Bad Boy


Jiyong’s POV
Dara and I were in my office going over wedding stuff.  We found a new wedding planner.  She wasn’t as great as Haeyoung but she still got the job done.  It’s been a month since I last saw Haeyoung.  It’s a good thing though.  Haeyoung would be able to move on with her life.  I heard a knock on my door and Youngbae walked in.
“Here’s your deposit.” He told me and handed me my check.
“Thanks a lot.” I told him.
“Deposit?” Dara asked.
“Our deposit from Haeyoung.” I told her.
“Oh. You sent Youngbae to get our deposit?”
“It’s Taeyang and yes he sent me to go get your deposit.” Youngbae answered him.  I don’t know why but Youngbae doesn’t like it when Dara calls him Youngbae.
“How was that ? Was she crying?” Dara asked while laughing.
“? Why is Haeyoung a ?” Youngbae asked her.
“Haeyoung? Are you close with her? Do you know her?”
“She’s a friend of mine so don’t call her a .” Youngbae raised his voice at her.
“Does that mean you know her too?” Dara looked at me.
Before I could say anything my door opened and in walked Haeyoung.  Her hair was a mess and her face was red.  She seemed out of breath.  Did she run here?  What did she need and why was she here?
“Why are you doing this?” She turned to Dara.
“Do what?”
“Don’t act dumb with me! I know you’re behind it all.  I know you told your dad to stop sponsoring the company.  I accept that.  I’ll find another sponsor.  But I don’t like how you spread that rumor about us all over the news and internet!” Haeyoung shouted.
“Now you know not to mess with me.” Dara smirked at her.
What the hell is going on?  Youngbae and I looked at each other.
“Take it back now!” Haeyoung told her.
“No. The only way I’ll take it back is if you get down on your knees and apologize to me.” Dara told her.
Haeyoung didn’t say anything and just looked at her.
“You don’t want to?  Alright. I’ll let your company close down.  Let’s just say you do find another sponsor but who would want to keep on going to your place if you guys aren’t great and professional.”  Dara told her.
Dara is messing with Haeyoung’s company?  What is wrong with Dara? Is this because of that incident that happened a month ago? I thought she let it go!  Why is she even doing this now?!
“Fine.” Haeyoung said.  “I’ll apologize.”
What the hell?  She’s going to apologize when she didn’t do anything wrong!  I was about to stop her but Youngbae did it before I did.
“Stop it! You didn’t do anything wrong!” Youngbae shouted and grabbed Haeyoung by her arm. “If anyone has to apologize then it’d be Dara.”
“Why do I have to?!”
“Because you’re in the wrong!  You started this not Haeyoung so she has nothing to apologize for!” He yelled at her. 
“Why are you protecting that ?” 
“She’s not a ! Don’t you ever call my friend a !  You’re the here! If you ever lay a finger on Haeyoung or hurt Haeyoung I won’t ever let it slide.  I don’t care if you’re Ji’s girl.  You hurt my friend then I’ll hurt you.” Youngbae said and walked out of the room pulling Haeyoung along with him.
“Did you see that?!  Why are you friends with that ?!  Why is he even protecting her?!” Dara shouted.
“Why’d you do it?” I asked her.
“You know why I did it.” She replied.
“You’re willing to stoop that low just to get an apology from her?!” I raised my voice at her.
“What’s wrong with you? You’ve never raised your voice at me before!”
“Well it’s because you did something stupid and childish!  How could you do that?  Is this all a joke to you?  Why mess with someone’s life when they didn’t even do anything to you!” I told her.
“Why are you being like this? You’re suppose to be on my side!” She told me.
“Not this one. You’re wrong.” I told her and left her in my office.
I don’t know what’s gotten into me but I was furious at Dara.  How could she do that?  Couldn’t she just let it go and move on?  I have to go find Haeyoung right now.
Haeyoung’s POV
After Taeyang told Dara off, he dragged me out of Jiyong’s office.  He dragged me all the way to the parking garage.  No one said anything.
“Where are we going?” I asked him.
“I don’t know. I just didn’t want to be in there.” He told me.
“Can you let go of my arm then?” I told him.
“I’m sorry. Were you really going to get down on your knees and apologize?”
“Yes.  What else can I do?  If that was the price so I can get my company back then I’m willing to pay for it.” I told him.
“Are you stupid or something?! You didn’t even do anything wrong! Why do that?! Don’t you have any pride or self respect for yourself?”
“I don’t.  Ri In and I worked hard to build this company.  I couldn’t let it be gone just because of Dara.  I told you that it was a price I was willing to pay if it would save the company.” I told him.
“There are other ways to save your company and this isn’t one.” He told me.
“How?” I asked. “She’s right though. Even if I do find other investors the company would still have a bad reputation.”
“I’ll find a way. I mean we’ll find a way.  I’ll help you.” He told me.
