Not worthy

I will wait for you, forever ♥

-Narrator's POV:-

It was Saturday.


-Tiffany's POV:-


*yawns* "I am awakeee. Wow, guess I must be really tired from yesterday's trip since it's already 11.30..."

"you know what, I will look for Key again..."

"I 'm such a stubborn person..."

I changed and cleaned up and headed to the kitchen.

I prepared my special lunch for Key and headed out.

"Aunty~ I am going out. Bye ~"

"Okay, be careful and come back earlier!"



I rang the doorbell at Key's house for at least a hundred times??

But nobody answered...

So I decided to just sit near the door while I wait...



"Where the hell are you Key?!?!??"

"I am hungry and the lunch I made is already so cold ):"

*sigh~* "But what if Key comes back when I am out buying food? Ugh"



-Narrator's POV:-

TaeMin walked pass and saw Tiffany sitting there alone....

He went up and sat next to her.



-Tiffany's POV:-

"Hi Tiffany, what are you doing here?"

"Hello, TaeMin. I am waiting for Key....."

*looks at the lunchbox* "Hehehe. Lunch for him ehh? But don't you know? He has a part-time job during the weekends. He works from morning till night and he is probably working now....."

"Waeee. *pouts* Why didn't you tell me earlier!!! I am starving and I can;t believe I just wasted the last 3 hours sitting here ):"

"You didn't ask... And how was I suppose to know you would do something so silly"

"Sigh~ Blame myself for being so stupid -__- Anyway, why does he have to work? I thought his parents were rich?"

"Huh? Rich? I am not sure, but his parents died years ago... when he was quite young... In a car accident i think. He was the only survivor in his family..."

"WHAT? Why didn't anyone tell me?" I held back my tears as I didn't want to cry in front of TaeMin.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim... I will never see them again... I did not even had the chance to say goodbye, or even see them one last time.... And Keyyy... He must have felt horrible. Why wasn't I here for him??

When we were young and my parents frequently quarelled, I would find Key cry to him. He always listened and was always there for me when I needed. But Key.... I wasn't even close when he needed someone. Knowing him, he must have gone through such a terrible time alone... He must have hated me for leaving. What kind of friend am I???

"I thought you already knew I guess..."

"Why must he work so hard?" 

"I don't think his parents left a will. Key has nothing left but the house... He has no choice but to work his off to pay for the house or the school fees. I don't get why he choses to go to Shinwa and also keep the house though.."


Did he do this for me?? Get into the school? Stay in the house?

Pabo KEY! What If I forgot??? What if I didn't come back? Will you just spend your whole life here miserably waiting for me?

And why did you try so hard to go to Shinwa? It's so expensive... Was it because of me?

Why am I so selfish? You did so much for me and I have done nothing for you in return....

Key, you idiot! I am not worth your efforts...


"Hey Tiffany-ah, are you okay? Want to grab something to eat? My treat."

"Nahh. It's okay, I have lost my appetite and I don't feel like eating anything..."

"Erm ok. Call me if you need anything, alright?"

I bade farewell and walked away forlornly....

I just kept on walking and allowed my instincts to guide me. Heading to wherever my feet went.

Then, after what that seems like miles,

I reached.

It was that tree.

The tree that me and Key spent a lot of our childhood ar.

All those memories...

And the tree is adorned with so many ribbons now.

Key... He must have felt anguished.

 Why was I not here for him? Especially when he needs me?

 Key, why didn't you tell me? Why are you keeping everything to yourself and suffering in silence?

 And why... why are you doing all of this for me? But yet you pretend you don't know me...

 My body shook with jerking movements as I leaned against the tree...

 I whimpered and made puppish noises. My vision blurred.

 My senses got all mixed up by my emotions.

 My mind keeps telling me, I am not worthy.

 And for the rest of the day. I sat there, alone. With only the tree as my source of comfort.




-End of Chapter 10-




-Writer's Message:-

Hi everybodeh~

As promised, the next chapter :D

Pardon me for not being on time and delaying the update though... 


P.S. the polls here previously (now they're gone idky) affected the next few chapters!!!

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I'm done!!!!! Don't expect much please. Also, the ending will be up to your imagination so as to not disappoint hehe.


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sherrykeitaro94 #1
Chapter 23: Please don't end the story like that...the ending so sad
Chapter 23: That was the end already? TT A TT
Chapter 21: Please update soon~ The cliff hanger is killing me and it's making me frustrated~ >~<
Chapter 21: Update soon!! I waited so long for you to update~ TT n TT I almost unsubscribed~
Woah!!! I found it!!! The very first fanfic I've read!!! Okay, I'm going to cry now ~
New reader!
Please update!! please!!!!!!
christinyweenie #7
THIS IS TOO GOOD! Hope things go well for key and tiffany is ok! (:
TT^TT Tiffany--sh-she died??