Don't go

Don't go

The 2PM finally moved all the stuffs from their old appartment. They would finally live in a house, finally have their own room, finally more privacy. It was a good thing. They all were happy about it. All ? Almost.


It was their first wake up in their new home. As usual, Junsu woke up first. He slowly walked to the huge kitchen. He stretched while yawning before he took all the things he needed to prepare the breakfast. Its been three years now that they lived together so he knew what each member liked. He knew that Taec and Khun liked a black coffee, that Woo ate up three yogurts, that Junho ate cereals and Chan, almost a bunch of bananas. Yes, he knew all those stuffs. But did the others know what he liked ? Good question. But well, it didnt matter. He was the eldest, he had to take care of the others. But him, who whould take care of him if he didnt feel good ?

When he was done preparing the breakfast, he undertook to wake up the members of band, one by one. The first room was Junho's. The short redhaired was sleeping, as usual, wrapped in his blankets. But he had a light sleeper. Junsu barely opened the door that already, the cadet moved a bit while yawning.


JunHo – its time already?
JunSu – yes ^^
JunHo – I'm coming...


Junsu smiled at him tenderly then wlaked to the following room. The magnae's one. He sighed when he saw that even now they could have all the comfort they wanted, the tall brownish was still sleeping on the floor, next to his bed. He squatted next to him and suddenly took the pillow that was between his legs. Chansung growled then turned to the other side.


JunSu – wake up little bear
Chan – mmh...
JunSu – come on...
Chan – I'm coming *yawns*


Junsu softly caressed his hair then again, he walked to the following room. Khun's one. Or Wooyoung's. He wasnt sure. Anyway, they both were there, entwined in each other's arms.


JunSu – wake up lovers
Woo – mmh...
JunSu - *sighs* we have a recording this morning, but you'll be able to find back your lover's arms this afternoon
Khun – we are coming...


Junsu sighed again then walked to Taecyeon's room. It was weird that the first think he saw when he woke up wasnt the tall brownish. Certainly, the fact to share their room wasnt always evident, but he missed it already. He felt lonely now. He felt far from the man he loved, while he was just a few meters away from him. A few meters. But when he wake with a start in the middle of the night, those few meters prevented him to hear Taec's calm and reasurant breathing.

He shyly entered in the room. The american boy had a leg out of the bed and half of his face buried in his pillow. Junsu leaned down and kissed his cheek. His cadet buried a bit more in face into the pillow. The eldest knew he was awake, that he was pretending to keep his eyes close. He knew him well. But... why was he doing this ? Usually, he smiled at him than catched him by the nape to kiss him.


JunSu – Taec, its time to wake up
Taec - ...
JunSu - ... join us in the kitchen...


The tall brownish didnt move an inch, uunfortunatly for Junsu. The latter sighed before he walked out of the room. He didnt understand. But well, maybe his cadet was just tired.


The next days, the same thing happened again. The same ritual in the morning, the recordings, the peaceful nights. Their life didnt really changed since they were in the house. Except a detail. Taec was more and more distant with Junsu. So distant that one afternoon, the eldest had enough of this and walked in the tall brownish's room, slamming the door.


JunSu – okay, I'm fed up of this ! Can I know whats happening?
Taec - ... sorry
JunSu – about what ?
Taec – I cant continue
JunSu – continue what?
Taec – us
JunSu – w-what ?
Taec – JunSu... I... our relationship, it had to end. I cant take it anymore, I suffocate
JunSu – but... its... is it cause Im to gluey ? Its that, right ? I... I can let you more space. Now we each have our room so you have more privacy. You'll be able to-
Taec – JunSu, you dont understand... no matter what you'll do... its over
JunSu – you... you cant do this to me...
Taec – I'm sorry
JunSu – you... cant give up on me, I beg you!
Taec – Su...
JunSu – please ! Come back to me ! Come back to your oldself ! Kiss me !
Taec – dont try to prevent me to leave you... its already too late...
JunSu – you love someone else?
Taec – no...
JunSu – then why ?! We were happy!
Taec – keep silent
JunSu – for the last time, just another chance, please, think about it again, I beg you
Taec – I already thought about it enough Su.. really, I tried...
JunSu – without you, I wont be able to do it ! Imagine us seperated like this, it... it scares me
Taec - ... see us continue like this, it scares me even more
JunSu – Taec... dont leave me
Taec – please stop, stop acting like this, its over
JunSu – dont leave me...
Taec – I'm sorry...


