Oh My God

Gone But Not Forgotten

SooYoungs’ POV:

At school, just reading some books of chemistry.

“Hey, don’t read so much.” Someone just popped out on nowhere. I looked at his hand. I… I… grr, I wanna flip him!

“Don’t be so hot tempered. This time I look up to see who it was, DongHae. ‘Haish, this guy.’

“Don’t do that again or I’ll--” but I was cut off by him.

“Or what? You’ll break my bones?” I was in a slight shock, I don’t know why. He was the first guy to talk back at me. Am I pissed off? Arg… I just glare at him and went back to my reading.

“Next time, calm yourself. You can’t always break every guys bones.”

“Shut up.”

“I don’t want to.”

“Then go away.”

“I don’t want to.”

“Arg!! Get rid of me!!!” and I stood up, holding on to the table. All my classmates started to stare at me again.


“Hey hey, calm. Don’t be so rude.”

I looked at DongHae. This is the only guy that bothers me. I sat back and closed my eyes.

“Hana..dul..set..” and I slowly opened my eyes again, took my book and read again.

The class already started. DongHae put a paper beside my note. I looked at it and then to him, he just smiled at me. I took the paper and read it.

‘Hey, are you mad at me? I’m sorry…’

‘Can you sit somewhere else?’ that’s what I just said. Hai, why am I even bothering answering this.


“’Coz I don’t want to have a seatmate!!!”

‘Oh, sorry. I don’t want to sit anywhere else, but here.’ I crumpled the paper and didn’t answer anymore. This guy can piss me off.

“Will you answer my question SooYoung.”

“It’s the square root of 25. Which is 5.”

“Good.” And the lecture continued.

Lunch break. Great, this DongHae is still following me.

“Why are you following me again.” I just asked not facing him.

“I won’t get rid of you, unless we’ll be friends.”

“Aish… I can’t be your friend, I can’t ok?”

“Why then?”

“It’s none of your business.”

And I continued walking and ignored him. He was still following me, whenever I will stop, he’ll stop too. ‘Aish..’

I continued to walk and reached where I was heading to. I sat under the shed of the tree, he did it too. I looked at him but he just keeps on smiling at me.


Last subject, P.E. time. “Class, change on your P.E. uniform, we’ll play volleyball. And, do find your partner.”

When  I was finished changing, I got out of the rest room. I saw my girl classmates asking DongHae to be their partner but he keeps on refusing. I just smirked at them and just keep my things on my bag.

“I’m sorry, I already have a partner.” I heard him say.

“Who?” all the girls said, chorally.

“SooYoung.” I automatically stopped on what I am doing and faced DongHae who was already beside me. I then faced my classmates, they all walked away so I put my attention again to DongHae.

“Who told you that I’ll be your partner?”

“I do.”

“Well, I don’t want to.”

“Then who’ll be your partner?”

“No one but myself.”

“But our mentor said that we should have our partner.” I didn’t answer him anymore and just walked away heading to the court.

“Ok, go to your partners. I’ve already taught you the basics right?”

“Ne…” and our mentor let us start.

“SooYoung…” I heard him call.

“What?” I just said. Why don’t this guy stop bothering me. TT_TT

“I don’t have a partner.”

“Find one..”

“You’re the only one who’s available..”

“Aigoo~ ok ok.”


It was already time to go home. I saw DongHae went out of the room. Well, good. I packed my things and went out.


DongHaes’ POV:

I went out of the room the time the bell rang. I should wait for her in the gate, maybe that’ll be nice.. screw…

Not so long she came. “Hi…” and I joined her walk.

“Again, will you stop following me?”

“I promised myself I won’t get rid of you until we became friends.”

“Well you know, promises are made to be broken.”

“It’s not.”

“It is, so stop following me.” I just ignored her and still followed her.



SooYoungs’ POV:

I was already in front of our houses’ gate, he was still behind me. I suddenly saw dad in the window. I faced DongHae  and quickly pushed him to hide on the wall.

“You ert, hide..”


“Just hide.” And then dad went out, getting near to me.

“Yah, go. Go…” I saw him run away as what I told him.

“D-dad, I’m home.”

“What took you so long?! You should be here by 4. And who the hell that guy is?”

“Ah.. dad--” But he slapped me, didn’t even listen to my explanation. He then drag me, holding a grip on my hand.

“D-dad..dad…” but he won’t listen. The time we were inside the house, he pulled my bag. He took the rope, the rope he usually use to tie me up.

“Dad…please, don’t…” I begged. But he just even hold my wrist strongly that made them pale.

“Dad…” still begging him to loosen me up, but I just got another slap. I saw mom. She was already crying. She also got bruises.

“You deserve to be here! You even have time to flirt!” and then he pushed me down to the basement. I landed on the ground, I feel the pain, the usual pain I got from my father. The usual pain me and my mom got…. How can I, a great taekwondo athlete, can’t even fight on my father that I can surely break his bones…?? I know why, it’s because of mom. She won’t let me, she never let me….


Midnight, I can go out now. I surely know mom will come. It’s what she usually do.


“Oh SooYoung...” and she quickly hugged me.

“I’m sorry, I can’t protect you.”

“It’s ok mom, I’m fine.” And she loosen the rope that was surrounding my hands. The time she have loosen it, I hugged her. As if I never I saw her for a long time.

“Mom, he hurt you?”

“It doesn’t matter...” Mom helped me stood up and led me to my room.

“I’ve brought you your food, rest after you eat ok?” I nod at her and she went out of my room.


I woke up early as I usually do to be able to not to see dad in the morning, that’s a start of a bad day.

“Mom, I’m going now.”

“Take care ok?” I nod at her and went outside and headed to school.

I stared outside the window and watched the students enter the school. What happened last night, and the past years replayed. I can live by myself, but I don’t want to leave mom alone in the hands of my father.

“What are you thinking?” that voice again. I looked at him blankly.

“Seated long time already?”

“Just a couple of minute ago.” After he answered me, I faced the window again. Trying to refresh my self..


i haven't got a reader yet..but hope you'll try to read it.. hihi....... anyway, its ok.

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