I'm Cold

I'm cold

It was in the middle of the night… everyone in the dorm was sleeping… almost… Yongguk was awake… freezing his toes off… the heater had been out for days now… they really need to get it fixed… this was annoying as hell… and really cold… it was so bad that they all needed to layer up… extra blankets… hoodies… thick socks and stuff like that… but it just didn’t help Yongguk much… his bed was placed by the window… cold air slipping in from it… even though it was sealed shut… god… their dorm was falling apart… they really needed to get things fixed soon…

So Yongguk was just lying there… packed in like a burrito… while listening to the soft snoring and heavy breathing from his friends… he suddenly heard a sound of someone shifting around… he just shook it off… turning to his side facing the leaking window… not long after he heard another sound and felt his mattress bend… something warm laying against his back… he turned around again only to see a mob of softly curled blond hair… Zelo’s hair… it looked like he was sleeping… eyes closed… sleep walking…? Even though… it didn’t really sounds like he was a sleep… no heavy breathing or anything…

“Ne Zelo?” Yongguk whispers out “are you awake?”
“Mhm…” Zelo hummed out as a response…
“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in your own bed?” Yongguk asked, voice still only being a soft whisper
“I’m cold… and layering is… annoying… I was thinking that we… could share body heat instead…” Zelo answered… his voice being just hearable…
“Sure… but I’m not sure of how much it will help… the window is leaking cold air” Yongguk said while pulling Zelo in closer under the covers… putting his arms around his thin frame…
“I don’t care… It was more of an excuse too… really… I just wanted to be close to you… so this is fine… no matter how cold it gets…” Zelo said whit a rather cute embarrassed voice… blushing slightly.
“Ah… so that’s how it is…” Yongguk said with a soft laughter following... “That’s okay too… I don’t mind” Yongguk nuzzled his nose and cheek into Zelo’s soft hair… already feeling the warmth taking over his body… making him tired…

“Ne… Hyung…?” Zelo asked head resting in the hollow of Yongguk’s neck
“Mhm” Yongguk mumbled out… too tired to answer anything else
“Can… can I… maybe… just maybe… get a… a goodnight kiss?” Zelo’s voice sounding shyer than ever before… and so cute too…
Yongguk laughed softly at the cute request… he would more than happily grand Zelo’s wish… moving his head from his hair and down to his lips…
“Always at your favor…” Yongguk whispered out before letting their lips meet in a sweet and loving kiss…

And that’s when Yongguk decided… that the heater didn’t need to get fixed that quickly again… just so that he could cuddle up with Zelo by his side…


A/N: So... this was just something short and kind of random I came up with :3 Hope you'll like this... even though it's really short... I'm sorry for any misspellings or stuff like that ^^'' But yea... Enjoy more Banglo fluff :3 Oh and again... please leave comment if there is anything... I love reading them... and they boost my confidence like hell to be honest... .w. And if anythings wrong with this... anything I can do better please tell me that as well ^^ Thankies... okay baaaaii 8D

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nanaskyrk21 #1
Chapter 1: Awwwww....this is so cute ('3')♡
Chapter 1: Aahhhh kyopda!!!that was super cuteeee!!
Chapter 1: Daaaw x3
And now I'm making those weird hand movements and flailing like crazy o.o
I didn't even know I shipped this pairing o.o
But I'm certain I do now xD
Chapter 1: Omg...
*flails like crazy in the inside*
Chapter 1: awwwww this was too cute... gahhhh Zelo so innocent here awwww-ing... over this alll =]
Cute~ so adorable^3^
Chapter 1: Aww cute ♥
Chapter 1: This is so cute omg ; - ;
my banglo feeels <3
Chapter 1: Y SO SHORT? haha! xD But it's soooo cute! That it makes me want to squeal! haha! X)
Chapter 1: Awww, this was so cute and fluffy *.* I really liked it <3