
The thin line between the past and future



“Oh great, another time travelling person, what’s next? An esper?” Amber sarcastically remarked. She was honestly shocked, confused and tired. All these supernatural events were driving her relatively insane, she didn’t even have time to function her brain properly and straighten out the information both Mr. Lau and Sehun were spouting out of their mouths.

“So, let me get this straight Sehun, are you telling me that kid is Luhan and you brought him to school? This is an educational facility not a daycare. The morning bell is going to ring in a couple of minutes as well and I don’t really see why you need my help.” Mr. Lau spoke in a very teacher-like manner that surprised Amber greatly.

“Hm, I thought you’d be more surprise.” Sehun coldly stated, “Talking like a teacher won’t get me to back off. I need your help because I want to know where the heck this kid came from. When Luhan appeared in my closet all hell broke loose.” Amber couldn’t help but chuckled at the thought, she wasn’t as close to Sehun or Luhan but the images were priceless.

Mr. Lau bit his lip and took a step to the front of the board, “First, do you recall anything that would make young Luhan suddenly come to the future? Time travelers go to the past or future to change or check something.”

“I’m not asking why he time travelled, I’m asking how.”

“That’s confidential, plus if you learn why he wants to time travel, the faster he’ll leave the present time.”

“…Fine, I don’t recall much of the past..but this little Luhan keeps on asking me about a promise and he won’t tell me what the promise is. He says I have to figure it out on my own. Kids, honestly, even if it’s Luhan, I can’t deal with them.” The little Luhan that was still gripping onto Sehun, pouted and lightly slapped Sehun’s legs.

Mr. Lau walked to Luhan and bended down so that he was eye level with Luhan, “Luhan, can you tell me your promise to Sehun so that he can stop threatening me?” Sehun snorted at Mr. Lau’s comment and looked down at Luhan.

Luhan slowly shook his head, “He can’t…know…but...” Mr. Lau glanced at Sehun and Sehun looked rather annoyed.

“OK. How about this, I leave the room and Luhan tells Henry what the heck this stupid promise is.”

Mr. Lau looked at Luhan, and Luhan nodded at Sehun’s suggestion. He slowly let go of Sehun’s pants and came close to Mr. Lau, fiddling with his hands.

Sehun walked out of the classroom and gave Amber a short stare. Mr. Lau turned to Amber and motioned her to leave the classroom as well.  Amber left the classroom to see Sehun standing near the windows. He had placed headphones in his ears, looking down at the view of nature. Amber awkwardly sat next to the wall and took out a sketch book and started to draw.

Luhan and Mr. Lau said nothing to each other until the two had left. Mr. Lau lifted Luhan and placed him down to sit on the desk.  After a momentarily pause Luhan gripped Mr. Lau’s shirt.

“Ahjussi, didn’t ..we… already meet?”

Mr. Lau nodded and hushed Luhan, “Not that I remember,” he looked under the desk Luhan was sitting at and took out a small chip device. It was a covert listening devices or commonly known as a bug. Mr. Lau sighed and threw the device in the garbage can; he then looked under all the desks and chairs before speaking to Luhan.

“What I meant to say was yes, we have. Sorry Luhan, we have to act like this. He already warned us that we can’t let our real secrets be blown. Be a strong boy, even if you’re scared.”

Luhan nodded, “…I..”

“Yes, I do. It was, perhaps, one of those things I remember the most.” Mr. Lau smiled sweetly and embraced Luhan. “Don’t worry, hopefully he can carry it out, but I’m still drawing a blank..”

“On… w-what?”

“You and Sehun are very close childhood friends from what you told me before, but he looks like he doesn’t remember anything..”

“S-Sehun is very smart! He’ll remember everything! He’s so strong and cool! He’s the best. I’m sure he’ll remember it!!” Luhan said it very passionately and Mr. Lau couldn’t help but smile widely.

“Aha, I was wrong. Luhan, have you been living well? If you haven’t, you can live with me in my apartment.” Luhan shook his head, “Living.. with.. Sehun.. is… fun, his parents don’t live with him…”

“Ah right, Sehun lives near here so he doesn’t need a dorm.” Mr. Lau said, trying to recall details of his past. “But, if you need anything, tell me ok?” Luhan nodded.

“Let’s get them back in the classroom, I’ll think of an alibi.”


“Ah, I mean I’m going to lie.”

Mr. Lau opened the door and gave a charming smile to the both of them, “Sehun and Amber, We’re done talking, come inside.”

As Sehun and Amber entered the room, Luhan ran towards Sehun and hugged his legs. “So Henry, what’s the information? I didn’t get a chance to hear it.”

