Forever and Always

A cup of tea.. or make that two?


Forever and always



It was like another warm day of spring, Himchan patiently wait for Yongguk in the usual place they met up after work. The familiar scent of coffee makes Himchan smiles at the memory. He took a glance at his watch,




Yongguk will be here soon, just like always.




Teenage hormone. That's what Himchan thought had gone wild when he land his eyes on Yongguk. Cute gummy smile, handsome face, y tall and killing biceps to die for. But the only one that turn Himchan off was, he’s a genius. Well more like a nerdy genius minus his liking.


Yongguk look different that evening. Maybe his clothes, or the cap he wore that day, or the way he smiles at Himchan.


And then it hits him. Yongguk, the y nerd of school somehow manages to gain Himchan, the great lord of extreme beauty’s attention. Himchan curse softly as he glares at the other.


“May I take your order?”


BAM! y voice. Himchan continue to glare at his attractiveness, completely ignoring the few people queuing after him. Himchan definitely won't let Yongguk go for now.


And he blames it all on his teenage hormone.




Himchan giggles softly at the way they first met. It's kind of embarrassing when he thought of it. Himchan’s stubbornness versus Yongguk’s smartassness. Well, at least Yongguk agree on going out with him after that day.


Himchan took a glance at the clock again,




Barely few minute pass, but Himchan had been counting the second.




Himchan sigh as he walk to the same line of counter, like he did yesterday.. or maybe for the past 3 month. He’s tired of waiting anymore. If the other didn’t make the first move, it won’t hurt if he, himself did it first.. wouldn’t it?


“What would like to have today, Himchan?” A wide fimilliar gummy smile appears on the cashier’s face.

“You, me, tomorrow, 3PM, at the lake garden” Himchan said, frowning at the smiling guy.

“But Im off work at 4”

“But the school forbid student to work part time, Mr. Smartypants”

“I’ll be there at 3:59”

 “So that’s a yes?”

“What do you think, Mr. Prettypants?”



That day, Himchan have no idea how many inhuman sounds he made as he step out of the café.






Yongguk is still nowhere to be seen


“Traffic maybe,” Himchan mumbles to himself, taking a small sip of his Americano.




“Two Americano, please” Yongguk smile at the waiter and back to Himchan, who’s sitting infront of him with widen eyes as he hear the other. “I don’t know that you drink Americano.. I thought you like more sweet stuff, or something” Himchan blinks at Yongguk.


“Well. Its not gonna hurt to try something new” Yongguk reply, flashing his usual gummy smile, poking at his lover’s nose.


It was one of their usual dates. Well except that its been more than one year they’ve been together. Himchan divaness slowly disappears, with the help of Yongguk of course. Sometime Himchan thinks, maybe Yongguk is the one. But he laugh the thoughts out, trying not to put his hope high.




Himchan start to call everyone he knew from Yongguk work, well, just in case.


“He left an hour ago, saying that he gonna screw someone tonight” his friend give a soft chuckle before continue “Maybe he’s preparing something? Aww, silly don’t worry! Yongguk will be there soon, I hope”


Himchan smiles as he wait again. Yongguk will be here soon. Don’t worry.


Time is ticking.




His phone rings.

An unknown number.



“Himchannie” Yongguk call him out, holding his hands, so soft.


“hmm?” Himchan hums softly, looking at the pretty lights that decorating the street. Its way past midnight, the streets are empty. Its their second Christmas together, and Himchan still haven’t receive his present from his dear boyfriend. And he was really hoping for a puppy, which is Yongguk least favorite animal.


“Himchan” Yongguk call out again, with a bit of seriousness in his voice. Himchan turns around and stares at the other. Himchan wonder, was it because of the moonlight, or the pretty lights, but Yongguk look different. His eyes shines hope and his lips curve into a shy smile, something that Himchan never saw before from the other.


“I.. “ Yongguk said softly before pausing, bent down on his knees, “Kim Himchan, Would you marry me?” a small blush spread across Yongguk face. “We’ll grew old together, I’ll love you forever and always.”


He thinks the world stop for a while.




Himchan world stops for the second time as he rushes through the hallways, being lead by the nurses. They told him what happen, but he can barely hear any.


They stop infront of a room, Himchan finally saw him. The man he loves the most, being wired up to a machine.


He keep his face straight up as he walk closer and sits beside the bedside, “Yongguk-ah” he call out softly. He held his pale hands.


“You’re gonna be okay” Himchan kisses his cold finger. “You know, mum bought a new crib for Hyumin” Himchan start. “You should see his face when he’s inside his new crib” Himchan chuckles sadly, holding his hands against his cheek.




“Bang Hyumin” Himchan read softly with a wide smile on his lips. “That’ll sound nice~” He hums softly, looking at his fiancé. “We’ll take a good care of him” Yongguk reply softly as he took a glance of the baby picture that they going to adopt.


“And he’ll call you ‘umma’~” Yongguk chuckles darkly, amuse at his own joke. Himchan pout his lips, “Why cant you be the umma?” he ask the other. But instead he was replied by a kiss on his pouty lips. “Because you take care of the house a lot more better than I do”

“H-how would you know that? We never live together before”

“Your mum told me ofcourse, and I think I know where that divaness attitude comes from”





Himchan suddenly gets up. He runs to the door and to the nurse that was watching them. He whisper some stuff, begging for a request. Just maybe.. he was hoping for a miracle.


A few minute pass by, HImchan return to Yongguk with a pair of ring in his hand, he call out the nurse and he says a couple verse, making a small crowd gather outside the door.


Himchan took out the rings, stares into his eyes, and he says,


“I want you forever, forever and always. Through the good and the bad and the ugly. We’ll grow old together, and always remember, Whether happy ro sad or whatever, we’ll still love each other, forever and always.“


He finishes the vow but his beeps are getting so slow, his voice is almost too low, as he says, “I.. love you forever, forever and always, but please just remember even if Im not here, I’ll always love you, forever and always.”


and they seal it with a kiss, like they usually do. except that it would be their last kiss together. 






(Parachute – Forever and always)


A/N: Honestly I have no idea what did I wrote. Excuse my grammar, 2nd language mind you.



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loserwhowrites #1
Chapter 2: Oh shiet.. i felt creepy all of a sudden (・∀・)

U noe bcoz just yesterday i was listening to parachute forever and always (._.)
Chapter 2: it was really sweet remembering all the times they've spent together... BUT just to clarify in the end... did Yongguk die? ='/
Chapter 1: Ahhh so cute :) I hope there's more to this than this chapter :) it's really cute :)
blankpaper #4
Chapter 1: Yeah I think too that Youngjae is nearly same height as Daehyun...I'm not sure but he's not much shorter..I guess. But this is story so I think It's okay if he is shorter..right xD? But yeas the first chapter is sweet..I'm curious why Youngjae is sad :'(.
Dissst #5
Chapter 1: First chapter is cute~ lol but I'm almost sure that Youngjae is same height as Daehyun if not taller. but I guess it doesn't really matter lol