The Planning & Project


abcdefg = for korean conversation

abcdefg = for english conversation


15 Years Later (Present Day)


Mrs. Kim stared at her family picture on living room, they are very happy now...

Her twins already grown up, Junho – the older twin – become a success doctor and scientists at young age and Junsu – the youngest twin – become a famous artist and of course his husband success too with his pizza restaurant. Her smile slowly disappear when she remember one thing.


“Junsu-ah~, umma want  to see one of my twin getting married soon.” Said Mrs. Kim while she and her family breakfast today.

“Umma, you know my ‘condition’ and if you want to see your son married, it’s must be Junho-hyung who get married first,  because he is the older.” Said Junsu.

“Na ah, hyungie will married after you.” Said Junho while drink his coffee.

“But hyung, you’re successful man and me? I just in stage to reaching that. I’m not success, not yet. And one more thing this is about my ‘condition’.”

“But Junsu, if you worried about your condition why you don’t…”

“Don’t, don’t umma. Please don’t say that. You know this is my decision. I want someone love me who is I’m being, I don’t want to change that and this is me. Maybe one day I’ll meet someone who can accept me and my condition.”

“But when Junsu-ah~?”

“Yeobo, that’s enough. Don’t forced Junho and Junsu again. Leave them decided when they getting married, we just support whatever they choice, you remember this right?”

“Yes, but…”

“No ‘but’. Let’s continue this breakfast, I don’t want to ruined this peaceful morning.”


Mrs. Kim really want to see her twin to be happy, even now they are happy but she want to see they have family and they have someone who can stay with them until they getting old. Especially Junsu, she want Junsu meet someone who can protect him (she know Junsu is soft harted and his feeling is very sensitive) and sharing his happiness, sadness and tears. She know Junsu had suffering, it’s just he never show it to his family and everyone. Junsu always smile and never complaining about his life.

Mrs. Kim decide to solving this problem. Even her husband don’t like it, she must do it. This is for Junsu kindness and happiness. She must move fast and she know the person who will gladly help her. Then she contact that person.


Hello, this is Sooea-unnie?”

Yes, this is Sooea speaking. Who is this?

“Unnie, this is Youngmi.”

“Youngmi-ah~, how are you?”

“I’m fine, Unnie.”

“By the way, why are you calling me?”

“Unnie, you still remember our promise right?”

“Sure, I’m still remember that.”

“Unnie, this is the time. Your son is still in Korea, right?”

“Ne, he still there. Do you sure this gonna be success?”

“I’m sure, unnie. And I have many people will help me with this, don’t worry.”

“Alright. Oh, I can’t wait anymore to see our son be together. They will surely have a wonderful childs, oh I'm really happy even just imagine it. ”

“Me too, unnie. Me too. Good luck for me, ne.”

“Of course, I waiting for the good news.”

“Okay, unnie. Hope we can meet soon too. See you.”

“See you and good luck.”

After that Mrs. Kim calling one person again…

“Chullie-ah~, this is Youngmi-ahjumma.”

“Ne, Youngmi-ahjumma. What happen?”

“Do you know, actor Park Yoochun?”

“Ne, I know him. Wae?”

“Can you give Junsu project together with that Park Yoochun?”

“Why him, ahjumma?”

“You know, I want Junsu get married soon and I think that Park Yoochun is the good man for him and I know his mother too, we’re bestfriend. So I think we must making them more closer, you know what I mean.”

“OMO, this is gonna be interesting.”  

“Chullie-ah, you can help me right?”

“Don’t worry Youngmi-ahjumma, I’ll help you. Junnie is my favorite cousin, of course I’ll help to make him happy.”

“Thanks, Chullie-ah.”

“It’s no big deal, I’m happy to do that. Now I’ll tell Wonnie to make this project and I’m sure this project will be success.”

“Ok, I’ll wait for that. Bye Chullie-ah.”

“Bye, Youngmi-ahjumma.” 

“Hmm…let see what I can do to you my favorite cousin Junnie a.k.a the famous Xiah Junsu.” *smirk


“Ne, Bummie?”

“You got a new project from Siwon-hyung company.”

“Oh, from MBC? What project? It’s must reality show, right?”

“N-ne, hyung….”


“T-that’s WGM (We Got Married), hyung.”

“Hmm…okay, and…???”

“Y-Your couple is actor Park Yoochun.”


“Yoochun-hyung, you got a new project.”

“Drama or movie, Min?”

“That’s not drama or movie. But reality show.”

“Hmm…something new for me, and what the name of that reality show?”

“We Got Married, hyung.”

“Ah, that. I know that. And who is my partner?”

“Singer, Xiah Junsu.”







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xiahheartprincess #1
hi!!! im a new reader of your stories and i really wanna read them all i love yoosu stories specially please add me~~~~~
DJane-13 #2
HI author-nim, i came here cuz i read your other works which is the: MY BEAUTIFUL UMMA...MY SCARY WIFE that i TOTALLY LOVE reading it!
i really love the 'familys' in that story especially the YooSu family, cuz its really sweet and cute and also there's Kyungsoo and Kai (and some members of exo). And i also like how sweet and cute the relationship of the "THE PARK's" family...that's why here i am (typing my thoughts)...
Q: author-nim, since this is a "MPREG" story do you have some people in your mind whom tou want to be their "BABY"? Cuz if you still haven't then may i request to you having Kyungsoo(EXO) their baby? please?~~~
but if you already have think of someone then its alright to me, i respect your decisions author-nim.

Thank you for reading my LONG comment and i hope that you won't find this annoying and such...bye~~~ <3
joody18 #3
Chapter 2: Please update the story
Iam getting desperate
Chapter 2: Awwww.... I love it...The idea about YooSu CP on WGM is super awesome...Cant wait the next update....Please do your best to continue the next chapter ok?
joody18 #5
Chapter 2: Please continue with story
Chapter 2: ah this is good but shorter than i thought ><
junsu has a womb? o////o
i hope you can update soon author-nim ><
DaisyRose #7
Chapter 2: oh my god! i cant wait for their story because i like this yoosu couple.
allyainaylla #8
Chapter 2: i looking foreword for this story. realy love the 2 chapter... update soon....<3
RoleplayingYoochunat #9
Chapter 2: I will wait the update :)
I love it im looking foreword to the next part ^^