Chapter 2

The Journey into Kim Jong In's Heart

Today was the official start of Yoona's new job. But nothing has gone right for her since morning. Not only did she forget to bring her house keys out but she also accidentally snoozed too long after the alarm has went off. One would expect a smooth sailing morning but despite her appearance, Yoona was quite the opposite of smooth sailing. She was clumsy, forgetful and messy. Her house was flipped inside out after an hour trying to find her house keys. Things sure weren't going very well for Yoona this morning. Ugh God must hate me. Finally reaching the office building, Yoona finds herself looking like a utter mess. Her hair was flying all over the place and her face looked too pale. She quickly sprint towards the nearest bathroom and grabs her makeup pouch out. At last, Yoona beams proudly at her finished work in the mirror. She takes a deep breath in and gathers all her stuff and walks out. 

The building was very huge. The lobby was much bigger than the previous office I worked at. It was grand and magnificent. I could feel myself shrinking among the crowd. I stick out my chest with my head up high and start to walk towards the elevator. "The CEO's office is on the 32nd floor. Just turn to your right and the first door you see is his office." I nod gratefully and pressed the button to close. It was nerve wrecking as I saw the other workers walk out before me. By the time the elevator reached the 30th floor, there was nobody else in the elevator leaving me all alone in the confined space. "Breath out Yoona. You can do this." I silently consoled myself with the breathing excercises I had been taught and finally the elevator door opens. "You have reached the 32nd floor." I step out and turn to my right. Ah. This must the CEO's office. Not bothering to look at the name on the door, I knock twice on the door. "Come in." A deep and husky voice greets me. Wait a minute. That sounds really familiar. Where have I heard that voice? I stood stiffly at the door trying to figure out the owner of the voice. Oh! A lightbulb flashes in my head as I realized who it sounded like. Kim Jong In. No way. You have to be kidding me. It can't be him. I shook my head furiously. I mean how can it be him? He is dead. Maybe all men sound similar to him. Or I just simply miss him too much and thought it was him. I gently opened the door and put my left foot in and stride to the front of the desk. I knew I looked timid and that was not how I planned my first impression to be but I could not help it as I was freaked out of my mind. What if he looked exactly like him or......or it was him? I gathered all the remaining courage I had and lifted my head to look at him. My jaw drops and my eyes widen. God. You must be playing a trick on me right?

A seemingly long time passes as I continue to stare at him. This was impossible, Wasn't he pronounced dead? What in the world? I think I am going crazy. Yes I must be crazy from all the late night horror movies I have been watching. "Are you just going to stand there and stare at me the whole day?" I was suddenly sent back to reality. He must have been a illusion. Realizing how stupid and mental I looked like, I smiled and said "Hel-Hello. Nice to meet you again." Are you out of your mind Yoona? That was all you could do? Really? He smirked at me and gave a dry laugh. "Yes it had been a really long time since I have last seen you." I managed to smile a bit but I think it must have looked pathetic. The room was filled with awkwardness as I looked around everywhere but him. Maybe I should try to start a conversation to break the silence.. "Umm...So how is life?" I cursed myself mentally again. Way to go Yoona. You sound like an ignorant child in first grade. No, even a child in first grade knows better than you. "Hmm...I say life was pretty good until I met you again today." His lips curl up as I fidget uncertainly at his reply. He must be happy making me feel uncomfortable. He must blame me for his accident. Well, I mean who wouldn't? "So, tell me why did you apply for this job? Did you expect a rich man to fall to their knees when they meet you or were you just up for some gold digging like you usually do?" He definitely hates me. But when did he become so cruel? "Look Jong In, I-" "Halt there for a second Miss Im. I believe you are now my assistant which makes me your boss. I'm sure you don't address your boss by their first name, do you? "Yes, Jong- I mean Mr Kim-" "I only hired you to work. Please make a note in your mind that I don't tolerate any nonsense." His eyes were cold and lifeless. I could see anger and hatred in them. But at the same time, I could see a bit of pity in there. He has changed so much and I don't think that was the Jong In I have missed for the past 5 years. No, he was a totally different guy from the Jong In in my memories. This was not Jong In I knew before he "died", this is the new Kim Jong In that I must learn to dislike. He was not going to be nice to me, that I can tell. But at least, I hope I will not reveal my weak side when he is being mean to me. I can't let him know my weaknesses. 


She was still the same as I have remembered her. Tall, slender and beautiful. I think she doesn't age at all. She definitely looks more mature after 5 years but that matureness made her looked like a woman. She was just a girl that I used to love but now she is a real woman. That fact does not help me at all as I almost could not stop myself from drooling. Gone were the times when she used to look like a pure and innocent 18 year old fresh out of high school. The 23 year old Yoona seemed to ooze appeal from all over. The moment she stepped into his office, she looked as if she has just stepped out of a fashion editorial. Long dark chocolate brown hair fell from her back that swishes to and fro as she walks. Her skin was porcelain-like, without a trace of fault. Her eyes framed by long lashes seemed to bore into his soul as if they could see right through him. Her rosy pink lips always pouting when she is embarrassed. She has donned a teal blue peplum dress that stopped right above her knees. The dress only accentuated her figure even further and complimented her radiant skin very well. She was truly the ultimate temptation. I have to be stronger if she is going to keep being this attractive. "Miss Im, your first task for today is to buy me a cup of coffee with a croissant. By the way, I like my coffee piping hot and when you come back, I expect the coffee to be as hot as you first bought it. Oh and I forgot, it's three blocks from here so you might want to hurry if you want to keep the coffee hot. If you come back and give me a cup of coffee that is below the temperature I want, you will have to go back again until you get it right. Understood?" He throws a twenty dollar bill and turns his head back to his computer. She continued to stand there, clearly in shock. He whips his head back to her. "Why? You don't want to do it? Fine, I shall offer this job to someone else then." She jerked her head up and answers "I will do it. Be back in fifteen." With that said, she grabs the money and sprints out of the room. This is just the start Im Yoona. The worst has yet to come. He laughs and returns back to work. This will be interesting.



