Youngae And The Failed(?) Date

Prisoner of Life |Discontinued|
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Kiseop read the menu carefully. Youngae had chosen the restaurant, an Italian one, not too far away from Book's Kiss. They had walked there together after work, Youngae taking Kiseop's hand when they were about halfway. Kiseop very much hoped she didn't notice how sweaty his palm got. She had changed out of the clothes she had worn at work, just like Kiseop, and into a casual skirt, but still nice enough for a restaurant, and a cute, pastel blue shirt (the color reminded Kiseop of Kevin's blanket) that showed off her smooth curves.

"Have you decided on something yet?" Youngae asked and Kiseop snapped out of his thoughts, suddenly aware of that he was staring blankly at the menu.

"Yeah, I'll take this, um," he quickly scanned the page again, "Spaghetti alla bolognese?" He was sure that he didn't pronounce it right, but hopefully she understood.

"Then I'll take Spaghetti alla carbonara," Youngae said smiling, her pronunciation perfect.

"Should we order?" Kiseop asked, receiving a nod in reply. As the man, he assumed it was his task to order, so he raised his hand, calling for the waitress. When she arrived he ordered for them, painfully aware of his horrible pronunciation. Thankfully, the waitress seemed to understand. He let out a sigh of relief when she left.


Youngae did most of the talking. Kiseop found out that she was very talkative, and talked about everything from her friends to work to a trip to China as a girl. Kiseop kept quiet for the most part, learning to nod and utter a sound of agreement at the right times. When they had almost finished their meal (or rather, Kiseop had finished fifteen minutes ago, and he had eaten as slowly as possible, and Youngae still had some left), Kiseop was starting to wish she would just be quiet and finish her spaghetti.

They stayed at the restaurant for a little while longer even after Youngae had finished her meal. She still talked and didn't seem like she would run out of words in the next few hours. After a while she excused herself to the restroom, and was gone for several minutes. At least Kiseop got his silence (only interrupted by the muffled voices of other diners at the restaurant), but he started worrying about if something was wrong with her, until he remembered she was a girl (not that he had ever forgotten). There was probably nothing to worry about if she took a long time in the restroom.

Kiseop offered to pay for the both of them when Youngae returned. He was the man after all, and men should pay, right?

When they left the restaurant, Kiseop waited for Youngae to start walking, but when she didn't after several long seconds, he guessed that maybe she waited for the same thing from him. He glanced down to find her expectant eyes on him. He started searching his mind. 'Kevin, what did Kevin say?' he thought. 'Kiss, no. Bed, no! Park. A walk in the park!'

"Do you wanna go for a walk in the park?" he asked hesitantly.

"Sounds good," she answered and Kiseop let out a breath he didn't even know he had been holding. "Is there a park around here?"

Damn. Was there even a park around here? He tried to think. There wasn't, right? There was no park around here. He was screwed.

Then he remembered about a playground he had seen once when he took a walk around his neighbor

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Chapter 14: Update soooooooon I wanna know what happens next!!!!
Aki_Hikari #2
Chapter 14: Those lies will bring him trouble...
b2utyAngel #3
Chapter 14: kevin, you are really good....
Soohyun... :(
woooww~ dis is good, author! chu awesome! ^^
b2utyAngel #6
Chapter 9: good, kiseop!
treelovesyou #7
Chapter 9: Youngae don't kiss him, he doesnt belong to you.