“Because I care about you. You’re my friend and I want to protect you.  Let me protect you.” He told me.
I didn’t say anything and he walked closer to me and pulled me into a hug.
“I’ll protect you from Dara from now on.  I won’t let her hurt you.” He told me.
“Thank you Youngbae.” I said.
“You’re calling me Youngbae again.” He laughed and broke the hug and offered me his hand. “Friends?”
“Friends.” I smiled at him and shook his hand.
Jiyong’s POV
I went to the parking garage.  Maybe Youngbae and Haeyoung would still be there.  I have to talk to her and tell her not to worry.  I have to tell her that I’ll deal with Dara and convince Dara to drop it.  I saw them at the garage and they were hugging each other.  I stopped walking and looked at them from afar.  They broke the hug and Youngbae was saying something to her while offering his hand to her.  Haeyoung shook his hand and she was smiling.  It was my first time seeing her smile in a while.  I felt a pain in my chest.  Why is my chest hurting?  Why is it in pain?  I decided not to disturbed them and walked the other way.  What is the chest pain that I’m feeling right now?  I decided to shake it off.  I’m glad Youngbae is there for her.  I trust Youngbae the most to be with her.
I waited for them to leave and headed to my car.  My phone was ringing and it was Dara.  I didn’t feel like talking to her so I didn’t pick up.  She kept on calling me over and over to the point where I just shut my phone off.  I needed to clear my head so I headed to a bar.  
I sat there thinking about what just happened today.  I was pissed at Dara for being so childish and immature.  She’s starting unnecessary drama for everyone right now.  Just because she was humiliated.  I’m beginning to have second thoughts about this wedding.  Is this the person Dara really is?  I knew she could be a bit dramatic sometimes but not to this point.  Am I making the right decision by marrying her?  Why do I feel like I’m making a mistake right now?  Why am I even having these second thoughts about Dara?  Is it because she’s giving Haeyoung a hard time?
Haeyoung.  Why am I even thinking of you right now?  Why am I thinking about you more than I think about my own fiancé?  I’ve never yelled at Dara before but now I do.  I’ve never gotten mad at her before but now I do.  It’s all because of you.  What is wrong with me?  Why do I worry for you so much?  Why do I even care about you?  Why do I care if you hate me or not?  And why did I feel chest pains when I saw you hugging Youngbae?  Why did a small part of me wished it was me you were hugging?  What is going on with me?  Why can’t I stop thinking about you?  What are you doing to me Moon Haeyoung?
I kept on drinking and drinking hoping that the alcohol will make me forget about Haeyoung.
Haeyoung’s POV
Youngbae came back to me with the office. The three of us tried to find ways to fix this problem.  We came with zero solutions.  We checked online and there was a petition signed by thousands of people in Korea telling us to shut down our business.  I really don’t know what to do now.  There’s nothing we can do at this point.  I felt hopeless.  We spent hours trying to find ways to clear this problem.  Still no solution.  Youngbae had to leave to meet a client and Ri In had a head ache and left.  I decided to call it a night a few hours later.  What am I going to do now?
I ended up going to a bar to drink it away.  I know alcohol will make me feel a lot better than I do right now.  I ended up drinking a lot and getting really drunk.  I remember seeing someone really cute.  He was really cute and he was drunk too.  He told me he found me attractive and the next thing you know we kissed.  We ended up sleeping with each other.
I woke up with a huge headache.  Why the hell did I drink so much yesterday? I looked around and saw that I wasn’t in my room.  Where am I?  Why is it so cold?  Why the hell am I ?  I saw my clothes scattered on the floor and another pair of clothes on the floor.  Am I in a hotel?  Did I hook up with someone last night?!  Why the hell did I drink so much? I’m so stupid!  I looked over the other side of the bed to see who I slept with.  To my dismay, it was Kwon Jiyong.  I am an idiot for drinking a lot.
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JiYong_JaGi #1
Chapter 13: Omg~ I thought it'll be happy family and happy love life with them~ what will they face? Please don't break them up~ nice story~ do update soon~
Chapter 13: Oh no! What 'completely wrong'? NO~~
Chapter 13: More drama???
Chapter 13: What does he mean by being completely wrong?
michily #5
Chapter 13: OMO! is more trouble coming? ottoke?
so cuteeee <3 i love the story. it's like i can sense their true happiness in the story. Is the story ending here???? please don't end it here :( i hope you'll continue the story! :D please update soon unnie! :D :D :D
kreeezie #7
Chapter 12: so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute <3
21BBYG #8
Chapter 12: Awww , so sweet.. <3(teary-eyes)
Chapter 12: Ahhh. I really love this chap! Its so sweet and cute at the same time. Finally, they're together again. Thanks for the update ^^
Chapter 12: such a sweet chapter! please keep on updating authornim!
no more bad dara please. kekekeke