So We Meet

--Glow In The Dark--

"Class, please welcome our newest addition, Sehun!" the teacher announced. Luhan groaned. Another addition? Haven't the newest two been enough?

"Ni... Hao... My name is Oh Sehun and I'm from Korea... Please take good care of me," the said boy bowed to his new classmates. Luhan scoffed. He came to China to study and yet he can still stumble on the most basic things anyone can say. Ni and Hao. Something every child learns to say to people they meet, yet a seventeen-year-old couldn't say it properly.

"Very well, Sehun, you can sit next to Luhan," the teacher, Miss Ni, replied. "Luhan, please raise your hand," she instructed.

Reluctantly, Luhan sighed and put up his right hand, three pale bracelets on his milky white skin immediately catching Sehun's attention. Sehun cautiously made his way over, careful not to trip over any backpacks that littered the classroom floor.

"It's nice to meet you," Sehun said shyly, taking a seat next to Luhan, who only grunted in response. Seeing the lack of enthusiasm, Sehun sighed and took out his notebook, writing his thoughts of his first day, all in Korean.


"You know, it's not nice to write about someone when they're sitting right beside you..." the voice startled Sehun. He visibly flinched as he turned his head, only to meet with Luhan's black mop of hair
since Luhan was staring intently at his notebook.

"How... How do you know what I'm writing?" Sehun asked while clutching his chest, trying to slow his heartbeat.

"I can speak Korean too, you know," Luhan answered, eyes never leaving Sehun's notebook.

Luhan's POV

'... He's actually pretty cute...? I mean, with his shoulder length-ish hair... Big doe eyes... Why am I even writing this?' Wait what? What am I reading? He thinks I'm cute? I felt heat rush to my cheeks.

"You think I'm cute?" I asked in Korean, with an accent. Sehun's eyes widened.

"Ah! Anni! Anni! I... I... Uh..." he blabbered. I couldn't help but giggle. Even though I don't usually get along well with people I've just met, I couldn't help but find that Sehun had this aura around him that just made me feel comfortable... Even if I was a little mean to him at the start...

"So you really find me cute?" I asked again. Sehun's face had a light pink tint. How adorable.

"If I say yes will you hate me even more?" He replied quietly. I was taken aback. Sehun thinks I hate him? Sehun seemed to have taken my silence as a yes. He sighed, carefully keeping his notebook in his bag and looked to the board, trying to get what the teacher Miss Ni was writing.

Sehun's POV

Why is the Chinese language so hard? I could barely understand a single word Miss Ni had written on the board. Sure, I could speak it fairly fluently, but when it came to writing, it was like Greek to me.

"Need help?" I turned around to see Luhan's dark eyes scanning the board intently. Everyone had left for lunch five minutes ago, so the only person he could possibly be talking to was me.

"Sort of..." I muttered. I'm thankful that there's someone that can speak to me in Korean, even if it's with an accent. The other two Koreans in my class, Minseok, or as everyone liked to call him, Xiumin, and Jongdae, also known as Chen, grasped the language really well and they rarely spoke a word of Korean, even to each other. It was so hard to communicate with the people here.

"... And she said that there would be a test next week." Luhan's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. Wait. A test?!

"What test? What's it about?" I asked. I knew I was going to fail it, but at the very least, I wanted to know a little of what will be tested.

"An essay writing test," Luhan answered simply. "We get these all the time... No biggie." Sure, it's no biggie to you, you've been speaking this language all your life!

sorry if this is short and disappointing!! >< it's not all... haha I have to edit some parts and what not... and i hope it's not too confusing >< oh, and the reason why Luhan has black hair is because i'm describing his predebut hair. i like his predebut hair xD 

oh, and i know that it's usually Luhan transferring to a Korean school and everything but i just decided to change it.. hehe.

ps. History is playing on radio now. xD IREONA IREONA IREONA 

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