♚Pandora | chapter o n e

♚Pandora | TS ent's new girl group » {c l o s e d!}

"Sookyung!" The studio filled with light gasps and screams as the girls hovered over their main rapper who had just stumbled over some electrical wires and burned her knee from the contact with the floor. The girls were debuting in less than 24 hours and all of them were a nervous wreck. This has been the nth time Sookyung has fallen and the girls were hoping that this wouldn't happen during the performance.

"I'm okay!" Sookyung chirped and quickly got up, dusting her shorts while showing everyone a thumbs up, "Man, these high heels are hard to dance with." Taewon, their manager, had made them get into costume and perform in the studio just so they could get used to the clothes they would wear for the performance. So far, the girls worked a hard 1 year with sneakers and sweatpants; now, they had to get used to dancing in tight, uncomfortable pants and high heels.

The only person who hadn't looked over to check up on Sookyung was Minrae. She was getting a bit aggravated over how many times Sookyung had fallen. Of course it wasn't anything personal, the girls loved each other, but she wanted this debut stage to be perfect. After all, first impressions were always important. 

"Okay guys, quit slacking and let's start from the top." Minrae frantically instructed and then looked over at Sookyung, "Sookyung, be a bit more careful next time, alright?" Hearing her leader's words Sookyung obediently nodded and told herself to be super careful the next time.

"Up and up ah ah~" The girls sang together and quickly wiped their sweat. This choreography was almost perfected, it was something that Saerom had choreographed.

Misoo looked over at the girls to see if any of them seemed to struggle. Her eyes looking over each and every member before spotting Saerom who almost looked like she was close to blacking out. 

"Stop the music!" Misoo called out and the girls looked back at Misoo to see if there was anybody hurt.

"What now?!" Minrae asked, frustration obvious in her tone. She stomped over to the music player and violently pressed the off button, crossing her arms after doing so. "There's no one hurt, so what do you need?" 

The girls had already gotten used to Minrae being frustrated when they were working very hard so it wasn't a big deal anymore. A year ago when they were in the process of getting used to each other was a bit awkward, but now they didn't mind it.

"Saerom unnie, did you take your iron pills yet?" Misoo asked and Saerom replied with a small shake of her head. 

"You have to then!" Misoo replied, her voice showing great concern. She quickly ran over to Saerom's bag and looked through it, trying to search for the pills that Saerom took for her anemia. After searching for it, Misoo took a bottle of water and handed both the pills and the bottle of water to Saerom. 

"Are we done yet?" Minrae asked and began walking to turn the music back before Eunmi stopped her. 

"I think we should rest. We've practice a bit don't you think?" Eunmi asked, "Practice makes perfect but if we're overworked it won't be good either."

The girls, being overworked, nodded in agreement and tried hard to convince their leader. It didn't take long before Minrae reluctantly agreed to them and sat down on the studio floor. 

"If you aren't going to practice, then let's just talk about the things we're going to have to do tomorrow." Minrae began talking and the girls groaned, they didn't want to think about tomorrow at all. Sure they were excited, but this whole month was about the debut. Minrae was even more worried than Taewon, who was their manager and had organized almost everything. 

"No groaning. Anyways we--"

"They're here!" Sookyung screamed, earning a glare from Minrae who was rudely cut off. However, her gaze shifted to the door where a bunch of people were knocking on, holding on a cake and a bunch of balloons. 

All five girls stood up as Misoo ran to the door to open it. Her hand twisted the knob to open the door and there revealed Secret and B.A.P screaming and cheering the girls' names. 

"What are you all doing here? Come in, come in!" Eunmi gasped, gesturing their labelmates inside the studio.

"Woah, this place is hot. You guys must've been dancing for hours." Himchan commented and the girls nodded. 

quot;We debut in less than 24 hours." Sookyung shrugged, "Just like Minrae unnie said, we must make this perfect." 

"Nothing's perfect. All of you should just relax and have fun! No need to tense up, the more you do the more you mess up." Hyosung advised the girls,  she. as well as other Secret members,  had the most experience than anyone in the studio, so it would be right for Pandora to listen to their sunbae's advice. 

