I'll Be Waiting (Jongup's Proposal)

I'll Be Waiting (Jongup's Proposal)


You admired your reflection in the mirror, twisting and bending every which way to make sure you looked perfect- it wasn’t every day you wore a dress. It wasn’t every day you were a bridesmaid. Just the mention of the word got you all excited again and you had to force yourself to calm down.

Taking a deep breath, you exited your room and made your way to the main hall where the reception would take place. On the way, you ran through your mental list of all the things you needed to make sure of- flowers, confetti, the rest of the bridal concession… Being a bridesmaid was fun but it also meant many other responsibilities and you were more than ready to prove you could handle it all.

Distracted, you didn’t notice that you were walking right into the path of a wedding-goer ‘til you came toe to toe with him.

“Ah, sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going.” You bowed in apology before looking up at the man. His shoes gleamed in the golden lights, his black crisp suit fit him like a glove and he topped it all of with a cute little bowtie, but best of all he was wearing his trademark megawatt smile.

“Jonguppie?!” You squealed and threw your arms around him, hearing his familiar laugh at your reaction.

“What are you doing here? I thought you said you couldn’t make it?” You asked when you finally let go of him.

Still smiling, he shrugged nonchalantly, “cancellation in the schedule, my manager said I could come. Aren’t you glad?”

“I’m ecstatic! You have to see what I’ve done, you’re gonna be so proud of me.” You couldn’t help but brag. The last 6 months have been hectic but you enjoyed every minute of it and personally you thought you had done a good job… so far. You suddenly remembered all the things you that needed checking up on.

“But that’s going to have to wait. I’m sorry Jonguppie, I’m really busy right now. I’ll find you later? I promise!” You said apologetically to your best friend, pouting at the same time.

“Ah, so now you’re the busy one?” He teased before waving you aside, “go, it’s alright. We’ll talk later.”

“Thanks. I’m really glad you could come Jongup.” You gave him one last hug before getting back on track with your duties.


You just couldn’t help it; tears clouded your vision as you watched your sister and her new husband put on their rings before he leaned in to kiss her. It wasn’t just that all your hard work in the past half year had paid off, it was also happiness that filled the entire hall. You heard sniffs all around and were comforted by the fact that you weren’t the only affected one.

There was no denying it, the planning of this wedding often had you dreaming of your own. In fact you almost had it all down already- what kind of dress you wanted, the flower arrangements, the music, the guests… all you needed was the groom.

You turned to the audience, taking in the proud and joyful faces of your parents and so many other relatives. But there was only one face you were looking for and when you found it, you heart leapt. He winked and gave a subtle thumbs up sign, making you wonder at the back of your head how long he’d been looking at you.

Sighing, you turned back to where you should be paying attention though your thoughts were still on him. You couldn’t lie- every time you imagined your wedding, it’d be him taking your hand, him lifting the veil, him kissing you. But even you knew it was wishful thinking despite being sure of your love for Jongup, you were both young and he had a career to think of. Already so much had changed since his debut, who knew what else might change in the years to come.


“Did you see the arc? The way the flowers hung down from it? I suggested that. And the lanterns? Didn’t they look so expensive and glamorous? No one would have guessed they were handmade. You have to admit, that was pretty smart right? And the food…”

You were rambling, partly because of all the excitement and adrenaline and partly because you wanted Jongup’s acknowledgement. You glanced sideways at him, thinking he was being uncharacteristically quiet, only to notice his usual smile was gone.

You frowned and bit your lip, “well? What do you think?”

“Mmm… It was nice…”

You heart dropped in disappointment, just nice?

“I think it was great practice for our wedding.”

You stopped in your tracks, your retort freezing on your lips. Did he just say your wedding?

He stopped too and turned around to look at you, having walked ahead of you while you were paralyzed by his words.

“Did you just say our wedding?” You looked up at him, heart pounding hard, feeling hopeful and terrified at the same time.

He gave you a sheepish look and scuffed the toe of his fancy shoe on the rough cement path, “yes?”

It took you a moment to process the situation and when it finally hit you, you ran into his arms, giving him a crushing bear hug for the second time in the evening. He returned the embrace, arms hugging you tight to him.

You loosened your grip, pulling back but not letting go, you narrowed your eyes at him, “was that your proposal?”

“Well… you might have to wait a while for a real one, but yes, I’m proposing to you right now.”

You had been teasing so his answer threw you off guard and your eyes widened in surprise. He was sincere and you detected a hint of uncertainty in his eyes; it made your heart melt. Tears formed at your eyes and you answered him with your own sincerity, “I’ll be waiting.”

He smiled at your answer, lifted you off the ground and spun you around. When he set you down, you were breathless but he didn’t give you time to recover as he held you tight against his chest, his face inches from yours.

“You’d better be,” he muttered under his breath before leaning down to kiss you.

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