Accidental Love


Lee Donghae works as a personal assistant for Lee Eunhyuk, the obnoxious manager of Carpe Noctem, a highly prestigious hotel in South Korea. What happens when one day, Donghae finds his -worthy boss sitting alone in a dark alley, crying like a lost puppy that desperately needed help? Surely his life would not change... right? 

Pairing; Eunhyuk/Donghae

Genre: PG-13 | AU | Romance | Comedy



Eunhyuk looked up from his stack of papers and put away his reading glasses to look at Donghae in the eye. "About time, Donghae. You really need to work on your punctuality. You're about 1 minute 49 seconds and 14 milliseconds late darling." Eunhyuk leaned back into his armchair, showing Donghae a stopwatch dangling from his hand as he did so.

Donghae mentally flipped tables and shot Eunhyuk in the head with a bazooka.

What the was so wrong about being 1 minute 49 seconds and ing 14 milliseconds late you preppy ? Why were you even timing me? 




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jo0ody #1
Chapter 23: I wish if there an update on this ! It’s so good ?
moonlight_bat #2
Chapter 23: Just reread all of it. Aren't u going to update?
Sylphide890807 #3
Chapter 23: L'histoire est géniale. Pouvez-vous mettre à jour, s'il vous plaît ?
Chapter 23: Update please.. :)
HanBaram #5
Chapter 23: Update juseyooooooo
Chapter 23: you moron moron moronic hyukjae DD; stop pulling donghae into your mess, he has sold his heart for you whatelse do you expect unfg. thanks for the update~
Chapter 23: I feel like hitting hyukjae because, really, the dumbest person here isn't donghae like he calls him, but hyukjae. Like he separated him from his fiancee and told him he was gay right then and there for a reason. Ugh really.
I wonder what will happen next! Thank youuu ♡
And lucky you meeting b1a4!!
Chapter 23: lemme know when i should start hitting with my baseball bat like i am so prepared for these idiots especially hyukjae ><

i reckon you are busy(me too coz i have been schooling no, juggling between school and work is hard T______T) that is why you couldn't update but thank god you did hahaha

AND OMFG YOU LUCKY BISH YOU HUGGED MY BABY CHANNIE(well baro is my fave in b1a4 and i consider the rest as babies hihihihihi) THREE TIMES ugh

i officially hate you!


i was suppose to go to their roadtrip concert but financial issues happened.. T____T you so lucky you got to see them still T_____T
Chapter 23: Good Luck to Hae to pretend to be Hyuk's boyfriend just hope he really doesn't get hurt at the end

Lucky you with the boys to bad about the poster
Chapter 23: HAHAHA!!! They should know what likes and dislike having said it for 2hr.'s even I don't remember my husbands dis or likes any more lol.