Chapter 3.

Loving you Forever.

Author's POV: 

Well, way to go Woohyun. You're so dumb, look what you've done. You love her right? Is this how you show someone you love them? But Woohyun, the last time you let someone in, the last time you gave in all your efforts and love, she just played with you and cheated on you. Woohyun argued with himself, But Woohyun, Minhee will never be like her. Minhee will never play and cheat on you. She's different, just give love another chance. Minhee is not Eunjae. 

Woohyun laid on his bed thinking, he kept changing his sleeping positions because he kept thinking about what he've done to Minhee. It took forever for him to sleep but he did. 

Early in the morning, someone was shouting and knocking on his door, "Open the ing door Woohyun!" Myungsoo shouted. 

Woohyun woke up scratching his head, "who the ," He stood up and opened his door to reach a fist smack his face. He fell straight on the ground, "What the was that for Myungsoo?!" 

"What the hell did Minhee ever do to you huh?! Why would you cheat on her? Just because Eunjae cheated on you huh?!" 

Woohyun stood up and wipe the blood from his lips and grabbed Myungsoo's collar and pushed him against the wall, "Shut up," 

"Why can't you admit to yourself that you love Minhee?! You're just scared to tell yourself because you're afraid Minhee might end up just like Eunjae but you're wrong because Minhee will never cheat on you!" 

Woohyun raised his arm reading to hit Myungsoo but Myungsoo said, "Go, go punch me, you're ing blind to see Minhee's love for you! Go, I said go punch me !" Myungsoo yelled in his face, "You told me you'll never do the same thing Eunjae did to you, but what did you do to Minhee?! I'm really really disappointed in you Woohyun, I can't even call you hyung anymore,"

Woohyun put his arm down and fell down to the ground and cried, "I love her, I love her so much. From the moment I saw Minhee, the moment i held her hand, I told myself, "She's the one I want to be with forever," The first time I saw her cry because of me, I wanted to hold her tight and never let her go but instead, I didn't do anything. I'm stupid for not letting her know how much I love her... I'm just scared. I'm scared, what if she finds someone better? What if she leaves me? I don't want to be too attached, because I know if she leaves, I'll feel the same pain I felt when Eunjae left me,"

Myungsoo patted his back, "Hyung, Minhee will never leave you. She loves you, are really that blind?"

"Myungsoo, please don't tell her what I told you. I want to tell her myself that I love her, but I need time,"

"Tell her before it's later, before someone else takes her away," Before I take her away. 


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florencia #1
I love the story,the story is interesting