Do I ??

Never Too Far Away


*Yah! Where are you!? Aren't you going to work again!?*

"Min, I'm sorry. I'm just... "

*Ara kept calling me! What the man? She's so annoying!*

"Sorry for that."

*Hey, what's wrong with you? You sound like you're sick or are you drunk?*

"I don't know what to do."

*What? What are you talking about? Did you and Ara gone on a fight?*

"I don't know what else to think."

*Jung Yunho! What the are you talking about? Where the hell are you?  Tell me and I'll come.*

"I'm at home."

*You want me to go there with your girlfriend?*

"No. Please. Don't tell her where I am. I don't want to get interrupted by her."

*Okay, okay. Wait for me there.*


They ended the call. Before Changmin could get inside his car, his mobile phone rings. He looked at who the caller was, 'Go Ara', "Aish!" He answered the call halfheartedly.

*Did Yunho came to work?*


*What!? Did he call you already?*

"Not yet."

*Where is he!? I keep calling his number and it does ring but he's not answering!*


*I went to his apartment a while ago and he's not even there!*



"Aish! What!?"

*Did he really not called you?*

Changmin huffed loudly.

"You know what, if he did called me, I won't tell you either where he is! God! You're so annoying!"


He then turned off his mobile phone, "Good for you, ." He mumbled.




Yoochun opened the door when he heard a knock ..


"Jae.." Yoochun said as he smiled and let Jaejoong walk inside.


"Hi... Where's Junsu?" He asked.


"Oh, he's in the kitchen."


"Okay. Thank you..."


Jaejoong walked to the kitchen ..


"Su..." He called.


Junsu turned around from the sink, "Jae!" He rushed to Jaejoong and hugged him, "I'm so sorry Jae."


"Huh? What are you saying?" He asked.


Junsu leaned backwards, "I- Yunho went to the cafe and- and he looked for me and asked me where you are. And then I said you're staying with me. And he asked for my address. I gave it to him and then..." He explained in one breath but was cut off by the other man.


Jaejoong smiled a little to him, "It's okay, Su. Don't worry."


"Did you talked to him?"


Jaejoong looked down, "Yes."


"Did you tell him?"




"What did he say?"


"Of course he's shocked. Shocked that his best friend for so long have this kind of feelings for him." Jaejoong gave a sarcastic smile.


Junsu put his arms on the others' shoulder, "Just give him a little time Jae. Maybe he's now thinking about it. Don't worry. If he really treasures you, he'll understand."


Jaejoong just smile a bit.




"Yunho?" Changmin called as he knocked again.


A minute later, the door opened. Yunho is indeed drunk. Changmin came inside and Yunho locked the door behind him.


"What happened to you?" Changmin asked as they are sitting in the living room floor.


"He loves me Min."


"Huh? Who?"


"Jaejoong. Jaejoong loves me."


"Ah~ Your best friend? Of course he loves you. You're like a brother to him."


Yunho shook his head, "No. He loves me more than that. He left me. He's jealous that's why he left me."


"Jealous? With Ara?" Changmin clicked his tongue, "He loves you that way? So, you're telling me he's gay?"


Yunho nodded, "I want him to comeback here Min. I want him to comeback to me."


"Then tell him that."


"It's not that easy."


"Do you like him?"


"I don't know."


Changmin stared at his friend whose head is on the table, "Dude, you like him."


Yunho looked up at his friend with a questioning look.


"If you don't, you won't be like this. If you're just concerned to him as a friend, you'll talk to him as friends do. But seeing you in this state. Dude, you feel the same way towards him."


"But- Ara....." Yunho said.


"Do you love her?" He asked.


"I...... Don't know."


"He's your girlfriend but you can't even answer my question straightly?"


Yunho drink the liquor in his cup ..


"I think you need time to think it over."


"Think what?"


"That you like Jaejoong too!"


Yunho just stared at his cup in the table, /Do I like him more than just being friends?/




Jjang !!



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ok i just discover this fic and im gonna read later :D
musticha #2
Chapter 12: she must be crazy.. poor yunho..
musticha #3
Chapter 9: i hope changmin will give ara a slap on her face, such y spoiled brat..
musticha #4
Chapter 3: i love this story.. boa please confess to jae..
JungJoongie #5
Oh no !! I think I need a co-author in this story .. I am so busy that I can't even think what to write next for last chapter .. I'm so sorry guys .. (T.T)
YunJaeAKTF #6
Chapter 24: Oh No! What happen?why did yun yun's appa called? Don't tell me its bcoz of Ara?! 0-0 *send bloodshot eye to you* ... -im juz Kiddin- xD
btw thx for the update!! xD @-}-+
Chapter 23: Now they just remember bout that. Kkkkkkkk....
Go away evil ara..
JungJoongie #8
Guys !! I'm really sorry if I can't update now .. I really have a tight sched .. I just visit here and then back to work .. I'll make it up to yo guys tomorrow ..

Thank you !! xD
Chapter 22: Omg!! ARA u stupid ____ * slaps u* leave my umma aloneee
he is more pretty than u can ever be :p
Chapter 22: Yunho should've thrown ara out on her , awesome update!!