

"Hey jagiya~~ Wanna sing a duet with me?" Minyoung said as she dragged Youngjae to the mic and picked out a song. They sang and sang. Everyone cheered and congratulated him on signing a contract with TS after training in JYP. Jay Park, JYP, 2PM were all there to celebrate for him. After singing some songs, Minyoung and Youngjae took a break while Jay Park gave them some break dances to raise the asmosphere. Everyone was getting wild except Youngjae. Minyoung shot him a quzzical look. "Jagi, Are you alright?" Youngjae nodded bur he still looks glum. "Yeobo, Can you don't go?" He said as he started to play Minyoung's fingers. "I'm sorry but I have to. My parents were the one that forced me to. So, while I'm away for 2 years, you can train and train and by the time I am back to Korea, you might be standing on Music Champion's stage making all the fans go crazy~!!" Minyoung said as he patted on Youngjae's head. "But, if this really happens, will you wait for me until I become a star?" Youngjae asked as he shot Minyoung puppy eyes. "O-Of course honey~" Minyoung said nervously as she started to change the topic. Something strange is going on. Whenever Youngjae asked her the same question, she would always change the topic. No matter how many times he asked her, she will still not reply him confidently."WHY WOULDN'T YOU ANSWER ME?" He shouted right outside the room. "I DIDN"T WANT YOU TO THINK TOO MUCH!" She shouted back. "I JUST WANTED AN ANSWER!" He shouted as he punch the wall right beside Minyoung's cheeks, sending fears down her spine. With that he walked away. 'What if she is really going to leave me? Will she? What the hell am I thinking? SHE WOULDN"T!' he thought to himself as he walked back into the room ruff9ling his hair. "Hey look I really sorry." Minyoung said as he pulled Youngjae back. "I am really sorry. I will wait for you okay? I promise." She said as she pulled him in for a passionate kiss. 

The next day, Youngjae was in JYP's car on his way to TS entertainment. He was chatting with Minyoung happily when they reach the entrance of TS. "Yahh, Youngjae-ah. Remember what I've taught you okay? Shine for us in TS. Arasso?" He said as he patted Youngjae's head and walked him to the entrance while Minyoung watched from behind. Youngjae turned and gave sent her a kiss and walked back in to the building.

Everytime when Youngjae gets the chance to use his handphone, he would always call Minyoung first. But she didn't answer her call. "Why isn't she answering?" He mummbered to himself as his trainee called him from behind. "Nehh, I'll be read in a minute." He said as he called her one last time. At lunch break, he was chilling out with the managers and with his group, B.A.P. Everyone was laughing and enjoying when their manager stopped them. He showed Youngjae a picture of his niece and Minyoung. Youngjae dropped the phone and went up to their dorm. The hyung line only took a glance at the phone then quickly went up to the dorm. The maknae line took time to look at the picture. "Uh oh... You made Youngjae hyung angry. You're dead." Zelo said innocently as his second finger went back and forth in front of the manager's face. "DIE. MR KANG. DIE." Jongup shouted as Zelo and him 'shot' him with their invisible machine guns and walked backwards towards the lift. On the other hand, Youngjae went up and turn on his ladtop and called for a video call with Minyoung. "WHO THE WAS WITH YOU ON FACEBOOK?!!" Youngjae shouted as tears started to form in his eyes. "Listen Young-" "I WANT TO MEET YOU AT THE BLOODY MOMENT!!!!" Youngjae shouted as he broke the glass dolphin that he got for Minyoung. He wanted to wait till it's their Aniversary but he couldn't wait anymore. He broke it and held the broken glass in his hands tightly while blood trickled down his right hand in oreder to control both his tears and temper. "I don't want to." Minyoung said as she pinched her skin nervously. "WHY?" Youngjae shouted. "Because you will get impulsive and I don't like it." She said nervously. "Okay. I will not get impulsive. I'll talk to you clamly. I promise." "You promise?" "Yes, where do you want to meet?" "Okay, let's meet at the usual place we used to." We used to. This 3 words broke Youngjae's heart terribly. Without even cleaning the blood on his hand, he went and look for her. 

"Okay, now, tell me. Who is he?" Youngjae said clamly as he gripped onto his shirt. "He-he..." Minyoung stammered. Before she could even proceed to the next word......

"WHO IS HE?!" Youngjae shouted at her causing her wanting to leave.

"If you're gunna talk like this, I ain't going to confess." She stood up and left. Youngjae lef out a frustrating groan and ran after her. "Okay, Okay~!! I'm- I'm really sorry. I-I will not shout at you anymore. Just please. Please tell me who is he to you?" Youngjae's voice cracked while saying the last sentence. "He is my new boyfriend." She said as she looked away from Youngjae. "W-what?" He cracked again. This time, it was Minyoung that shouted. "I SAID, HE'S NOW MY BOYFRIEND." Youngjae was speechless. He was numb for speaking. "WHY HIM? YOU TOLD ME THAT YOU WILL WAIT." -Slience- "He- he is not as implusive as you. He's more caring than you. He doesn't go out drinking like you on every Friday." Minyoung said as tears started to flow down both of their cheeks. Youngjae sobbed. "F-fine. When are you leaving?" "This Saturday. 6pm. Oh, you don't really have to to send me off." "Why? He is sending you off?" Youngjae asked as he turned towards Minyoung. "No. He isn;t just sending me off. He is going with me." "What?" "He is going with me. So, you don't have to send me off. I'm not your burden anymore." She said as she walked closer to the street. Youngjae kept chasing her but ended up crying, tearing apart. He still cannot face the fact that he is already single. A sport car stopped in front of them. When Minyoung was about to open the door, Youngjae went down on his knees and sobbed," Before you go, answer me. Did you ever love me?" He asked when the thunder started to crumble. Bit and bit of raindrops came falling down. Minyoung quickly step into the car and it drove off. Leaving Youngjae kneeling infront of the street. He stayed there like forever. He didn't bothered to stand. He just stayed there, with rain pouring down from the sky like it's not going to end. He couldn't bring himself up. Neither would he want to. He just felt like someone just took away his soul. '"Did you really have to leave me? I don't wanna say goodbye."







It's not the end yet!!! Sorry for making you guys wait for like forever!! There'll be a chapter 2 coming up. Special for Youngjae. Not because he is my bias. Yongguk is my true bias~!<3 Haha~~ This is a long story, so instead of one shot, I'm making it into a two shot~! Okay? Thanks for reading, commenting and subcscribing~! Love you earthling readers~!! <3 Thank you so much for supporting. I'll see you when I do. Annyeong~!!


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Chapter 2: this scene seems like Taeyang 'Only Look At Me' mv..
bapdaehyunnie #2
Chapter 1: This scene sounds familiar, where you got the idea abt youngjae being implusive and the girk having a new boyfriend.... this scene sounds very familiar to ne but i cant think of it, where is it from may i ask?