“Nothing really, this little boy here vehemently told me to never tell you. I can’t go against a little boy’s plea, not to mention he’s technically an old-time friend.”

 Sehun angrily gripped onto Mr. Lau's collar, “Look, I need this boy to get back to the past, Luhan is Luhan. He’s someone I care and cherish about, but I can’t take care of him. As much as I love to, it’s hard.”

Mr. Lau pushed Sehun’s hands off him, “I’ll help.” He paused and took a glimpse of Amber, “Actually, Amber and I will help you take care of Luhan.”

“Why am I getting involved into this?”

“Because the Amber I know is a kind soul and will help me when I’m in trouble," he says with a glint in his eyes. "I also control your English mark. You never know, my hand might slip while I work if you catch my drift.”

Amber smiled bitterly, “The cons of having a self-proclaimed husband, huh?” Mr. Lau ignored her comment and directed his attention towards Sehun.

“So, does that sound much better to you? And don’t worry about not remembering your promise. Luhan has a lot of faith in you. He believes that you will remember eventually, so let’s believe in him now. You don’t want your beloved Luhan to be heartbroken now, do you?” Sehun sighed. He couldn’t go against anything Mr. Lau said.

“Alright, the first thing you can do for me then is to let Luhan stay in this classroom, it’s a hassle to force him to stay at home.”

Mr. Lau looked down at Luhan and Luhan nodded, “I-I’m okay with it..”

“Okay, I got it. I want the three of us to meet afterschool and I’ll discuss a lot of things, since one of us here looks completely confused here.”

Mr. Lau looked at his watch, “Okay, class is going to start soon, so Sehun you should leave Luhan here. Amber, you have first period with me, so just sit in your desk.”

Sehun nodded and left Luhan in the classroom. Mr. Lau grabbed a stool and placed it in the corner of the classroom. He lifted Luhan up and placed him in the chair. “Just stay there for the time being and if you need anything tell me. “

“Wow, this is a crazy morning.” Amber thought out loud, not realizing she had spoken out loud until Mr. Lau responded to her statement.

“I’ve had crazier.”

“How so?”

Mr. Lau forced a smile, “Yeah.”

“, Mr. Lau?”

“Just call me Henry when we’re alone.”

“Ugh, yeah. I have a few questions, actually. I managed to clear my mind, after everything.”


“Ugh, what’s your reason for coming here from the future?”

Mr. Lau walked to the window and closed the blinds. He then turned to Amber and shrugged. “Don’t know.”

Amber jaws dropped, “What do you mean you don’t know? Was it on a whim!?”

“I truly don’t know, it’s not something I did on a whim though. I had a lot of time to think. Honestly, I’m just winging it.” Amber gritted her teeth. Mr. Lau being vague with Amber made her frustrated.

“Then when are you going back to the future?”

“Don’t know.”

“Is 'don’t know' the answer for every question I ask?”

“The possibility of that is high.”

Amber shook her head in disbelief, “I want a divorce.”

“Pft, technically you aren’t married. Is that all your questions?”

“Darn and no. How old are you Henry?”


“Why!?” Amber yelled out in frustration. He was beginning to get on her nerves, even if he wasn’t purposely annoying her.

“Look Amber, I wish I could tell you everything, but I can’t. I have things I can tell you but there are a lot more that I can’t. But, trust me on this. I don’t mean any harm and I know that you’re pretty stressed out.”

“Oh Stress? Me? No, I’m not stressed by the fact that the adult version of my close friend has come to me and not only is he from the future, he’s my freakin husband.”

“Haha, so that’s what bothering you the most.”


“That I…Henry is going to be your husband. Don’t think about it too much, things like that come naturally.”

“Yeah it would, if I didn’t know he would become my husband, though I'm pretty sure the future can change.”

“Ah very true but I can confidently say it won’t happen.” Mr. Lau went up to the board and decided to write his lesson plan on the board.

“Why so confident?”



“Just cause.”

“Urgh, I’m getting real tired of your monosyllabic answers.”

 “Sorry.” Mr. Lau chuckled and clapped his hand to get rid of the chalk on his hand, “Any more questions?”

“Last one, I’m having little faith you’ll answer the other questions.”Amber twirled her pen and tapped her fingers on the desk.

“Haha, you never know.”

“How am I?” Mr. Lau stared at Amber and blinked in confusion, “I-I mean, how’s the future me like? I’m curious.”

“Oh, well..” Mr. Lau took a brief pause and a smile crept onto his face, “Pretty.”

“Well, can you be a bit more descriptive?”

“Yes I can.”

Amber glared at Mr. Lau, “But, I can’t tell you a whole lot about yourself. Your hair. It gets longer and it’s really pretty too.”

