(EVENT) Pepero Switch// Pepero Camp

♡ ㅡ peperoroleplay ) Open.

PeperoSwitch !
(Gasps  you're a dude/lady now?)

PeperoRP and Icon rp are going camping! Okay campers time to pack your things and to camp we go!  

Members are going to be put in groups, they will be given a mission everyday and
they have to accomplish their mission to get a new mission the next day. 

There will be a  campfire night at the end of the week. <3
Our objective is; we want the members to get close since icon and peperos are getting so much 
new members the past few weeks.

Long live Pepero and Icon hehehe.




PeperoSwitch !
(Gasps  you're a dude/lady now?)

Oh no! Magic anon just passed PeperoRP and sprinkle its (not so magical) dust and changed
our gender! 

It's a transgender event. The boys are girls and vice versa. Who will you be? 
Zac Effron oppa is here haha -Admin Tokki.


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