The youngest stood up and left the room. Junsu let himself fall on his kneels, his legs not able anymore to support him. The tears were running on his cheeks. Their manager told them they would be happy in this house, that everythin would be for the best. Really ? Then why did it hurt so badly ? Why did his world just collapsed ? Why did he feel like he would never be able to smile again ? He fell on the ground, laying on his back. The tears ran on his temples. He had the feeling he could never stop crying. He was cold. It hurt. He felt dizzy. What could he do now ? Well, would he even want to do anything starting now ? Even his cadets, that he could hear laugh in the saloon, didnt seem important anymore. Nothing had importance. If Taec left him, nothing had value anymore in this world. Except music. And still. He wasnt sure he could sing. Sing while crying wasnt easy. An hour, maybe two passed like this. He finally stopped crying. Not that his pain disappeared, far from it. But it looks like his eyes ended up becoming as empty and dry as his heart. He stood up, trembling from head to toes, but only to let himself fall again a few meters away, in his bed. A few meters. Those stupid few meters that had been enough to kill his couple, enough to separate him from Taec. How much he could hate those few meters. He wished he could go back in time, come back to the time when they still were in the appartement, when he shared his room with his lover, when they kissed and had , in their own world ; when at night he could hear his man's reasurant breathing. Now, he was alone, isolated in this room way too huge. He notices he fell asleep just when Junho came to wake him up. It was around 8pm. The others must be hungry.


JunHo – hyung, are you okay?
JunSu - ...
JunHo – you eyes are all red...
JunSu – dont worry about me
JunHo - ... if you wanna talk, I'm here
JunSu – I know Jun... why did you wake me up?
JunHo – Chan and Woo keep saying they'll starve to death if you dont prepare them something to eat...
JunSu – tell them I'm coming
JunHo – no, stay here. I'll do it. Take a rest
JunSu – I'm the eldest, I have to do it.
JunHo – but-
JunSu – dont worry
JunHo – okay...


JunSu stood up slowly. His head hurt, but still less than his heart. He softly caressed the redhaired boy's hair to reassure him then he went to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water. He then went to the itchen. He almost felt relieved that Taec wasnt here.

Its been less than ten seconds that he started to grill the meat that already, WooYoung and ChanSung entered in the kitchen, attracted by the sweet smell.


Chan – its crazy how much I can love meat *q*
Woo – me too!


JunSu turned so they faced his back. He didnt want them to be worried about him. He knew he would still had red eyes during some hours and that the would notice it for sure, but the later it would be, the best it was. He didnt want to have to explain them what happened. When he finally was done cookinh, he called the others and they gathered around the table.


Khun – we dont wait for Taec?
Chan – I tried to join him on his phone, but nothing...
Khun – hyung, do you know where he is?


Junsu looked down. No, he didnt know. And he didnt want to know.


JunSu – no. Lets eat before its cold
Khun – okay...


The diner over, the three youngest came back to the saloon while Khun helped the eldest to clean everything.


Khun – something happened with Taec?
JunSu – I... I dont wanna talk about it...
Khun – okay... come to talk to me when you want
JunSu – thanks...
Khun – I'm coming, I'm comeing ! *sighs* sorry hyung...
JunSu – its fine, dont make him wait
Khun – okay...


Junsu then slowly walked back to his room and crowled on his bed. Where was Taec ? He didnt want to know... but he was worried. What if something happened to him on hi way out ? He jumped off his bed and was about to put on his jacket when he stopped.


JunSu – I cant go. I dont have any reason to do it anymore... he wouldnt want me to do it... but... he's still my cadet... a member of the group. If something happened to him...


