What happened after a week?

'How to Get a Rock Star Boyfriend'

I was too preoccupied with all that happened for the last two weeks of the bet; I forgot it was the time of the year when students go crazy about the prom.

Since the day Hongki became my boyfriend, he started to dress the way he really is—the rocker type. He and his band mates even had a concert in the campus for the fund raising it was organizing. It just been a week since Hongki revealed his true identity for the whole school to know and he already gained a fan club—despite the fact that they know about our relationship.

Okay so back to present.

That morning, I found Hongki in the classroom surrounded by girls swooning over him, a scene which I was kinda getting used to these days. This time though the number doubled up, not only the girls in our class but as well as the girls from other classes and lower years.

I sighed, Damn! I never knew revealing his true self can be this awful—at least for me. I would rather have the weird nerdy Hongki at school rather than his handsome rocker side if this continues. Aish! I can’t even get near him without getting through a course.

“Hongki can you be my date for tonight?”

 As soon I heard those filthy words, my head snapped at the crowd in an instant feeling my blood boil. Who dare ask MY boyfriend on a date for the prom tonight in front of me?! Hello?! If you haven’t notice, he has a girlfriend! Dammit!

Before I could clobber the girl who said it as well as all the little es, I saw Hongki got up from his seat calming the girls with an awkward smile, “Now now, I’m sorry but I—already have a date.”

He finally noticed me standing at the door. He waved and smiled gently at me; shutting the crowd around him. He walked over and held my hand, “In case you all forgot, she’s my girlfriend and my date for tonight.”

The boys snorted at every girl’s disappointed reaction as they started to drag themselves out of the room. Hongki led me to my seat which was next to him. Misaki who happens to be my original seatmate switched with Hongki, so now Hongki and I are seatmates.

“Good thing he had you, Ji Hye-ah, or those girls won’t shut it,” Yi Soo, one of Hongki’s friends, said.

“Ghad! They’re annoying as hell!” One by one the boys started to complain while the girls threw jealous and poisonous glares at me.

“Ghad Ji Hye-ah, look how they stare at you like they wanted to tear your limbs apart or something,” Misaki said shivering.

I smirked, “I think they forgot I could do as much—or maybe more than what they could.”

I threw an intense look at the last girl I saw staring at me. She immediately looked away scared.

Misaki giggled, “That’s maybe the reason none of them tries to flirt with Hongki in front of you or they know they’ll taste Ji Hye’s wrath. After all, you’re the bad girl of school, right?”

“Hey, stop calling me bad girl will you? And I don’t care about those girls, I trust Hongki.”

“Awww~ I’m touched. You’re such a cute couple,” Misaki had a dreamy expression on her face.

Hongki turned to face me, “Hey babe, I have an idea about how to get rid of those girls.”


“Let’s make out in front of them!!! How about it? We did it in front of Min Ji anyway.”

“Lee Hongki,” I smiled sweetly.

“Is that a yes?” Hongki said hopefully smiling.

“I will squeeze your neck if you don’t shut it,” I warned. He pouted bitterly.


Hongki still had somethings to do in school after class and so he insisted that I go home first. Besides he knew girls need more time to prepare themselves for the prom than guys do.

I was kinda disappointed and somewhat frustrated since I thought on asking him to accompany me on buying a dress but since the thing he needs to do seem important, I left without a protest. What’s with him all of a sudden? Maybe he realized he doesn’t want me as his date tonight? Or maybe he doesn’t like me anymore?!! Maybe—NONSENSE! What am I thinking? I trust his love for me. I trust Hongki.

I was just a few blocks away from my apartment when three men in funny cartoon masks suddenly covered my mouth and dragged me inside a white van. The van drove away as soon as we were inside.

no way! I’m being kidnapped! Min Ji?! Did Min Ji strike again?! this is bad!

“We’ll release you if you stop struggling," the one on my left said.

I bit the hand covering my mouth real hard he started to scream like a girl.

“Hyung! She bit me! She bit me Hyung! She’s a dog!” the one on my right whinned.

Everyone else begun to laugh as they removed their masks.

“Yo Ji Hye,” Jae Yeon formed a V-sign with her finger winking. She sat in front with Jonghun, who was driving.

It was Seunghyun I bit and the two other guys were Jaejin and Minhwan.

“What’s with all of this?” I asked pissed off.

“Ya, aren’t you going to say sorry for biting me first?”

“Shut up Seunghyun!” Jaejin smacked the younger man on the head.

“And call her noona. Good thing Hongki hyung isn’t here or you’re dead,” Minhwan warned his best friend.

“Fine fine. I have a dog noona,” Seunghyun mumbled.

I gave him a sharp look, “Who are you calling dog?”

“Seunghyunnie, seems like you forgot she revenge worse than Hongki,” Jae Yeon added.

Seunghyun laughed awkwardly as he felt the cold wind struck him, “Hehehe noona~ you know I’m just joking right? Saranghae. I will give you Minhwan’s chicken, just don’t kill me alright?”