Amber shook her head and questioned herself as to why she even bothered asking him that question. He wasn’t going to spit out a proper answer anytime soon.

“So, my hair gets longer? Should I be overjoyed?” Amber wasn’t particularly fond of long hair and she couldn’t imagine herself with super silky soft hair.

“It’s not super long, but it’s pretty.” Mr. Lau seemed to be loss in thought as he ignored Amber’s witty remarks.  “ really pretty.”

“Glad you know.” Amber cheekily said, snapping Mr. Lau back to reality.

“Yeah, so that’s it?”

“No, I have thousands of questions but I really doubt that you’ll answer.”

Mr. Lau nodded in agreement, “The less you know, the better actually.”

“What does that mean?”

“Nothing, class is going to start in a few minutes so get your books out.”




The bell rang and the students began to fill the classroom. Amber started to doodle on her desk and patiently waited for Henry to come into the classroom. Henry slammed the door open and rushed to his seat. His buttoned shirt was half-done and his sweat was visible on his forehead.

“Intense…practice?” Amber looked in the opposite direction of Henry, which was strange, she was never really conscious when she was with him. She decided that she was just very sick and tired from the event this morning.

“Yes, I felt as if I was dying and I don’t see one drop of sweat on you.” Henry took Amber’s notebook and fanned himself. Amber flinched when he took her notebook, she glared at him but stop short after having a good look at him. She turned her head away from Henry.

“Yeah, practice got cancelled for me. Button up your shirt, will you?” Henry nodded and button up his shirt.

“Ahh, so what did you do while practice was cancelled? You should’ve come to our gym to see me play! I was pretty cool.” Henry stared at the little boy in the corner and tilted his head.

“I was in this classroom, talking to Hen—Mr. Lau.” Henry stopped fanning himself and  turned to stare at Amber.

She turned facing him, “What?”

“Nothing..It’s just that you’ve been really close to Mr. Lau even though he’s new and there’s a kid that looks really similar to someone...”

“I-I ha—” Amber sentence was interrupted by Mr. Lau, who tried to get everyone’s attention.

“Okay class, listen up. We’re going to start our class.” The classroom that was filled with chattering stopped and became silent, staring at the child in the corner who was fiddling with his hands.

“That’s my He didn’t want to stay home, so he’s at school for the time being. Don’t let his presence distract you too much.”

A student frowned, “Mr. Lau, you’re married and you have a kid!?”

“Yes and yes. My ring isn’t on me at the moment and I don’t want to ruin it with chalk.”

Most of the girls student couldn’t help but squeal at the little boy they saw, he was very cute.

“What’s his name?”

“Aha, I’ll tell you guys later if you focus, okay?”


“As you can see, I’ve written the lesson plan on the chalk board. We’re going to be writing poems.” The class groined at the mention of poems, “Now don’t you whine at me, poems are great! First, I need everyone to get into partners.”

Henry and Amber glanced at each other and nodded, they we’re always partners for the classes they had together and this project was no different.

“Okay, seems like you guys made your choice. Now, I want you guys to tell me, why do a lot of people write poems?” Mr. Lau looked at the students who were dead silent. “You guys can call out, right or wrong. I don’t really care.”

“It’s a form of literature?”

“Yes, but that’s not why people write it.”

“Because they like it?”

“True to some extent.”

“Because it’s awesome?”

“Not quite.”

Henry looked around the class and raised his hand, “Henry, you can say it out loud. Don’t need to raise your hand for this part of the class.”

“Oh okay, is it to get girls?” The classroom chuckled at his response and Mr. Lau nodded. “Correct!”

“Back in the day, poems were used to woo girls. It’s just like how people sometimes sing for their girlfriend or boyfriend to melt their heart. Now don`t get me wrong, there are many poems that deal with other topics such as death. It's just that the majority of popular and well known poems happen to deal with love. Love is a universal feeling, so many people can relate to that certain topic.”

A split parted hair boy raised his hand and spoke, “But what does that have to do with putting us in partners..”

“Haha good question! I want you guys to write a L.O.V.E love poem to each other.” The students gasped at the sudden project that was given to them.

“Don’t worry about who your partner is, just imagine them being the girl or boy of your dreams.” Mr. Lau pointed to a pair. “Imagine she’s Kim Tae Hee and he’s Woo Bin.”

“So, you will do this project right? No complaints.” The students nodded and Mr. Lau smiled. “Good, the due date isn’t confirmed yet. Take your time with it. I expect to read some well written poems in English from everyone. Am I clear?”

