Chapter 21

Your Relevance


The next day, I received a text from Sungyeol saying he was almost here. I quickly put some shorts and a tank top over my bikini, swung my bag over my shoulder and opened the window. I turned around to make sure I had locked my door before climbing out. I saw their figures walking down the street. Myungsoo spotted me first and he pointed at me, while saying something. Once he said something, Sungyeol became alert and started running towards my house.

I put my finger to my lips and pointed downstairs. He got the hint that I was sneaking out and hid behind a bush with everyone else.

I read his lips. He said, “Be careful.”

I put a thumbs up and started to climb down the ladder. They couldn't see the ladder, the tree was covering it. I placed the ladder there last night when my dad had gone to sleep. Luckily our house wasn't very high. I tiptoed to the backyard and left that way instead of the front way, because my dad would probably see me for sure. I walked around to the front where they were hiding in the bushes. I laughed at the sight. I could hear them talking.


“Where is she?”

“Did she make it down?”

“What if she didn't?!”

“Don't say that. She knows what she's doing.”

“Damn tree...”

“What if she died?”

“Shut up!”

I ran and jumped on Sunggyu's back.

“AH!” he screamed.

Everyone turned around and their eyes widened when they spotted me.

“Da Eun!” they yelled.

I jumped off of Sunggyu's back and waved.

“Hi hi.”

“How did you...?” Dongwoo pointed to the house.


Woohyun smiled and ruffled my hair.

“Kaja!” Sungjong fist pumped and ran.


Sungyeol walked beside me.

“Beautiful day, isn't it?” he asked.

I nodded.

“So did you sneak out?”

I nodded.

“Won't your dad be mad?”

I shrugged.

“Maybe we should take you back...” he suggested.

“No way, I already made it out. Might as well have fun right?” I smiled up at him.

He smiled. “I suppose.”


“How long is it?” I asked as we stepped onto the train.

“Hmmm, the subway is about 30 minutes and the bus ride after wards like ten minutes.” Sungyeol explained.

I sat down and Sungyeol took the seat next to me. During the ride, I could hear Woohyun and Hoya's bickering from the other side. I smiled at Sungyeol as he took my hand.

“Halmoni, you can take my seat.” Sungyeol stood up and offered.

The old lady smiled and patted his cheek. “Thank you, son.”

I beamed at him and he smiled down at me, still holding tightly onto my hand.

The lady turned to me and smiled.

“This young boy, is he your boyfriend?” she asked.

Before I could deny that he wasn't, she interrupted me. “He's a keeper.”

Sungyeol seemed pleased with what she said because when I looked up at him, he had a smug smile on his lips.


My phone vibrated in my pocket. Chunji was calling. My heart started to beat faster as I stared at the screen.

I hesitantly picked it up.


“Da Eun? Sorry I haven't called or anything. I've been busy. Are you home? Can we talk?”

Feels like ages since I heard his voice. It kind of made my chest hurt from seeing his face everyday to never even hearing his voice.

“Sorry oppa, I'm not home right now.” I said, glancing at Sungyeol who was talking to Myungsoo about something.

“Okay, I'll just come by later.” he said.

Is he acting like he didn't see Sungyeol and I kiss?

I was going to tell him to come tomorrow because I didn't know what time I'd be back but he interrupted me.

“Sorry, I have to go. Bye.” He hung up.

I pursed my lips before closing my phone and putting it back in my bag.


Once the lady had got up from her spot, Sungyeol took the seat next to me again.

“That was nice of you.” I told him.

“Old people are number two on my 'who to take care of' list. They only have so much longer.” he said.

“Who's number one?”


I blushed and looked away.


Once it was our stop, we stood up and walked out. This part of Seoul was a lot more busier so we stuck together closely. We got on the bus but we had to stand since all the seats were taken.

“Chincha...why is it so crowded?” I heard Woohyun complain.

“It's nice out today, that's why. Now stop moving. I'm like pushed up against this door cause of you.” I heard Sunggyu say back.

“Oh, don't act like you don't like it.”


We got off and the water park entrance was right in front of us.

“40 per person.” the guy at the front said.

We all started to take out our wallets.

“No need!” Sungjong stepped up holding a green card.

We looked at him in confusion.

He gave the worker the card and he swiped it. The gates opened.

“Thanks for visiting us. Have a great day.” he said.

We walked in while staring at Sungjong in front of us.

