The Best Friends

Not So Much of a Fairy Tale



“Sleeping beauty, it’s time to wake up.”


Seohyun heard someone whisper to her ear. She partly opened her eyes and saw the bright light entering from the window which made her eyes squint.


“Later, please.” Seohyun groaned. She tossed to the other side of the bed and ignored that anonymous person. She had no classes and it was also her day-off so there was no need for her to wake up that early. She still feels sleepy and besides, did that person know that she was very tired last night. She needed an ample rest.


“Does sleeping beauty want me to kiss her to wake up her from a deep slumber?” the unknown guy said. Seohyun sensed some movements toward the bed. That person was approaching near. Suddenly, the mysterious guy jumped on the bed and lie next to her. He lightly her hair and then went on to touch the side of her face. His touch sent shivers down to her spine. She turned to see his face.


“Kyuhyun -” His name was all that Seohyun could utter because Kyuhyun had already put his finger to her lips. Seohyun stared at him, wide-eyed. With his lips pursed, he leaned forward to give her a kiss.


“WAIT!!!” Seohyun woke up with a start. It was all a dream.


“Why do I keep having dreams like this?” she muttered breathlessly. Her heart was still racing. She touched her lips. “What if he...” She shook her head. “No. That is impossible.”


“Looks like you have a bad dream. I heard you scream.” Kyuhyun opened the door. He walked toward her. “Anyway, I don’t care about your dream. I just wanna ask if I can have my bed back.”


Seohyun looked at the bed where she was sitting and back again to Kyuhyun. She bit her lip. “Not again.”



“Oh my, I’m already late,” Yuri dashed toward the main theater of the Seoul Arts Center. “I’m sorry, I’m late,” she said as she entered the back door of the theater hall. 


Her groupmates signaled her to tone down her voice. Yuri walked towards them who were crowding at the small gap backstage. She wondered why they were packed there instead of doing their work. She just sighed and shook her head. She looked at the paints, sketches, and brushes that her other groupmates just left cluttered on the floor. They totally ignored her when she tried to get their attention. They were all eyes on the actors who were rehearsing on stage. Then, the music started to play.


“Yuri,” Sooyoung called her. “Come here quick.”  


“Sooyoung, we should not be slacking off. The rest of you should be the one to come here quick and help me,” Yuri answered still organizing the materials.


“Don’t be a killjoy. Come watch your bestie.”  Before Yuri could argue, Sooyoung pulled her up and dragged her to their pack.


“Make way for the star’s best friend,” Sooyoung said pushing Yuri at the front. Yuri saw Yesung on the stage with the spotlight focused on him. He started singing and emotions began pouring on every note that comes out of his lips. The song talked about a secret love of the ancient warrior to the kingdom’s princess and his fear of being rejected by the most precious woman in her life. Behind her, she could hear the “ooh’s” and “woah’s” from her groupmates. Everyone was moved by his soulful performance including her. She too was equally captivated by his voice. She was amazed by how time could transform a person. Here she was watching Yesung standing and shining on his own stage. Who would think that he was once the top choice of bullies in middle school? Tracing back the memories, she realized how much she missed him… his smile, his crazy antics, his laughter, everything.


When Yesung reached the bridge of the song, he would sometimes look at Yuri and their eyes would meet. At those moments, Yuri felt like he was singing that song to her. “Why, why do I feel like this?” she asked herself. She tried to avoid looking at him but she just could not take her eyes off him.  She was just thankful when Yesung belted out the final notes of the song and everyone applauded his act.


“Well done, Yesungie,” the director said after the rehearsal. “Thank you very much,” Yesung replied with a bow.


“Let’s have a five-minute break,” Yuri heard the director said to the cast.

“Now, it’s time for our work,” Yuri said to her groupmates. She went again backstage and continued the work that she had started.


“Why don’t you greet your best friend?” Sooyoung asked as she helped her organize the things that they would use


“It’s a long story.  Just never mind it. Let’s begin.” Yuri answered carrying the cans of paint to the stage.  


“Kwon Yuri, why it has to be you?” Yesung gulped down his shot of soju. Seeing that the bottle was already empty, he called the waitress and ordered for another one. The waitress placed another bottle of soju on the wooden table and Yesung immediately opened it but this time he did not pour it on the shot glass. He drank it straight from the bottle. In one gulp, he already consumed almost half of it. Tonight, he decided to drown himself in alcohol and the reason behind it was of course Yuri. She did not even greet him. She completely ignored him throughout the day. Does she really hate him that much? Even though he had not confessed yet, he already thought he knew what her answer would be. There are many girls in the world, why must his heart be yearning for someone who is difficult to reach? She was already so near to him yet she was still so far. If only the heart could be replaced… love would not be as hard as this.


What if he told her that he would be leaving at that time? Will the outcome change? Why did he not realize this feeling before? He was so stupid. He pounded his knuckle on the table. “How can you be so stupid, Yesung?” He leaned forward on the table and laid his head there as he silently cried.




He perked up when he heard Yuri’s voice. He looked around him to see if she was really there. However, he saw no one. Yuri, look at what you’ve done to me. Even though you are not here, your voice still lingers in my ear. I think I’m going crazy.