“Yes..” The students yelled in unison, their voices had a keen sense of sadness and stress all at the same time.

Mr. Lau smiled, “Ok, let’s continue the lesson.”

The class spent most of the time learning about different formats of poems and the difference between poems and prose. Henry was almost half asleep but he was poked or attacked by pencils from Amber to keep him awake. Mr. Lau encouraged the class to do anything with their poem that they see fit. The last few minutes of class Mr. Lau handed out a sheet of paper.

“Okay, since you guys were all listening excellently during this period, I’ll give you guys something simple to work on for homework. It’s an ‘about me’ sheet where you talk about yourself and answer the questions I’ve written.  Finish it up by tomorrow.”

The students nodded and the bell rang. Henry shoved his books in his bags and waited for Amber to do the same. They exited the class together and Henry yawned obnoxiously “Ahh that class was tiring, but the project seems fun and the random kid in the classroom.”

“A project that seems fun to you? That’s a first.” Henry laughed at Amber’s dislike towards the project.

“You don’t seem so thrilled about the project.”

“Yeah. I have to write a love poem to you, it’s going to drive me nuts.”

“Haha, but Mr. Lau said we don’t really have to write one for each other, though it would be nice if Amber, the tomboy Amber wrote me a love poem.” Amber shot a death glare at Henry.

“Right, because I’m deeply in love with you so I’ll express my deepest feelings through the love poem. Urgh. Kill me now.”

“Haha, now that I think about it, what’s your ideal man?”

 Amber pondered for a minute and shrugged, “Probably a guy that has the same passion as me, music and what not. I’m not too sure on the details I would like though. How about you?”

Henry put his hands in his pockets and shrugged, “I don’t really have one.”


“I mean, if I like someone, I like someone right?”

Amber nodded at Henry’s explanation, “I guess that’s a reasonable answer. Better than his answers.”




Amber looked at the confused Henry and shook her head, “Nothing. Let’s get to music class fast before were too late, Mr. Ji Hoon is going to kick our asses if were late.”




It was lunch time and Amber left Henry to spend quality time with her other friends. Amber strolled down the hall and noticed Luna and Suilli walking together. “Yo Luna! Suill!”

The two girls turned around to Amber and they waved at her, Suilli ran to Amber and hugged her. “It’s been a while! How’s your life going?”

“Ahh a bit tiring, lots of things happen when I didn’t get to see my good friends.” Amber grinned and hugged Suilli back.

They walked to the cafeteria and sat in an empty table. Luna glanced and beamed at Amber, Amber awkwardly stared back, “Something on my face?”

“No no no no, just wondering how you and Henry have been. Victoria unni told me some interesting things.” Luna smiled brightly and Amber cringed at the mention of her and Henry. They were friends, but no one seemed to get the damn picture. Suilli curiously looked at the two.

“What what what? Did Amber and Henry finally get together after multiple denials from the two?”

Luna only shook her head, “Amber is still in the denial stage even though they slept in bed together.” Suilli gasped at Amber.

“You already hit that stage already!? It couldn’t guys are..”

Amber slammed her hands against the table and shook her head continuously, “No, we are not like that in anyway. Just friends! It’s a misunderstanding, we didn’t sleep together!! It’s..just…that..”

“Awh, she's getting all flustered.” Luna cutely bit her lunch and smiled at Amber.

“Ah never mind. I think I’m going crazy explaining it.” Amber just sighed. “Well, enough about me. How about your love problems? I want to hear every inch of it.” 

The two girls jumped in joy and spilled every inch of gossip they knew.




Luhan sat on the swing and went back in forth. He was in a park near the school building, waiting for Sehun who asked to talk about something in private. Luhan started to imagine all sorts of things Sehun would say when they meet, feeling slightly nervous for reasons he couldn't explain.

Is it a confession?” Luhan shook the thought out of his head, he already knew it was impossible, but he had some hope even if it was just a little speck. Luhan was so busy in his own world, he did not realize Sehun had arrived. Sehun waved his hand around Luhan and squeezed his nose.

Startled, Luhan fell off his swing. “When did you get here?”

“Just a while ago..” Sehun put his hand in front of Luhan and pulled him up. “Sorry to meet here, I just wanted to ask something.”

Luhan smiled nonchalantly and sat on his swing again, “Ask me anything!”

Sehun nodded, “It’s about the past..”

 Luhan's smile completely disappeared, “What about it?”

“Did we make a promise in the past?” Luhan looked stunned and slowly looked down to his shoes.

“Not that I remember, why?”

Sehun looked at Luhan and smiled warmly. “Ah nothing, I just wanted to know, because you know me..I…”

Luhan nodded, “Don’t worry about it Sehun. I’m sure it wasn’t an important promise.” He then stood up from the swing and stretched his arm, “Is that all?”