“VIP pass. I told you I like water parks.” he smiled and started making his way towards the locker rooms.

We stared at him in disbelief.

“Maknae on top.” Hoya said as he followed the said boy.


“We can share a locker if you want.” Sungyeol said.

I nodded. “Sure.” I put my bag in it before he closed it. As we walked out, Sungyeol grabbed us each a towel.

“So what first?” Woohyun asked, throwing an arm around both of us.

“Hmmm, I don't know.” Sungyeol thought out loud.

“I suggest we don't split up like we did last time. We couldn't find each other until literally the last minute when the water park was empty.” Sunggyu said.

Everyone nodded.

I looked around and smiled because of all of the happy faces and kids running around.


Once I spotted the diving board area, my legs had a mind of their own and I made my way towards it without saying anything.

“Da Eun! Wait up!” They called and ran up to me.

There weren't that many people in the diving board area. Only about one or two. Other people would rather be riding the rides or swimming around in the pool. There were 5 diving boards and a separate pool for each so I managed to get my own. I was happy I didn't have to wait in a line.

My dad had paid for swimming lessons before when I was younger and there they taught me how to swim and dive. I loved it so much. But ever since then, I haven't gotten on one or even stepped in a pool.

I took off my shirt and shorts and quickly made my way up the ladder. I slowly walked to the edge and smiled down at the water. I started doing little jumps. They were all watching me.

“I hope you know what you're doing!” Hoya yelled.

“Yeah! You've never even been to a beach!” Sungjong pointed out.

“Doesn't mean I don't know how to swim!” I yelled back.



I did three jumps before doing a flip and landing in the water perfectly.

I still got it.

I stepped out of the pool while trying to get water out of my ear.

“Wah! That was so cool!” Dongwoo said, trying to imitate my flip.

I chuckled. “Thanks.”

“That's it?” Sungyeol asked. “You don't want to do more?”

I shrugged. “I was just curious if I still had my flip. That's all. Let's go!” I said, grabbing my towel and running.

“What now?” Myungsoo asked.

Sungjong and Dongwoo looked at each other before smiling. “TUBING!” they screamed and started to walk over to the tubing section.

We all slowly followed behind. Sungyeol ran up to me.

“Cute suit.” he whispered in my ear.

I looked down and blushed. It was yellow with white polka dots.

I covered myself with my towel.

“Stop staring!” and I started to run away.

“Y-yah! I wasn't staring! I just...” he ran after me. Once he caught up to me, he picked me up by the waist and spun me around.

I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck. He put me down slowly and kissed my nose.

“Hey love birds! Come on!” Hoya yelled, waving us over to get in line.

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks as Sungyeol tugged me along.

Why was I so oblivious of my surroundings when I'm with him?



over 20 chapters already?! *cries* it's going by so fast!

i was searching for infinite's debut stage and i finally found it. and woohyun ripped his pants...hahaha. you could seriously see his WHOLE inner thigh! does that boy wear underwear?!?! hopefully not.


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Chapter 30: I love how Chunji is so nice
I love this story so much! It made me cry :) It's gotta be one of my favourites. ^_^
Hikaa12 #3
Chapter 10: The hypocrisy between the poor and the rich ;~;
asdfg5555 #4
Chapter 30: great story! love it <3
Chapter 30: I remembered reading this quite a long time ago! Hahahaha!
jesyra #6
Chapter 30: OMG this is so cute. I wonder why I haven't read it the 1st time I browsed your stories. I didn't know it was about Sungyeol. I loved how Da Eun changed for the better. All the boys were so funny and sweet. But then I think about the soccer game and I cringe, but even that chapter was nice, because Da Eun and Sungyeol talked to each other then. I wish Chunji happiness and I wish L.Joe would be nicer to his siblings. All in all, I loved this~ Thanks author-nim, I enjoyed reading this fic. :)
Twentyfour #7
Chapter 7: At first I thought this would be the remake of poor ruk namo, but it seems like it's the pee nong song lued which I haven't seen despite how long I've been a D2B fan for. It's nice to see a D2B fan on aff. I'm also writing a fanfic inspired by D2B but I won't be uploading it till the end of the year! I shall continue reading this!! :)
kimkibumk #8
Chapter 29: aaah! omg chunji oppa^^
kimkibumk #9
Chapter 22: ahh omg this is cute ^*^
Chapter 30: yeollie bby ~~~~