“I have toerase you in my mind. I have to accept that I will only be at your side as a friend.” He shook his head and tried not to think of her anymore but when he looked at the side walk, he thought he saw the image of Yuri standing there. Was it his imagination? Was his sense of sight fooling him? Was this the effect of alcohol? He only drank one and a half bottle. He rubbed his eyes but she was still there.


“My purse! Give me back my purse!” He heard her cry. This must be true. “Hey miss, here’s my payment. Keep the change.” Yesung left some bills on the table and hurried to help Yuri.


“Yuri, what happened?” He asked her. Yuri was surprised to see him there. “Yesung, you’re here?”


“It is not important. Why are you so pale? Did something bad happen?” Yesung held her hands and looked her in the eyes.


“Someone stole my purse, “Yuri said.  “Where is he?” he asked. “He ran toward there.” She pointed to the direction where the thief ran off. Without another word, Yesung set off and chased the culprit.


“Yesung!” Yuri called after him but he was already gone. “I hope nothing bad will happen to you, or else, I will forever blame myself.”


Several minutes have passed but still he had not yet returned. Yuri paced back and forth in front of the street stall. Her anxiety was growing every minute that passed by. She did not care about the purse anymore as long as Yesung would return safe and sound.




Yuri turned around saw a figure emerging from the dark alley. The figure stopped by the light post and she saw that it was Yesung. He was showing her the purse that was on his hand. “I got it,” he said with a smile.


“Babo!” Yuri cried out as she fell on her knees.


“What’s wrong?” Yuri could hear his footsteps nearing to her. She stood up and rushed toward him. Yesung’s eyes widened when Yuri threw herself to him and hugged him tight.


“You are stupid. Do you know that?” Tears were streaming from her eyes. “Don’t…do it… again, okay.”  In between those words, he could hear Yuri’s sniffs. “What if something bad happened to you? I don’t know what to do anymore…” She tightened her grip on his shirt like she would never let go of him. There were no words said anymore, just the sound of Yuri sobbing on his shoulder. A mixture of shock and bliss was drawn on his face; shock because of her unexpected gesture and bliss because now he knew he had a chance to bring back the relation that they had and perhaps, they could take it to a new level.


Yesung hesitated at first but he soon slowly wrapped his arms around her waist. “I’m sorry for making you worry. Stop crying now.”Yuri eased back and wiped her tears away.


“You’re hurt,” Yuri said as she saw the bruise on the side of Yesung’s forehead. She brazenly touched it with her fingers which made Yesung flinch.


“Is it painful?” Yuri asked as she looked at him warmly with concern, a change from the usual cold glare she gave at Yesung whenever she saw him. She gently slid her hand along the side of Yesung’s face. Yesung wished the time would stop in order for that moment to last forever.  He got hold of Yuri’s hand that was touching his face. “It’s nothing compared to the pain I have to endure every time you ignore me.”


Yuri slipped her fingers out of his hand. “I’m sorry,” she said softly.


“Kwon Yuri, do you know how much I-“


The sound of the police siren drowned the last words, the two crucial words that Yesung had said. The cop opened the door and started his investigation. The thief was also caught and brought to jail. Since then, they barely had time to speak with each other that night. He might not been able to confess, but at least they were back to being best friends.



End of Chapter 20

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Chapter 1: share more please
ikaelf #2
Chapter 46: AMAZING AMAZING AND AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!
ikaelf #3
Chapter 44: OMG I'M SPEECHLESS *grinned* all that I can say is AMAZING ! omgggg thank you so much for making this beautiful seokyu fanfic, I really really reaally love it. and you know what. I can smile and cry at the same time just because reading your fanfic! OMG SERIOUSLY YOU'RE JJANG AUTHORNIM ({})
ditarizky11 #4
Chapter 46: i just found this fanfic. omg its so great fanfic :)
Chapter 46: Just finished re-reading this for the 5th time *grinned* still amazing and mesmerizing....
And now I can sleep happily ever after XD
yulyoonhyoseo #6
Chapter 46: wahhhh~ finished Re-Reading it !! i swear i never regretted to read this again !! this is soooo Amazing !! keep up the good work Author-nim !!
SeoKyu and YulSung Daebak !!
yulyoonhyoseo #7
actually this is the Very First Fanfic i've ever read here at AFF and this ff is the reason why I'm so addicted to all fanfics here at AFF and I've already finished this ff along time ago and whenever i'm listening or watching SEOUL mv i remember this ff so i decided to read it again and this ff is also the reason why i shipped YulSung and shipped SeoKyu more !! ^__^v
Chapter 46: Woww!! This is just so good! This is the first time i read this, and i'm sure i will re-read this fic tomorrow :) love this!
Chapter 46: all i can say to this story is WOW!!!! :)
This is the 4th time I read this, lol. Everytime I hear seoul song, I ALWAYS feel want to read this again and ended up going to aff and read this fic again and again. This is the bestest best seo-kyu FF FOREVER. So realistic, romantic, fantastic elastic, lol. Btw, thankyou for making such a wonderful story author-nim.