
Darkness Princess Angel


Ricky Pov
" psh you really think it will save her from danger?" He said in his mind
But Ricky didn't know that it was to boost up her power to potential 
" I will kill you later" Ricky said
Ricky Pov end
" yah Yuri come on let's go far away from our group" Jongup said since the teacher said to go far and take lots of pictures
" ok !!!" Yuri said and ran off with Jongup , but they didn't know that Ricky followed them
" Yuri stand and pose here" Jongup said and told her to pose in the darkest place he could find.
" ok " Yuri said and gave a bad pose
" keke you look so funny" Jongup said and but inside he felt like she was so y
" ok I will find a place sit here" Yuri said and ran off
" well well I guess you like her now" Ricky interrupted
" when did you get here?" He asked
" well when you took Yuri 's selca" Ricky said with a smirk
" since Yuri is not here I will kill you first" Ricky said with a same smirk
"Like you will" Jongup said and smirked too
" oh it is on" Ricky yelled and start to attack Yuri
" Yuri !!! Run to find my members NOW" Jongup send a mind message to her
" ok don't worry" Yuri send back
Jongup and Ricky started to punch and kick each other
"Oh this is too long time for me to finish you off" Ricky said and stabbed Jongup in the stomach 
Yuri saw this and anger erupt in her vain
" You Will Pay !!!" Yuri said in a cold and scary voice
" I will not " Ricky said and smirked
The necklace was building Yuri 's power up but Ricky didn't know that 
" well I will be taking that " Ricky said and pulled the Necklace away 
That erupted Yuri's power and made her way stronger
" well you will find out now!!" Yuri said and blasted a powerful shot fire and lava at him
" no match" Ricky said and blasted it away
" you think I am playing?" Yuri said and smirked
" well taste this !!!!" Yuri yelled and Gave her most powerful blast 
Ricky had died and Teen Top was nowhere to be seen
" Yuri..."Jongup mumbled
" Jongup !" Yuri screamed and hugged him almost  lifeless body
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can you make a new story with yuri being the lead role?
Chapter 9: awwwwhhhh soo cute
Kek thanks guys!!!
Chapter 8: but please update soon i wanna see how the story will progress
Chapter 8: lemme guess she had the power to save a persons life
AmirahDoraemon #7
Chapter 7: Please update soon! I really like this story so much! HWAITING! :)
Chapter 7: ommo will jongup survive? curse you ricky
wonderkris #9
Chapter 1: waaaa!!!
so cute!!!!!!
LoveYou12345678 #10
So Nyuh Shi Dae!