He hesitated. He wasnt sure about what to do. But finally, his concern won. He put his jacket and left the house, almst running. He didnt know where he should go first. Okay, the man's car was still here so he couldnt be too far. Taec liked parks. But the weather was cold. A bar then ? Maybe. Junsu started to do the tour of all the bars around but the rapper was nowhere. He started to worry even more. What if something really happened to him ? Now, he felt lost. He ran around without thinking, completly invaded by the thought that he had to find him no matter what. Tears ran down on his cheeks again as he prayed silently. « please, make sure that nothing bad hapenned to him ». but he had to stop runnong, his heavy breathe and the crazy beating of his heart not letting him continue. He didnt recognize the street where he was. There was no one around. He was alone. And he was lost. He crowled on a bench and took his head in his hands, his shoulders violently shaked by his panting breathe.


Taec – JunSu?!


He slowly raises his head and when he saw the tall guy a few meters away from him, he quickly stop up and jumped in his arms.


Taec – w-what are you doing here?
JunSu – you didnt answer your phone. And its late. I thought something happened to you and..
Taec – I'm fine. You should have been worried...
JunSu – I know... we aint together anymore, right?
Taec - ...
JunSu – but... you're still my cadet, no matter what
Taec – you're right... sorry Su... let go home
JunSu – okay


During the way back home, they didnt talk. But what could they say in this kind of situation ? Once they were home, each of them went to their respective room. It was weird. so... empty. Junsu changed his clothes and went to bed, well decided to forget about all this. But of course, its not because you knock at morpheus's door that she'll open it. It would have been too simple.


It was around 1am. The eldest still couldn sleep, and he knew why. Because he couldnt hear Taec's breathing. It was like a sweet lullaby to him. He his bed again and again. This bed that was too big, too cold. Someone knocked at the door, so the hope came back strongly in his heart. But it wasnt Taec, of course.


JunHo – hyung, you cant sleep?
JunSu – sorry, did I woke you up?
JunHo – no, I was on my way to take a glass of water and its when I heard you. You wanna talk?
JunSu – its okay, its late, go back to sleep
JunHo – do you want me to sleep with you?
JunSu - ... if... it dont bother you...
JunHo – of course no ^^


The short redhaired joined his eldest in the bed and softly wrapped his arms around him. He wanted to show him that he wasnt alone, that he would always have someone to comfort him if he needed it. Less than ten minutes after, Junsu finally fell asleep, lulled by juho's hot breathe against his nape.


When he woke up, he felt a warmth against his back, protective arms around his chest. Oh yes, Junho came to sleep with him. Junho ? There was something weird. Junho wasnt that tall, his arms wasnt that strong. Junsu turned back and find himself face-to-face with Taec, who tenderly smiled at him before he kissed his forehead.


JunSu – O_O w-why ?
Taec – what ? I dont have the right to sleep with you? *pout*
JunSu – but, yesterday, you...
Taec – I?
JunSu – left me...
Taec – what ?! Why would I do this?!
JunSu – you... you said our relationship was making you suffocate and that... it was over
Taec – Su?
JunSu – mmh...
Taec – you just had a nightmare
JunSu – really?
Taec – yes ^^ its probably because its our first night here
JunSu – so... so... the few meters...
Taec - ?
JunSu – the few meters that separate our rooms... it wont...
Taec – which meters ? We decided to always sleep together, like Khun and Woo. You dont remember ?
JunSu – I... I dont know...
Taec – come on, sleep more, we still have time
JunSu – you really wont leave me, right?
Taec – of course I wont ! Plus, what would the kids do without both their parents, huh?
JunSu – stop that, I hate when they call me omma -_-'
Taec – but it proves that they love you ^^ and I love you too
JunSu – I love you too Taec


Taec softly sealed their lips before he closed his eyes again. Junsu couldnt hold back the smile that seemed engraved on his face. He cuddled against his cadet and his calm and reasurant breathing lull him.
Yes, they would be happy in this new house.


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Chapter 1: awww. glad it turned out well. you scared me for a moment, there!!!
Goemas12 #2
Chapter 1: Ok so it was all a dream i thought it was real thank god it wasnt
NENO1234 #3
Chapter 1: Oh !! it's a dream O.O
OK that was good very GOOD i Like it ^^
hehehe waiting for another TaecSu ~
Chapter 1: haha, I thought it would be a sad end)
a good story)
------- #5
Chapter 1: Very nice! Love it!