"This cake is heavy!" Zelo screamed and Saerom quickly rushed to help him set the cake down on one of the benches of the studio. 

"What'd you get a cake for? We didn't debut yet!" Minrae rushed over to take a look at it, she wanted it, but she was also curious as to why there was a cake for an occasion that hadn't happened yet. 

"Aw you know, it's just a good luck cake!" Sunhwa replied. 

"Well, what are we waiting for? We should eat this!" Sookyung laughed. She quickly opened the box of the cake and slid it out of the box, making the beautifully decorated pastry visible to everybody. The knife that was held inside a box was quickly taken out by her, however Minrae quickly stopped Sookyung and instead held the knife. 

"What are you doing? I was trying to cut the cake!" Sookyung exclaimed and Minrae shook her head. 

"We can't trust you with knives, you're so clumsy you're gonna end up dropping it." The leader replied and cut the cake on Sookyung's behalf. 

In the corner stood Daehyun who had his arms crossed. His face was cold and unhappy unlike the other people in the room. It wasn't because he was unhappy with everything and he was a heartless person, but Misoo was in the same room as him.

"Aren't you going to get some cake?" 

Daehyun jumped at the calm voice that filled his ears and looked at the girl whom he had just been thinking of right now. Clearing his throat he shook his head and opened his mouth to speak, "I'm not in the mood." His reply showed no emotion whatsoever. 

"Well, you should at least keep a happy face for us, we're debuting soon." Misoo shrugged and walked off to where the mood was more brighter. She didn't want to stay with someone who had been such a downer all the time, especially at happy occasions. Wasn't it appropriate to be happy when their labelmates were debuting? She worked hard for everything, they all did. He could've at least pretended to be happy, it didn't matter if they were each other's ex's. It wasn't hard to force a small smile. 

The bad thing now was that Misoo's mood had turned into something horrible and Saerom had noticed. 

"Are you okay?" Saerom asked, furrowing her eyebrows together as she saw Misoo shrug.

Eunmi, hearing Saerom ask Misoo what was wrong, walked over to the two girls and tilted her head at Misoo, "Baby what's wrong?" 

"Nothing... It's just Daehyun." Misoo shrugged, she didn't want to make everything a big deal. Both girls before her had known what this was all about. 

"Tch, don't mind him." Saerom replied, walking off to the cake and Eunmi nodded.

"He's just probably in a bad mood." Eunmi replied, "Now we should go and eat cake, cake makes everything better!" 

Misoo sighed and nodded, "Alright." She replied, trying to force a smile on her face. One day she would show Daehyun that being cold and distant wasn't going to solve every problems. 

{Authors corner}
I finally finished the first chapter! Sorry for the long wait... Ah, I'm a bit rusty with everything right now, sigh. But hopefully my writing's okay? Well anyways yeah... Second chapter will be up idk. But I got a poster! I hope you guys like it. c: Cameos will come out soon! Bye~ <3

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Chapter 14: It's okay, author-nim. I hope you feel better though.
Chapter 14: why???
but yeah,
i respect your decision c:
Chapter 13: Wooooow. The girls will finally debut! *u*
Chapter 13: Ahhh I love your updatesss~ Hehe Yoseobbie is such a cutie in his email! I hope their stage goes as planned. I love how Eunmi had to wake most of them up hahaha. I look forward to your next updateee! And I like the new format just fine. ^__^
Chapter 13: Ahhh, Misoo and Sookyung are friends with Yoseob? Lucky girls...
I look forward to their debut!<3
Chapter 13: Congratulations to Pandora on their debut!
Chapter 13: excited for your update...
i hope i get a cameo appearance :D
Chapter 12: Lolol I seriously thought he was really mad. xD
I can't wait for their debut stage~ Hope it all goes smoothly and no one sees their cake-induced food babies on stage LOL.
Chapter 12: Hahaha xDD niceu job manager-nim!! ;}
Whaaa~ our little jonguppiee has a crush on someooonee~~ >,<
man! can't wait for their debut!! <3 <3
Chapter 12: Bad manager-nim.