“Yes it is! Thanks Luhan.” Sehun embraced Luhan and gave him a long hug. Luhan only muffled a laugh and hugged him back.

“Aha, I didn’t help at all.”

“You did, even if I didn’t get the answer I was looking for. I have to go now Luhan, let’s meet up sometime soon okay?” Sehun waved good bye and walked to the school building.

Luhan looked down to his hand, “Of course he can’t remember it. Amnesia is way too convenient...” Luhan clenched his hand into a fist and sighed.




The afternoon was a peaceful afternoon, there was no sign of chaos as of yet. Amber was diligently doing her work, for Henry was not in her afternoon classes and she was able to actually focus this time. She took out her sketch book, filled with jot notes that she scribbled down for everything that's been going on the past few days. She sighed as she did not get any good information out of Mr. Lau and figured she would just have to try harder if she wanted to understand what was going on.

The bell rang and school had ended, Amber stuffed her binders into her bag and rushed to Mr. Lau’s classroom.

She bumped into someone and looked up. Crap.

“Hey Amber, fancy bumping you here. Listen, are you free this evening? I want to eat out with you while we do our English project together and our 'about me' work sheet.”

“Ugh, sorry bro, I have other meetings to attend.”

Henry crossed his arms and pouted, “More important than me?”


“Okay, fine, where are you going? I’ll just wait for you until you can go.”

Amber scratched her head, trying to look for an excuse. “Ug…”

“She’s meeting up with me.” Amber and Henry turned around to see Mr. Lau.  He waved at Amber, “Can’t keep your teacher waiting now.”

Amber nodded and walked closer to Mr. Lau, “Sorry Henry, maybe tomorrow?”

Henry sighed, “You’re buying for me then!” He walked down the hall, opposite of Amber and Mr. Lau.

“You need to learn how to come up with alibis.” Mr. Lau commented.

“It’s hard when you’re on the spot, but Henry was never really good at telling lies either.” Mr. Lau shrugged and walked ahead of Amber.

“Things change when you grow up.” Mr. Lau opened the door for Amber to enter; she looked around to see Sehun and mini-Luhan already there, sticking close together.

Mr. Lau shut the door and locked it, “Well, now that’s everyone is here, let’s begin talking shall we?”


A/N: F-F-finally finished chapter four, sorry for the grammar mistakes by the way(fixing some stupid grammar mistakes at the moment). I updated this the moment I finished. 

Ahaha, I actually wanted to make this chapter a lot longer, but I realized that I can use it for my next chapter. So, I managed to put it up during the break (YAY) and did you guys see the henber moments? I was literally squealing on my bed! HENBER FTW!


And then there's Amber's instagram/twitter picture of  sleeping(NO NOT EVEN A NORMAL SELCA, A SLEEPING GROWN MAN IN BED) Henry. Need I say more? 

Soo, the next chapter might be a long time before I update, my exams are coming up soon (end of January) so all I’m going to do is probably study this whole month.

See you in the next chapter! (。・ε・。)

Who’s excited for break down btw? 8D

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restlessly #1
Chapter 9: This is an amazing story! I hope you will update it soon!
Chapter 9: Oh man this story is perfect! Still waiting for an update <3
minia143 #3
Chapter 9: Author-nim please update keke
Chapter 9: Yeah... this is awesome chapter you make^^
And you are right.. i have to rereading the previous chapter to get the feelings for this story kekekeke

But, still curious about all the complication thing that happen in this story from the beginning... what is really happen beetwen HenBer in the future so they have to be back in the past?????
Update soon n moreeee linger pleaseeeee <3 thabks for this updated XD
Loly21 #5
Chapter 9: Wow.. This story is so cool& fun!! But I still don't get it why Henry come from the future only to let Amber know he will be her future husband?? And what event Siwon& Henry talked about.. I didn't expect future Amber will appearance!! I can't wait for the next chapter:) Fighting!!
ShidaM #6
Chapter 9: Thanks for the update! And the super awesome plot twist o:
wow... this story is really unpredictable :O
Thanks for (finally) updating it (lol, jk, I know writer block is never authors' friend)

wait for the next chapter :3
dieu_khuong #8
Chapter 9: Omg you HAVE TO update this story. Too much mysteries and plot twists and i just love it too much
I did think maybe the future Amber died and mr.Lau went back to change it. Fortunately, it didnt happen that way.
Authornim fighting!
Chapter 9: That was intense hahhahaah
Chapter 9: /calming down/


I didn't expect Amber (the future one) to make her appearance.