That guy is insane! I want to wipe off that smug look on his face so badly! How in the world am I supposed to bring back piping hot coffee? Ugh. Life is so unfair. Of all jobs, I just had to be greedy and pick the one with the most pay. The worst thing is, HE'S MY BOSS! If he didn't turn into such a jerk, my life would be easier. "Go to Starbucks please." I flung myself onto the taxi seat. The only way I could ever reach there in less than 5 minutes and come back with his coffee still hot is by taxi. "Having a hard day, miss?" I smile weakly at the taxi driver. "Yes. I am in a hurry and under a lot of stress." The taxi driver looks up and grinned "Miss, life is always going to be tough but it's the little things that make you feel it is worthy to keep on living. I am sure a beautiful young lady like you would have enough joy in your life to keep on going. Speaking of hurry, we are here. Do you need me to wait here to bring you back?" I beamed happily at him. "Yes please! Thank you so much! You are such a nice person!" I grabbed my purse and ran out of the taxi. After ordering coffee and a croissant, I hurriedly dash back to the taxi. 10 minutes. I counted as I stood in the elevator. Now we're talking. Ha! The look on your face is going to be priceless. Bet you didn't expect me to still have your coffee hot in one go. I knocked on the door gently and a deep voice yelled "Come in." I opened the door and strut to his desk. I slammed the coffee and croissant on the table. "Here is your PIPING HOT coffee and croissant, Mr Kim. Please enjoy your breakfast. Oh, and here's your change of eight dollars." His mouth drops open and he lifts his head back to me and glares. His eyes seemed to darken a shade as he touched the coffee. "This is acceptable." What? That coffee is still as hot as I first got it and he only says "acceptable"? Unbelievable! He picks up the croissant and bites a piece of it. Man, that croissant looked good. My stomach grumbled violently as it reminded me that I have not had breakfast yet. The croissant smells heavenly, what I would do to get a bite..He clears his throat which causes me to look away from the croissant to him. A huge smirk across his face as he asks me "Are you hungry dear?" "Yes- I mean no! I am not hungry." "Excellent because you won't have time to eat with the amount of work I am about to assign you." That son of a - No. His mother was very pleasant, that is not a very nice remark about her. How could he tempt me like that with food? I love food so much and speaking of food, I am super hungry. "I am going to meet a very important client for around two hours and by the time I get back, I expect you to write a 5 page report on how the company can expand and what sort of direction we should head towards." I stood there rooted to the ground. I was speechless. A 5 page report in two hours? I don't even know where to start. "Miss Im. You are obviously unaware of what I expect from you. First, when I give you a command you have to reply me with a 'Yes' and go. Second, I don't like your hesitant nature so when you answer me you have to be confident about your answers. Third, you shall never question my command and will always do what I say. So, are you going to keep standing there and keep staring at me?" I will kill him one day. I will go crazy sooner or later so why not now? I threw the thought away and manage the sweetest smile I could and replied "Of course Mr Kim. I understand your expectations and I shall start now. Have a good day." I turn on my heels and head straight to the door. Words cannot describe how relieved I was to be out of that room. He basically transformed into a monster and he was bent on the idea of giving me a hard time. This is going to be a stressful job and I knew it. But how could I just suddenly quit the job? That would mean I was scared of him and have accepted that I could not handle stress. I had to prove him wrong. I knew I was stronger than that. So you want a five page report on improving your company's prospects and expanding? Well wait till you read what I have to say about you when it comes to the CEO. I laughed evilly as I thought of what I would write. I sighed loudly, This is going to be tiring. 


Hello again dear readers! I have just posted Chapter 2 and I hope it is good enough. Please forgive me for suddenly switching from third-person perspective to the character's perspective in some paragraphs. I hope it is not too confusing and you will understand who is thinking in that paragraph. Enjoy!

PS: In case you have forgotten, any text that is written in italics is the character's thoughts that is going on in their head. 


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Chapter 2: Wohooo love it !!! But why yoona thought he die in accident right and kai thought yoona left him .. wtheck sory my language is happening now ... do they know what happening ??? Bcz from whatbi know now both of them no a lie fact right ??? Goshh kai is so mean i hate himm yoona gambatehhh .. author wherebare you update plzz
nzz1505 #2
love your story. Waiting for the next chapter :) fighting!
Chapter 2: what happened to YoonKai in the past? Why kai hate yoona now.. Did yoona hurt him before? I'm so curious..
Chapter 2: Bring another rival for Kai in~ Huhu ^^
Why Yoona didn't try to explain why she left at first?
Btw, nice chapter. Love u author~
Chapter 1: Please update soon! :D It sounds interesting. I bet Kai's best friend lied to Yoona and Kai. If Kai's best friend is a girl, I'm guessing she's jealous -> She likes Kai. If his best friend is a guy, then I'm guessing that he's jealous -> He likes Yoona. Or maybe just some friend that has some idk reasons xD