The Beginning

Since When Did We Fall In Love


  Your Pov
 “Yah, Pabo, wake up now! I don’t to be late AGAIN, okay!” Aish this girl! How can she shout like a crazy woman at this BEAUTIFUL MORNING.  “Yah!” “ Yes Miss Minhee. I hear you so can you now stop shouting like a crazy girl who lost their boyfriend, huh.” “ If I don’t, you won’t wake up, my little twins. And I don’t want to jump at that stupid gate AGAIN just because you’re late!” “ Huh! That’s not the way to wake up people at the BEAUTIFUL MORNING, you just make a MONSTER MORNING, you know?!”
“Yah, kids! Stop arguing ! It’s already late.” Your mum shout. “Arasso” I and Minhee shouts. “Now, be faster.” “Okay!” I walk to the bathroom to get ready. I wonder one day how she’ll wake her husband -smirk-  “Yah, faster! And what with that smirk?” “Nothing, sis!” I then giggles before enter my fancy bathroom.
I wear my uniform and go downstairs to grab some breakfast. “Yah eat fast” “Arasso , arasso. I know you want me to die earrrrly” “Aish, this kids” “Yah! You also kids then!” “But I more matured than you -smile evilly -”
“Yah! Yah! Stop arguing!” umma shout. Aish this lady. How can she shout sooo loud. I think why Minhee always yell and shout because of she inherit it from umma. Umma loud voices that no need mic but can hear until 10km away -smile evilly-” “Yah! What with the smile?! Umma and Minhee SHOUT AGAIN!
                                                                                End of Pov
"See, I told you already to be faster. Now we need to jump at this stupid gate AGAIN!" "Unni, stop nagging, let's jump before someone sees us" You sometimes called Minhee, unni or Minhee. "Keurae, let's jump" Minhee said while throwing her bag so it will be easier to jump. "Mihi, throw your bag" "Don't want, my bag is like my soul" Minhee rolled her eyes and begin to jump. "Comon let's jump" Minhee order you to jump "123! Aaahh" "Yah! Are you alright?" "I'm fine, but Unni , why I don't feel any pain, huh?" You ask innocently but Minhee don't answer you.
"Yah, Pabo! Get off from me, yo heavy fat bear!" You look down  and saw your most wanted person to die just inches of your nose. You get off and tidy your self. You look around to look for Minhee and you saw her glaring at Infinite. *Aish this so called perfect guys is here* you thought. As you want to walked to Minhee, your wrist were held by a hand and you know it was L hand. " Yah, where you want to go? Don't want to say SOORY?" *Oh yeah, SORRY my * you thought. " Why should I say SORRY to you? Huh?" You were pretending like you forget the incident. "Why should, huh?! Because you just landing on my pretty yet perfect body -smirk-" You kicks his leg very hard and pull Minhee with you because L just ruined your mood. " Yah! You owed me two!" From far you can hear L shout but you just pretend not hear it.
   "Hey hyung, are you alright?" Sungjong ask. " Aish ofcourse not!" L rubbed his stomach. "I'm sure she is very verrry fat that why you still can feel the pain" Sungjong laugh along with others Infinite members. "Yah! How can you laugh while see I'm hurt here!" "Relax, Relax" Sunggyu said while laugh. *Relax my * L thought while rubbing his stomach. *I will get a revenge because you just landing on my pretty yet perfect body and make my friend fun at me* L thought again while smirk.
                                           Sorry For The Short Chapter!
I know it's boring chapterrrrrrrrrrrrrr~ Aish I will work out my hand along with brain to make this more interesting!
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is this MyungYeon?
Chapter 2: I like your story, but it's too difficult to read because i read from my phone :(