’m missing a lot and I hate it.

“Hey.” Jaemi said as she returned the hug and smiled at Sandeul. She completely had a 180 degree turn of expression compared to when she was talking with me. Something in me got pricked but who gives a about that when I want to choke Sandeul so bad later, right?

“Hyungs! This is Jaemi, My neighbor and childhood friend.” Sandeul then slung his arm on Jaemi’s shoulder while I stay rooted in my spot. I’m afraid that if I take a step closer, Jaemi would run away and Sandeul would get harmed.

“Nice to meet you all.” She then bowed at everybody and stopped the moment she saw me looking at her. She smiled hesitantly and avoided my eyes while she greeted me with a plain “Hi” and gave a light nod.

“Wait! You two know each other?” Baro asked and all the others nodded their heads waiting for my reply.

“Yeah. We were… frie—classmates when I transferred. ” I was about to say we were friends but I felt like she still hated me so I opt to choose a safer term. I stole a glance at her and she was looking at me with those scrutinizing eyes. She was about to say something but Sandeul cut her off. She looked at me once again and her expression clearly said we need to talk. I discreetly nodded at her so the others won’t notice the silent conversation we were having. I’m glad she wasn’t ignoring me like last time so I can’t help but inwardly smile to myself.

After taking off everyone’s attention from the both of us, I slipped away from the others and went outside. She seemed to notice it as my cue to come with me that just after minutes of me standing in the hall of the building, she ran up to me while catching her breath.

 “You… you’re still a fast walker…” she said in between breaths. I smirked at her and lightly bumped her head with my fist. “… and still the brutal you, I see” she continued.

“I was honestly expecting you to run away when you saw me.” I truthfully confessed while I looked away. I can’t hide the disappointment in my voice either and she seemed to notice it too.

“I’m sorry, Jinyoung.” She replied. I flinched. When I didn’t respond she carefully held my face with her cold hands and faced it to her direction so I was directly looking down at her. “I am truly sorry… for everything. Not just about earlier. I’m sorry for not sending you off when you transferred and… I’m just truly sorry.” Her voice started to quiver and turn into a whisper the more she talked. She released my face from her touch and it was her turn to look away this time. Ever since before I hated seeing her cry so I was determined to lighten up the mood between us so I imitated her action and made her face me. I smiled down at her and brushed her bangs to the side.

“I’m sorry too.” My smile turned sad while I stared back at her. I was about to say more but she flicked my forehead and laughed.

“I’m not mad at you. Just… can we start over? Friends again? Don’t reject me or I will kick you where it hurts” she threatened as she bit back her laugh. I shook my head and ruffled her hair.

“Sure… JaeUNNIE” I told her while I ran away.



With that we started our bickering friendship again like how we used to…



 8 years ago.

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