Your Smile


No matter how hard life would be

I hope she would always find a reason to smile

And later when I have left

I pray that she would still wear that smile I left her with

Because her smile is my happiness

No matter who would be the one she gives it to


Let him be the reason behind her smile

And her smile can be the reason behind mine







This story is my submitted entry for Vanilla448 Writing Contest:


Soul Connection -- a Writing Competition


The prompt I use is Dialogue7:



"Promise me, you'll laugh with him twice as much like you did to me, love him twice as much like you love me and smile to him twice more."



Enjoy! ^^




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Chapter 4: Aww, I really hope that Nara could move on :'(

The plot was kinda predictable though lol but it's okay :) Your writing is decent enough so that makes up for it ;)
pinkbunnywithmask #2
Chapter 4: this is the best romance-sad fanfic evaaaaaar!!!! i crieeeed a lot. gosh, im such a baby. author-nim, this is daebakkk! seriously! *still cry a river*
hippo_guk #3
Chapter 4: oh my goshh it wasss sooo sad I cryed sooo muchhh, but yiur story was amazing!
Black_x_Rabbit #4
Chapter 4: TT^TT omg i almost cried!!!!
Park_HyeSun #5
Chapter 4: Somehow, at the start of Chapter 2, I was already assuming that Nara will not end up with Yongguk. More likely that she'd end up wih Daehyun, when I was considering your 'romance' tag.

This story is pretty decent. (: Minor grammar and word mix-ups, but other than that, your writing has enough substance to deliver a believable and touching story. Good job.
ceci_major #6
Chapter 2: can't wait for more chapters ^^