My First Kiss Chapter 4

My First Kiss

''Now, we'll trip her and send her notes then that's how we get her injured'' Minzy smiled

'' no!'' Chaerin pushed her away. ''You are the reason why Jiyong broke up with you! Change your attitude!''

Everyday Minzy getting ignore by her ''friends'' she got depressed. 'I have to do this'

''Um why are you here?'' Dara questioned Minzy

''Im..really sorry for what I have done. It's not your fault that me and Jiyong broke up. Its true I really have a very bad attitude I'm sorry.'' 

''It's okay. Let's be friends and not enemy ok?'' 

      From that day onwards, Bom,Chaerin,Dara and Minzy begin to be best friends.


Everytime Jiyong decides to talk to Dara, Dara would ignore him. He fell inlove with her angelic voice and everytime the 4 girls sing he would always sneak behind to listen to them. He didn't know that an innocent girl could sing so incredible.

''DAESUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' Dara couldn't believe that she met her long lost friend. Dara gave him a hug.Tight Hug.

''So Oppa,why are you here?''Dara asked daesung while playing with his hair.

''Well my mom wanted me to go back to Korea! Didn't expect you to be here too oh and this is my friend Seungri! Seungri,this is Dara.'' They shook hands and went to the cafeteria to grab some lunch. Seungri was so shy but get along with Dara very well they will go and study together. Jiyong will always have a jealous look on his face but he have to act cool with it.

-------------------------------To Be Continued-------------------------------

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Chapter 4: I'm Happy dat minzy is good now(^-^) Dara talk to Jiyong he really want to talk to u.

Authornim Thank you soooooo much 4 the update (^з^)-☆
Chapter 3: Bom be nice to her please (*^^*) Dara don't cry It's not your fault.
Chapter 2: Thanks 4 the update (^з^)-☆

Poor Dara(T-T) why did they do dat to her(>_<)
Chapter 1: Authornim moooooorrrrrrreeeeee moooooorrrrrrreeeeee please (*^^*)