
First Kiss
"Hey, ___, do you... want to go on a date with me?" Jongup asked me. "Ok!" I cheerfully replied. Finally he's asking me out! "I'm picking you up at 4pm today!" he said and ran off. I smiled to myself, I better give him a good impression. I went home and opened my wardrobe, scratched my head with a finger. Which one should I wear? I run my hand through all the clothes hung in my wardrobe then my hand stopped at a hoodie. It was a hoodie with cat ears on top. Jongup bought me that last year on my birthday. I put on some light makeup and started out to meet him. "___!" I heard a voice called me. It was him. I waved to him and ran towards him. "Sorry, umm.. I was late..." I mumbled. "No. I was too early." he smiled. "Shall we get some ice cream?" he asked. I smiled at him and nodded. We walked towards a nearby ice cream shop. "Two chocolate flavour ice cream please!" he ordered. "Yah.. you like vanilla ones, don't you? Why order the same one as mine?" I asked. "Because I wanna be the same as you." he said, smiling at me. "Here." the lady handed us our ice cream. We sat on a bench and ate our ice cream. "Let's take a photo to keep as memories." he suggested. Then, he passed the camera to one of the passer-by. "Ready.. One.." I smiled into the camera brightly. "Two..." He put hus arm around my shoulder and smiled. "Three..." Suddenly, he turned me to face him and planted a kiss on my lips. "SNAP" goes the camera. My eyes widen in shock. My first kiss.. He thanked the passer-by and took back the camera. He showed it to me, his face blushing hard. I look down at the photo and chuckled. My eyes were really wide in the photo and his face was really red. The picture of my very first kiss... "Moon Jongup!" I pouted "That was my first kiss!" "Well, that was my first kiss too." he said, sticking out his tongue at me. I pouted and look away. Then, something caught my eye. FERRIS WHEEL! ♥ I've never ride on that before and I wa excited. "Moon Jongup, I hate yoy and I regret coming to this date with you." I said, pretending to be angry. "Ahh... ___ I'm sorry.." Jongup apologised, rubbing the back of his neck. "I will forgive you if... you let me ride that ferris wheel!" I exclaimed excitedly, pointing to the ferris wheel. "Ok!" Jongup's face lit up. He was so cute, just like an excited kid. Without realising, he grabbed my hand and ran, dragging me to the ferris wheel. He handed the money for two tickets and we boarded the ferris wheel. "Jonguppie... its hurting me..." I said, trying to struggle out of his grab. "Oh, sorry." he immediately let go of his hand. Babo, why did I say that? We could hold hands longer... Babo. We sat awkwardly, leaving a gap between us. Argh. It was supposed to be romantic and here we are, being awkward kids. The ferris wheel started moving and I stared out of the window. The view was so pretty. I'm right now looking at a beautiful view with someone I love. I want this moment to stop right now. Suddenly, I heard shuffling sounds. I turned my head, "Moon Jo-“ I was cut off. Jongup had moved so close beside me and leaned in close to me. I was about to push him away and laugh it off but he leaned in and slowly placed his lips on mine. There goes my second kiss.
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bapdaehyunnie #1
Chapter 1: Awwwww, so cute and romantic ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