What The TURKEYS!??!?!?!?!!?!?!



*Blue is Text Messages

*Bold is the OC's speeches

Italics are written notes etc.

Red is for ringtones

Purple is for conversations over the phone

Pink is TOP's speeches

Dark Orange is BIGBANG's speeches

Black letters and Highlighted are Point Of Views


              From: Seung Hyun Oppa~ <3

              Message: Jagi~ come to the back patio ^_^

Hull~ what the hell is he doing?! WWWAAAHHHH I'm so tired! I wanna sleep!!

You walked out towards the back patio. The first thing your tired eyes laid on were a table, set up with all the food that you thought could feed a full orphanage of kids.

You suddenly saw a huge turkey jump up from behind the table. The turkey walked over and pulled out he chair beside you. The thing was taller than you more tha a head! Who the hell is this and where the is Seung Hyun!?!

After pulling out the chair it pushed you down to sit.

Who are you? And where is Seung Hyun?

You can't guess who I am? A familiar voice responded back to you.

This is so familiar...........................





Omo Choi Seung Hyun is that you?

Hello, We are BIGBANG!! Four more different colored turkeys popped up from behind the table, where the first turkey appeared at.

Oh My s!! Where the HELL are you things popping out of damn it?!?!?!

One turkey on the far left took out some sticky notes and a pen... writing something on it he/she/it handed/gave it to you.

Let's play a game. If you can guess who is who, we will take off our suits! ~BIGBANG

Jinja? Really?

Again the one on the left wrote down something short and handed/passed/gave it to you.




Hi guys~ How are you? Its Christmas!!! Hope you guys have a great holiday! i had shrimp today then danced and had an allergic reaction.............. -_-

That never flipping happened before.............

Well enough about me! Tell me about your Holiday! and Comment, Subscribe, and Upvote! ^_^

Imma go to sleep now..... 

Its a Knock Out.....





You get it right?





Knock out by GD&TOP?


no?... okay then

Just wanted to say he looks like my ex in this........










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Chapter 4: Lol! Omg... This is too funny. I can imagine these boys with turkeys on their heads... ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 2: oooo lol tabi what are you planning?
nguyeniskpopcrazy #3
Chapter 2: Sorry guys!! For the short chapter!! I updated on the computer a little part and when I try to continue writing on my phone it looks extremely weird with all these computer language......... *this is depressing
I can't wait to read it