
Cinnamon Sticks and Peppermint Candy

a/n! wow omg im sorry this was so late. I was really busy and didn't have time to finish it. I hope you like it !




Cinnamon Sticks and Peppermint Candy

It was wet and muddy outside, my boots sank in the moist dirt with every step I took and I was beginning to get pissed off. My car had to pick the worst day ever to break down. I practically had to walk another 3 miles before there was another train station. I sighed and continued trudging my feet through the nasty brown slosh. My day couldn’t get any crappier could it? But then it started raining. I thought as I ran into the closest building for refuge and inhaled the wonderful scent of sweets and chocolate.

“Oh, a candy store” I murmured.

“Well I wouldn’t expect it to be anything else” someone chuckled loudly, “Do you need help looking for anything sir?”

I turned around, and when I did, I couldn’t help but be amazed.

He was beautiful. The most beautiful person I had ever seen. I think he was perfect, actually.

His nose, his lips, his cheeks, his eyes, perfect.

 “Youngjae” his name tag said.

Youngjae, I repeated in my head several times. Youngjae.

“Hello?”  He waved his hand over my face and I realized that I was still staring, “Are you okay?”

“Oh s-sorry, I’m just browsing thanks” I stuttered nervously, a pink tint rising to my cheeks. I quickly turned around and ventured further into the colourful store.

 I waited for the rain to stop before heading over to the cash register with a chocolate bar and a few lollipops in hand. As Youngjae put my items into a bag, I fidgeted and couldn’t keep still. His perfection was making me jittery and I didn’t know if I liked it or hated it.

“Thanks for stopping by! I hope to see you again soon” he cheerfully waved.




Every day for the last two weeks, I had returned to the candy store. I honestly couldn’t help myself. My teeth were beginning to ache from the amount of candy that I consumed everyday but I felt like it was worth it.

Yoo Youngjae, I had learned, was worth a lot of things.




Sometimes he caught me staring at him, a pink blush would tint his cheeks and he would look away quietly. We didn’t really talk much when I came but I think he was used to me coming and I was used to him.




One day before my daily visit I decided to bring him a cup of coffee. I stepped into the store and inhaled the calming scent before I put the cup down on the counter. Everyone loved a nice double-double I had decided when I bought the venti sized cup at the café nearby.

“For you” I quickly said before I walked away so that he wouldn’t see my furiously red face.

I didn’t think would ever understand why he made me so nervous.

I sneaked a glance at him when I reached the back of the store and saw that he was grinning, and I started to grin too.




The snowflakes fluttered around me as they blanketed the snow with their whiteness. It felt blissful. The cold air blew by my cheeks and I puffed out a long breathe. Winter had always been my favourite season. My steps were slow and steady as I walked in the busied streets of Seoul. There was loud chatter and people rushed by doing some early Christmas shopping. I rubbed my hands together and continued walking. Sneaking a glance at my watch, I had noticed that I was running late. That meeting took longer than I thought it would’ve. I would usually be by the candy store by now. A frown began to form on my face.

I didn’t think I would make it in time before the store would close.

I’ve never missed a candy store visit yet, and I didn’t think I should start now. My legs started to pick up speed and before I even knew it I was running to the store. 

I saw the open sign flashing in the distance and my adrenaline began to pump through my veins faster.  I was going to make it on time!

I changed my pace into a slow jog when the distance between me and the store started closing in. I was breathing heavily but grinning because I made it. I pushed the glass door and hummed along with the chime that I was oh-so used to as I stepped into the warm embrace of the candy shop.

I smiled at Youngjae and when he beamed back at me, I felt another piece of my heart flutter into his hands.

“I thought you weren’t coming today” he softly spoke, clicking his heels together nervously.

“Don’t I always come?” I replied, grinning wider than I thought I could.

He lowered his head cutely and tried to hide his bright red cheeks.

“I think I’m just gonna get the usual today. You have to close soon and I should be out of here quickly”

I paid for my chocolate bar and headed out the door. I sat on the steps outside and unwrapped my chocolate bar. It was getting dark but I always did this and I didn’t like breaking tradition.

I was about to leave, after throwing out the wrapper when I heard the chimes sound melodiously again. I looked up and saw Youngjae leaving the store, a fluffy hat on his head and thick scarf wrapped around his neck.

I smiled to myself and continued walking when I heard a loud yelp followed by a thud.

I turned around saw that Youngjae had slipped on ice and fallen. I couldn’t help but giggle but all humor was gone once I heard him groan in pain.

“Are you okay? Can you stand?” I asked worriedly, looking around for blood.

“I think I twisted my ankle” he frowned while searching for his pockets, “Aw I broke my phone screen when I fell” he scowled again and grabbed the night lamp for support.

“Do you need help getting home?” I was glad it wasn’t a serious injury.

“Oh, If it isn’t a hassle for you…” he whispered while playing with his fingers.  He shifted his weight and hissed quietly.

“Of course not” I crouched down and motioned for him to get on my back, “I’ll piggy back you, what direction is your house?”

He blushed furiously and teetered back and forth before he hopped on.

He was quite light.

“I live in an apartment on 16th street” he spoke, and I felt his hot breath in my ear.

“O-Okay” I stuttered nervously. I hadn’t considered how close we would be when I offered to carry him like this.




We talked a lot on the way to his house.

 It felt nice.

 It felt comfortable and most of all,

 It felt right.




I had been walking for twenty minutes and now saw the apartment complex down the street. I didn’t know if I should be happy or sad. I wanted to spend more time with him.

“Daehyun…?” he whispered quietly.


“I think I really like you.”

The sound of my heartbeat thumping echoed loudly in my ears and I didn’t think I could hear anything else. I felt the last piece of my heart escaping and Yoo Youngjae taking ownership.

“Ever since that first day I saw you. I think I liked you Daehyun. I think I really liked you.”

His gripped around me loosened when I didn’t reply.

“Youngjae, I don’t think I like you” I felt a harsh breath against my neck, “I know I like you, I know I really like you”

He rested his head in the crook of my neck and we were quiet for the rest of the way.

When we reached our destination, I stopped at the apartment gate and slowly let him down. He smiled softly at me.

“Thanks for taking me home”

He hesitated but pulled me into a warm hug.

The smell of cinnamon sticks and peppermint candy were still attached to his clothes and I thought to myself, I really could get addicted to this smell as I inhaled a breath before he let me go.



happy holidays!

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Chapter 1: Ohh I really love this. Daejae is so adorable and cute hehe <3
petalcha #2
Chapter 1: And I think that Youngjae looks really cute inside the candy store! <333 Thanks for writing this! :)
Chapter 1: This is really cute! I really like it! :D Daejae is always adorable! ^^ Keep up the good work! Fighting! ^o^
Chapter 1: aww so sweet xD this is so cute~~lol Dae pretty much got blind n follow Jae haha Jae was cute too~
tks for the gift :D fighting!!
Chapter 1: aww so sweet xD this is so cute~~lol Dae pretty much got blind n follow Jae haha Jae was cute too~
tks for the gift :D fighting!!
Chapter 1: T-T It's so cute HALP
Chapter 1: /Jumps off a cliff because couldn't handle the cute/
Chapter 1: AWW! THIS IS FLUFFY~ AND CUTE~ >3< thumb up for author-nim~ :3 LOVE IT!
Chapter 1: This is the cutest story ever ^_^ you should write more author-nim.