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Personal Message

Writing is a gatewaay we have always inside of us, we only have to go trough struggles in finding the key in order to open it. 

About Me

Hello there lioness of the fire

I am in college right now trying to earn my degree in Hospitality Restaurant Management and Culinary Arts, while it may seem that I don’t update a lot don’t fear I will. I ask you just be a lil patient with me while I put my degree and schooling a little ahead of posting chapters. I do always have my nifty writing book I carry with me so I always have something to write in and continue working chapters on.

I love writing though my spelling and grammar tend to be a lil iffy at times, but we all have a weakness no author is without trial and error. I have a novel book idea in the works so I hope one day when I can perhaps I can follow in some of the great’s footsteps and become the next big thing.

I love all sorts of stories, movie, tv shows and more

A big fan of cop shows, action, magical, fantasy and adventure (and so much more )

I have a found weakness with foreign drama epically Korean Dramas they just become really addicting sometimes 

I have many ideas in the works for some of my favorite asian drama such as Jewel in the Palace , Vampire Prosecutor, A Hundred Years Inheritence,