Chapter 1: My Dream Eyebrows are REAL?!

✿ Eyebrow Obsession ✿

Chapter 1


Those glorious bushy eyebrows, right in front of me, I can't help myself.... I need to touch them..


Damn it, not again! I got up and reached for my alarm... I just the eyebrow dream... AGAIN! I've been having this weird dream all summer, no storyline... no people... just eyebrows.

My Dream Guy's Eyebrows, rather. I promised myself that if I ever marry the owner of that glorious set, I would make him my husband. I picked up my alarm clock to check the time: 7:30AM!

I freaked out and jumped out of my bed, I can't be late for my first day of high school! I dressed up quickly and almost left the house in my bunny slippers, but my mom caught me at the last minute.

I set off and started running like a mad person, I was finally in the school grounds and almost close to my class until I bumped into someone.

I looked up, wincing and rubbing my head, "Watch where you're going well y-" I couldn't finish, since I got a look at his face. Fair skin, warm dark eyes, and beautiful golden hair.

But that wasn't what got my attention, those eyebrows, MY DREAM EYEBROWS!!

I stood speechless as he smiled apologically, stretched his hands out to me and said, "Sorry, I was in a hurry and I didn't see you, you must be new. I'm Kris Wu, the student council president."

Yep, still speechless.

He noticed that I was in a bit of a daze so his smile disappeared and was replaced by a worried expression.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to take you to the nurse's office?" He asked.

"Um.... no, it's fine.... it's just that.... your eyebrows......"

His face turned red and his right hand flew to cover them.

"What about 'em?"

"They're... so.... thick." I stared at the spot he was covering longingly.

He obviously didn't think of it as a compliment, as his face started to get redder and redder.

"Er, listen.... I'm late for class, see ya later." And just like that he left me and dashed to a room that was clearly not a class.


~ Kris P.O.V~

I opened the door to the bathroom hurridly, unfortunately, there were some poeple there and I had to use my best Student Council President Voice to lure them away.

"Peasants, this bathroom isn't available anymore, now shoo!"

They stared at me for half a second but left without any objections.

The moment they were gone I stood in front of the mirror and was soon faced with the perfection that is me.

Well, except my eyebrows.

I got a small brush out of my pocket and started brushing them softly. They're always been so busy and out of control, and ruined my otherwise perfect and beautiful face.

Pointing them out always made me feel self-conscious. And having them noticed by that cute new girl was the worst thing possible.

How am I gonna face her now? I wish I could just shave them off.



A/N: SO! THAT'S IT FOR THIS CHAPTER ^.^ I'm sorry that it's really short, I promise the next one will be much longer >< Please comment and tell me what you think <333


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