
뱀파이어 검사 {Short stories/Drabbles}


Jungin went into the pantry to make some coffee for everyone.
Because of the blood draining case, everybody was exhausted. Especially with Prosecutor Joo breathing down their necks.
Jungin smiled to herself as she remembered that how Prosecutor Joo looked just now when she declared to be on Taeyeon's side.
Personal feelings aside, Its obvious who is making the correct choice.
Jungin really dislike how Prosecutor Joo does her job.
Just to make those high end people to look good and holding back the truth.
Its just pure cowardice and despicable.
Still smiling to herself, she thought of how Taeyeon said 'We' when she asked what they should do now.
She like how he said that.
Its like making a special bond between them.. Or sort.
''Nahh! It cant be! Yoo Jungin what are you thinking of!?'' laughed Jungin, waving her hands in front of her, embarrassed at her own thoughts.
Then she sighed.
''Hey! Yoo! Are you done with the coffee yet?'' called Soo Bum from behind, causing Jungin to jump in shock.
''..Err.. Is everything alright?'' asked Soo Bum.
''Oh.. yeah.. You just.. Scared me.. I was thinking of..stuffs.. Yeah..'' laughed Jungin sheepishly.
Soo Bum narrowed his eyes and said ''Well then hurry up.. We still need to sort out the suspects’ statements and Min asked us to assemble in the meeting room in 1 hour later.''
Jungin glared at him.
Soo Bum shrank back and said ''Ok..Ok.. I help you.. Is that better?''
Jungin smirked and handled him a tray and load the cups on to it before walked out of the pantry.
''Yah! That is not cute!'' complained Soo Bum, following at the back.
''Why must I?'' replied Jungin lazily as she sat down at her desk.
Soo Bum placed the tray on the table and said ''Girls should be gentle.. And with a hint of aeygo and elegance.. Like this''
Then he covered his mouth and gave a giggle, imitating how a female should act when laughing, causing Dong man and Jungin to burst out laughing.
''That. Is really disgusting!'' laughed Jungin.
''Yeah!!'' laughed Dong man, but stopping when Soo Bum glared at him.
''I am being serious here. Look at you, you behave so roughly, no guys will like that!'' chided Soo Bum.
Jungin shrugged and said ''Well, I dont care. If a guy cant accept me being like that then its their problem. Besides not all guys like feminine girls.''
Soo Bum is about to retort back when Taeyeon came out from his office.
''Ahh.. Min come over here..'' said Soo Bum, leading Taeyeon over.
''Tell me, do you prefer girl who are..'' then he once again did the horrible aeygo.
he place his leg onto a nearby chair and strike a gangster looking pose.
Taeyeon looked at him with an eyebrow raised and an amused expression.
''What are you doing?'' he asked.
''Just tell me, which one do you prefer?'' then he repeated the actions again.
Dong man tried his best to stifle his laughter. 
Taeyeon smiled cheekily and answered ''Any one will do but as long they are not like hyung..''
Both Jungin and Dong man burst in to laughter earning a glare from Soo Bum.
Jungin glanced towards Taeyeon who is smiling at the scene.
''I wonder what type of girls he like..'' she thought.
Then she looked down at her dressing and sighed.
''Am I really too rough…”
She looked up and eyed Taeyeon with a pout playing on her lips.
Just then Taeyeon turned around, causing Jungin to jump and quickly looked away, blushing.
Taeyeon gave another cheeky smile as he sees Jungin looking flustered, looking around to find something to do.
Pabo” she thought as she looked at him from the corner of her eyes.
Author's note: Teehee! XD Hope you enjoyed XD (Btw, my story is not in sequence.. So each chapters are based from different episodes.. /I know I am an for being like that.. sorry D: / )  
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ThexxMoonxxHides #1
Chapter 5: L is incredibly hot. I feel like shipping him with Luna, even though he kills her *pouts* They just.. I don't know. I want it! *throws a mini fit* L had better be in the third season! It'd be too cheap to kill him like this, I mean he kept himself well fed whilst TaeYeon practically starved himself. No way Taeyeon survive the explosion and L didn't! *pouts more*

With that out of the way, you're sure lucky :) How good for you!
cheekykpop #2
cheekykpop #3
Chapter 2: Oh this is fantastic I agree with you we need some closer I hope they go on with a season 3 and more I love those two together
2minjae #5
Chapter 5: YOU are so LUCKY!!!thank you for shering!
and please update soon!!!I really can't wait...
2minjae #6
Chapter 1: I love your fic so much!!!and I love to keep read it!thank you for making that fic...ther no much storys on that series.
and I know what yo mean about ep 4 I was so disappointed...
if there a season 3 I hope this time they DO some THING!!!L is so HOT!!!
Chapter 3: UPDATE please I really love this one and I know what you mean about 4 episode i thought something was gonna happen too and L is toatlly HOT
Eachother in season 3

I hate it how they dont even give us a kiss =-(

Update moreeeeee <3
Chapter 3: Gah, why are there no comments on this one!!!! I love it, please continue!!! :3
(there should be more vampire prosecutor fanfics T^T)