




12 normal looking girls, work as no one would expect before... High class killers, whether they protect or they kill, that's their job.






Rule Number 1 - Accept the job or nicely decline it



Rule Number 2 - Once you take the job, no more questions



Rule Number 3 - Pulling self out once agreeing is prohibited



Rule Number 4 - Do not betray allies



Rule Number 5 - Trust no one



Rule Number 6 - Don't fall in love












This is my first fic and an apply fic, grammar, tenses mistakes hoped to be forgiven



..Credit goes to the amazing graphic designer IAmQueen; the owner of Kabuki Designs..






This story is on the front page of AFF AGAIN! :)


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I really like this story and am sad that it wont continue especially to see if I was chosen and who the other assassins were. :(
Chapter 2: why hello! i wanted to inform you that i had a name change. i'm the creator of "Femme" aka Arianne Labelle~ =]
wowwfantasticbabyy #3
OH MY GODDD. I would love to apply for this, but if I do get accepted, well, I barely update my own stories, so I'd also probably be too 'ehhh' to help for this story... But it seems interesting, so imma read it anyway!
Chapter 22: wahhhhhh I just found this story and its on hiatus
the story really you in hope you update soon
Chapter 22: seems interesting . cant wait ^^
Chapter 22: congrats smileyninja!
Hard to trust people nowadays.:D
izzie_inlove #7
Chapter 22: Congrats to smileyninja :D
Seriously, though, this makes the world sound so ugly.. xD
Chapter 22: Woahhhh Thank You so much for choosing me authornim!! ^^
It is sad tho to see that someone close to mr.byun wants to stab him in the back, I wonder why??
Anyways can't wait for the next assassins to be revealed! :)
Chapter 16: "The only thing that kept her moving is knowing horrible people like the ones in her past is still living and she will deplete them all before she dies... That's what she'll do until her last breath"
But why is it that the organisation only helps the bad people, like the casino story???