I'm Home

I'm Home


It wasn't very often when Kai found the opportunity for some time alone. Even if it was only a matter of minutes, it was precious time. The boys had been at the airport for quite a while. Fortunately, the guards had been able to fan off the mob of girls surrounding them, and finally there was silence.

He wasn't very far from the group, probably only a few rows away towards the back where the seats were empty and the sun was shining. He took a good breath as he gazed out the window, watching the planes do their thing just outside the building. He used to love to watch the planes while they waited for theirs, because it meant going back home.

"Will you be okay?" 

"Don't worry about me, I'll be alright. Be careful on tour, okay? Don't get hurt any more.."

"I'll be home soon, I promise."

"I'll be waiting!"

You knew what had been waiting in your new life the moment you entered Kai's. You had yourself convinced that his career as an idol was something you would get used to, and that you weren't going to let it get in the way of your feelings for him.

That was your vow, and he  never forgot it.


"Ah, oppa. You wanted me to call?"

"Oh, yeah. I had to tell you about this interview that just came up, so the flight's not for another two days."

"But what about our anniversary..?"

"I'm sorry, _______.. I'll be home soon, I promise."

"Okay.. I'll be waiting."

He took a hand and lifted it up in front of his eye, scaling the size of the plane in between his thumb and index finger.

"I'm at the airport now. Don't worry, jagi, I'm about to get on the plane. I'll be home soon, I promise."


Chanyeol's loud voice snapped him back to reality, "We have to go!"

"I'm coming," he replies, then makes his way back to the bunch.

"I'm sorry.."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. It's only your job, and you have to be everywhere. Don't bother explaining the same things over and over again."

"I hope you understand.."

"I understand."

"I'll be home soon.."

 "I won't."

"Be back at the studio in two days," says the manager, "then we're back to the usual practice schedules."

"Araso," he nods, then picks up his bags and waves to the rest of the members still in the van, ready to head to his house.

"What? But I thought you understood--"

"I understand, Kai. I've been understanding for the past two years, but I can't keep waiting like this anymore."

He opens the door to the apartment, pitch black inside. Flipping the switch, the  living room lights up. Not much has changed; everything else was where it was before he left, except you.

"I'm home," he whispers, just like he always does when he returned. Only this time, there was no welcome back.

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Chapter 1: Awwwwwww... :"(
Chapter 1: sequel please!!
Chapter 1: Awww!! Sequel please!!!! :)
Dadamato12 #4
cassia513 #5
Chapter 1: Sequel please :)
Chapter 1: I like the ending. It's...well most people on AFF would put it as beautiful, so I'm going to use that word.

But...you kinda left me hanging. : (
Chapter 1: sequel pleaseee!!!!!
Chapter 1: Woah... Sequel?
Chapter 1: i demand a sequel authornim!:D
Chapter 1: sequel please!!!!!!!!!!!!