The Playboy Meets The Gentle Girl

Looking At You From Afar

'Bye Yongguk hyung~ Don't miss me too much~' Himchan spoke in a girly voice as he prepares to leave for his university classes

'Ayy..don't use those words on me, use it on all those girls that you play with.' Yongguk retaliated. 

'Hyung, you make me sound like some kind of playboy, oh come on, it was them who wanted to be with me, I already warned them not to get too attached to me but after they find me flirting they went all crazy!' Himchan went wild with his arms.

'Yeah yeah whatever you say' Yongguk shaked his head

University..hmm I wonder what new hot chicks I would meet.. Himchan thought as he walked through Seoul University whistling all the way. 

Himchan experted horts of fans to swarm around, but fortunately, they didn't.

'Seems like B.A.P still doesn't have sasaeng fans, or at least I don't, fabolous!' Himchan muttered under his breath

'Hey isn't Juniel?'

'Yeah you're right, lets go get her autograph!'

Juniel? The FNC artist that debuted this year too, she's pretty cute..hehehe..nah...I should just leave her alone, I should concentrate on my studies and further promote B.A.P ...that so isn't me but oh well... Himchan stared into Juniel silently from a distance.

Himchan continued walking towards Class 2-A, found a vacant seat there and sat down and began to doze off.

'Hey! Wake up!' a student sitting beside Himchan elbowed his arm 'Class is starting.'

'Whu..what..okay' Himchan yawned.

The teacher started the class by calling out everyone's names

'Chong Jia Qin' 




'Choi Jun Hee'

Seems like I'm in the same class as her eh, I guess this is fate, Himchan thought.

For the next 2 hours of the class, all he did was stare at her intensely.

'Class dismissed.' 

Since it was the first day, there was only one lesson, usually Himchan would dread lessons but this time, he wished it was longer, there was something different about Juniel from all the other girls that he had met, he can't explain it yet but it was definitely there, her aura that seems to seductively draw Himchan in, her elegance that exudes that would make even sunflowers view her as their sun. 

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Chapter 1: Update soon.
Chapter 1: Update soon my dear friend~!^^