“Ya! How dare you bargain my chicken?! I won’t give them to you! Never!”

“But Minhwan it’s a matter of life and death. Can you stand watching me; you’re best friend, beaten up to pulp.”

“Yes, just don’t touch my chicken!”

“Ya! How could you do this to me?!”

The two kids continued to argue as we rolled our eyes.

“I repeat, what’s with all of this?”

“We came in the favor of our Almighty Vocalist,” Jonghun answered nonchalantly.

“Shhhh~ shut up your big mouth and drive,” Jae Yeon snapped at the latter.

The three boys giggled.

“Watching Jonghun hyung being ruled by a girl is quite fun to watch,” Jaejin whispered.


“We’re here!”

Jae Yeon dragged me out of the car in front of a beauty salon where Jin Ae was waiting for us.

“Ya! Come pick me up after this,” Jae yeon called at Jonghun.

“Pffttt…and why would I?”

Jae Yeon threw a murderous look at him, “Shall I remind you?”

Jonghun sighed, “Fine.”

The three boys were laughing hysterically at how there tough cold hyung recoiled immediately with Jae Yeon’s remark.

“What was that all about?” I asked Jae Yeon.

“Oh that? Let’s just say, he lost a little game and he became my slave.”

 “And what is that?!”

“I’ll tell you next time. Ya Jin Ae-ah we’re here!!!”

“So you ready for the make over?” Jin Ae chirped as soon as we reached her.


“Tonight’s your school’s prom right?” Jae Yeon smiled and pushed me gently inside the salon.


After the exhausting make up session, next stop was a boutique. Jae Yeon and Jin Ae were running back and forth grabbing dresses they find cute while I sat there watching them in awe.

I haven’t seen my face yet since they insisted on making me face a mirror when I’m all dressed up. All I know wass that my oh so straight hair was now spiraly permed on the roots.

After trying tons—I mean TONS of dresses, they finally settled on a strapless black cocktail dress streaked with diamonds.

Finally it was time for me to see myself on the mirror. My mouth immediately dropped at the sight of a girl who looks just like me. Oh wait—she is me!

My hair was indeed permed and it was unexpectedly—pretty. The dress showed off my curves and fell perfectly above my knees that flawlessly compliments with the pair of silver two-inched heels.

“Hell if he doesn’t fall in love with you even more the moment he’ll see,” Jin Ae smiled proudly.

“Yeah, I doubt he’ll be able to take his eyes off of you for a second tonight,” Jae Yeon agreed.


As soon as we went outside the boutique, a handsome white limousine was waiting on the side of the road.

A man in black suit led me to the car’s door. I looked back at my best friends in confusion as I stood next to the elegant ride.

“Go on,” Jin Ae smiled encouragingly.

“Fighting~,” Jae Yeon threw her fist in the air.

Unsurely, I stepped inside the limo.

I gasped, “H—Hongki?!”

He froze for a minute as soon as he his eyes travelled on me up and down.

“Ya, gwenchana?” I waved a hand in front of his face.

He scooted over not letting me out of his sight with his seducing eyes, “How could I be okay when a goddess suddenly fell from heavens and settled beside me?”

I giggled punching him lightly on the chest, “Ya, how much cheesiness you still got there?”

“I’ve got a lot babe,” he wrapped an arm around my waist as he leaned in, to whisper in my ears, “but honeslty you look beautiful. I think I can’t concentrate of anything but you tonight.” He smirked.






A/N: ANNYEONG~!!! exams are over!!! BANZAI!!!!! >< Three weeks semestral break here i come! FAN GIRL MODE SWITCH ON! yeah baby! :P

hahaha.. i think there's 4-5 chapters more to go so don't get sad this early, wait for the ending and decide if i should make a sequel or not.. but otteoke?? i'm thinking of starting another fic starring Hongki, my beloved, still kekeke~ you know how slow my updates are because i'm quite a lazy bum ( and oh! i'm thinking of writing an ljoe fic too.. who are angels here? kekeke~ i just got obssessed with him recently but Hongki's still my number one)


i'm emptying my wallet again to buy memory in ft island =.=' .. my parents are gonna kill me (again) if they find out.. husshh baby~ kekeke

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Hanna27 #1
Lollipopaddicted2 #2
Chapter 40: Hey! I usually don't read stories that haven't been updated in a while but I am happy I read this one :) I hope you'll update someday!! ;)
New reader, pleeaasse update again :)))
ilabya9 #4
Chapter 39: You're back!!! Yesssss this fanfic deserves an ending!!!
Chapter 38: Author-nim!!! You're back!!! MY CREYS!!! Thank you thank you!!! :))) <3
tomyidol #7
Chapter 39: Ohmergush! Haha! You're back! WeE! I'm still here. :)))
Update update update
shesworthit #9
Chapter 38: update please?
foreversucks #10
Chapter 38: can you please?