Chapter 1

Mystery High
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♈Chapter 1



A shrill shriek filled the air.

The girl who let out said noise stomped over to two burly men holding multiple suitcases, "Can you NOT drop my everywhere?!" The shorter of the duo immediately bowed in fake remorse, "Sorry mi'lady we will be more careful next time." She huffed and spun on her heel towards the castle-like school. The taller of the two looked like he was going to whack his accomplice who stuck out his tongue at him.

"Holly!" A pretty blonde girl waved and quickly bounded her way over her heels clicking on the grey slate ground.

"Sica!" Holly and Jessica embraced giggling, Jessica slipped her arm through Holly's as they made their way to the school.

"Finally this place is opened. I couldn't stand one more day around those normies." Jessica wrinkled her nose in irritation. Holly shrugged, "I didn't find them so bad, actually I found them the funnest to prank since they never expected it."

"Yeah because they didn't know you were a shifter." The shorter blonde scoffed, "Normies think they know everything about supernaturals but they don't even know the one species with grey eyes are shifters."

Holly chuckled and walked on."You can't expect them to understand the unexpected."

"Speaking of unexpected." Jessica sent a flirty smile to the handsome boy that walked past them, he winked back and continued walking.

The shifter snorted, "Already picking out your prey I see?"

"Do you not know who that is?"

"No." Holly spoke in monotone, not interested of the said boy. She was inspecting her chipping nail polish as Jessica was staring in awe at the man. "That's Baem Haru, or also known as Mr. Player or Mr. STD. I prefer Mr. y-Piece-of-. How do you not remember him? We've had to go to his house multiple times because of those stupid dinner parties." Holly grimaced and shrugged her shoulders, getting bored and uninterested as the subject was brought up. "Did you really think I paid attention to those dinners. I'm surprised you did, Jessica." With a bashful smile, the mermaid's eyes fell to the floor. "What can I say? I wanna tap that."

The two girls laughed as Haru and his sister tried to figure their ways around the school.

Yoru stomped her foot on the stoned ground, irritated by the map's intricate diagram. "I swear Haru. I have no idea how the hell I'm going to get around his place."Her older brother rolled his eyes and gently took the map from her hands. That's right. Their school had a map because it was so goddamn confusing. He quickly looked it over and at the red circles around the buildings they needed to get to, he pointed to the one in the far left of the piece of paper.

"Here is your dorm, you're in the Bai dorms. And here," He shifted his finger to the other red circle, "Is my dorm. The Lan dorms."

Yuro nodded and began to walk toward the said dorms. She turned around and tilted her head at the man. "You're walking me to my room, right?" She smiled as she saw him  walk in large strides over to her. Haru chuckled at his sister and flung his arm around her neck and began to lead her down the dirt path to where she was going to spend the rest of the year living.

"Don't worry, your brother will take care of you. Oof- Hey watch where you're going!" He scowled at the short blonde girl that accidently bumped into his shoulder. The girl didn't say anything and began to walk away with her head down, Haru went to grab her shoulder to get her to apologize but a pale hand shot out and grabbed his wrist. His eyes followed the arm and he felt a smirk make its way on his face by the beautiful girl.

"Don't. Touch my sister got it? It was an accident. Get over it." The girl spoke with venom in her words. He retracted his hand with the same grin on his face, obviously unaffected by the girl's murderous tone. She rolled her eyes and flipped her finger at him. With a final glare, she led her younger sibling away from the two. 

"The first day and you've already flirted with- what?  Five girls? Oppa you're on a role today." Haru chuckled and shrugged his shoulder. He smiled and ruffled his sister's hair. "Hey, I can say the same for you, little one. You've been receiving guys phone numbers since we've arrived. We didn't even get out the car yet, and you got ten dates."  Yoru smirked lightly and mimicked her brother's actions. "Not like I was planning on going to them."

"Tch, such a jerk, even though he was hot." Hyuna clucked her tongue and inwardly groaned. Her younger sister shrugged, flipping through the pages of the school's brochure. "He seemed like a to me." Hyuna cocked an eyebrow, "Really? You had to say that in English? It's not like everyone else doesn't agree with you."

"Yes but I know powerful people when I see them and I don't want to get on any of their bad sides," her sister said honestly. Hana muttered 'excuse me's'  as she tried to push her way through the many students in the crowded hallway. "Whatever. I'm probably going to have a hump and dump with him anyway." Hyuna tossed her long locks over her petite shoulder, shrugging off the thought that the guy was still a 'hot jerk'.

Hana gently elbowed her sister in the side. "Ya know, being more

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Chapter 10: I love the story. ;;
pinkshika #2
Chapter 11: Is it to late to send in my character? I just started reading.
Chapter 14: I'm glad someone adopted it!!
keykim #4
Chapter 14: Oh, glad that it's been adopted!
We'll just have to wait and see =)
Chapter 14: I really love this story tbh!! ;;
If I wasn't so busy I would adopt it, but I am too busy rn! WHY MUST COLLEGE BE SO TIME CONSUMING? ;;
Chapter 12: lmao the way you characterize Haru is hilarious. he's definitely the player that's could potentially be harassing.. just about everyone? haha

salutations with two fingers? perfectttt. I'm surprised she didn't go with "Bless you" before the actual sneeze, but telling her works too :P

"I hate ugly people."
wow really? LOLLL we've got some interesting characters here, idol and OC. rolling toilet paper, never done it as an ice breaker, but it's a good idea.

now for those secretive glances to lead to our next chpt? :D
keykim #7
Chapter 12: OMG this is so cute!
My teacher actually did that same toilet paper roll thing back in high school!
Haha I like the variety of personalities in the characters. Sounds like a huge potential for a lot of drama
Chapter 12: Woot woot~ I really liked the idea of this game, it makes introducing the characters much more interesting. :P