Chapter 1

The Journey into Kim Jong In's Heart

It was a cold lonely night for Yoona. Today was the day she returned to Seoul after 5 long years of escaping. But a girl can't escape for too long can she? Leaving the hospital without seeing him for the last time was simply torturous for her. It was all her fault. She should not have distracted him from the wheel. Now she can never live her life the same again. She caused his death. She killed him. She was a murderer. But it is time for a brand new start and she will be stronger and more vigilant this time. Nothing will go wrong and she will live her life happily for Jong In. 



He tapped the table impatiently. What was taking them such a long time? Life was not easy for Kim Jong In. He was now a successful entrepreneur of a huge shipping company. Stuck in boring long meetings every day, when will he get a break? Suddenly, the image of a familiar face crept into his thoughts. Im Yoona. He smiled wistfully. She was long gone after hearing he will be handicapped. At least that was what his best friend told him. She abandoned him right after hearing he was going to be handicapped for the rest of his life. She was not going to stay to help a handicap. The cold harsh truth still bothers him till today. But things were different now. The truth was, he was living a much better life now and he was definitely not handicapped. It was a miracle that he left the hospital unscathed. The doctors could not believe he did not have any major loss of blood or an punctured organ. He was perfectly healthy and normal. I am stronger now. She is just a bittersweet memory now. I don't love he- His thoughts were abruptly disrupted by the sound of his name being called. "Mr Kim? Mr Kim?" He jerked his head upwards and stared at his surbodinate. 


"Well, we have finished our discussion for today. We were thinking if you wanted to make any comment or suggestion?"

"Umm...No. We shall continue this meeting tomorrow. You all are dismissed." 

"Yes Mr Kim. Good night."

As everyone scuttled out of the meeting room, he walked slowly towards the window. The view of Seoul looks magnificent from here. Curse Im Yoona. She made me look bad in front of all my surbodinates. He rubbed his forehead and sighs loudly. When will he ever find love again? It seems no matter how he tries to date a new girl again, they fail to keep his interest long. Unlike Im Yoona.



"Uncle, please just stop in front of that white apartment over there."

She takes her change and steps out of the taxi. I'm home. Gathering her luggage, she is welcomed to shouts of joy from her two best friends, Jessica and Yuri. 

"OH MY GOD, YOU ARE ALIVE WOMAN!" screams Jessica.

"Yes. Okay. I got it. You are still as loud as ever. Maybe it is not such a good idea to come back after all..."

"Girl, you have left the both of us without giving us the chance to bid farewell and you suddenly come back...I..I...I missed you!" Yuri envelops Yoona into a deep hug. The both of them started crying and hugged even tighter than before.

"Umm guys, what about me? I missed you too Yoona! Did you know how shocked was I to find out you were going for 5 years?!" 

"Okay, okay. I miss all of you alright? Let's go in."


The three girls ran into the elevator and Yuri presses the 10th floor button. Ding! The doors open and they drag Yoona into the far corner in front of a white big door. "Don't thank us too early. We know you like your privacy so we decided to give you this unit instead of making you live with us. But remember, we will visit you often so you better embrace us joyfully." Yoona smiled cheerfully at the two girls. They have not changed one bit. 5 years later and they are still the same friends she has met in High School. They were always loud and vibrant making her laugh everywhere they went. I used to be like that. She shakes the thought away and grin. "Well, are you guys up for a girls night out this weekend? I am thinking of celebrating my comeback with you guys and the others. Oh and I am starting work tomorrow! So I have to sleep early tonight." "This weekend? Okay, we will invite the other girls. Hell yeah, our party girl is back and our group is finally complete again. Good night!" She watches as the two girls skip over to their house opposite hers. She will be back to normal again. She is going to be a new Im Yoona from tomorrow. No sad faces, no emotional breakdowns anymore. Nothing at all. She will be back to who she used to be. Yes, this was going to be a fresh new start without Kim Jong In.


End of Chapter 1

Hello everyone! I am a new author in Asianfanfics and I have been thinking of writing this story a long time ago but I had no idea how to start it. But here it is :) Please leave comments below if you want to give feedback or compliments :D It is my first time writing a story like this so please understand if I am unable to describe a scene well. That is all. Happy reading!


Ps. All sentences that are written in Italics are meant to be the character's thoughts and not me narrating. 

Also, all sentences with quotation marks are conversations between the characters in the story. 



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Chapter 2: Wohooo love it !!! But why yoona thought he die in accident right and kai thought yoona left him .. wtheck sory my language is happening now ... do they know what happening ??? Bcz from whatbi know now both of them no a lie fact right ??? Goshh kai is so mean i hate himm yoona gambatehhh .. author wherebare you update plzz
nzz1505 #2
love your story. Waiting for the next chapter :) fighting!
Chapter 2: what happened to YoonKai in the past? Why kai hate yoona now.. Did yoona hurt him before? I'm so curious..
Chapter 2: Bring another rival for Kai in~ Huhu ^^
Why Yoona didn't try to explain why she left at first?
Btw, nice chapter. Love u author~
Chapter 1: Please update soon! :D It sounds interesting. I bet Kai's best friend lied to Yoona and Kai. If Kai's best friend is a girl, I'm guessing she's jealous -> She likes Kai. If his best friend is a guy, then I'm guessing that he's jealous -> He likes Yoona. Or maybe just some friend that has some idk reasons xD