Meeting Chanyeol

Soccer or Love?

   Right when the movie ended the bell rang. Bae did not hesitate to grab my hand and drag me out of the room. Right before we got out the door Bae hollered to D.O. "Bye D.O. Oppa!" I saw D.O. smile before I was being pulled into another classroom. It was science. I mumbled, "When is P.E.?" Bae grinned. "It is next. Oh and i heard D.O. talk about Chanyeol. Yeah he is one of the coaches "helpers"." I frowned. "What does that mean?" Bae shrugged. "Like he knows the sport schedules and he helps out with some of the other students." I nodded. Looks like I need to find this Chanyeol guy. The bell then rang. We did a boring lab that had something to do with salt(?). Bae was on it like her life depended on it. Her math skills helped her out also. I tried to help out but Bae was like a machine. She finished the lab in 5 to 10 minutes. The rest of the class wasn't even half way done. She didn't even need my assistance. Bae turned to me and sighed happily. "All done!" I grinned. "I feel bad that you did all the work. Why didn't you let me help you!?" Bae laughed. "Well I knew you would zone out sooner or later and I just wanted it done quickly." I nodded with a small smile. "Fair enough." Bae then asked me a surprising question. "What sport do you want to do?" I grinned widely. Soccer is like my life. I love it so much. I wouldn't give it up even if I had a broken foot. I'd rather be in the goal than not play. "I want to be on the Soccer team." Bae's eyes widened. "Are you sure you wouldn't want to be a cheerleader?" I hold back a laugh to I don't hurt her feelings. "Uhh I don't have a lot of prep and I can't do the splits." Bae shook her head. "We could teach you." I coughed. "Well I don't know. I have done soccer most of my life soo I think I will stick with that." Bae nodded understanding but was disappointed.  We were in comfortable silence when she blurted, "What do you think of my brother?" I looked at her strangely. "Your brother?" Bae nodded. "Sehun. What do you think of him?"  I shrugged. "He seems nice and hes cute but as I said, I don't date." Bae smirked. "Ohhh remember what I said this morning Bristol. Hot.Guys.Everywhere." I laughed. "Ok I admit you were right about at there are some hot guys but still I don't date." Bae was still smirking. "We will see later." She said mischievously. Ohh crap. I just met this girl and we are bickering like long time best friends and NOW she is going to try and find me a guy? The bell then rang. I got up quickly and was excited. P.E.!!!!!!! I must ask this guy named Chanyeol when the soccer tryouts start!! Bae stopped packing and I allowed her to drag me to P.E. Bae then turned to me, "Ok I won;t be here since I have cheerleading, but for today and tomorrow I can since practice starts on Wednesday." I nod. "Ok I will try to memorize the route." I then heard a deep voice shout, "Bae?! What are you doing here?" Bae looked at me and smirked. I frowned. "Chanyeol!" Bae shrieked and she ran to hug a really tall guy with orangey, brown hair. 


   Wow hes kinda hot. I thought in my head. I shook my head. Gah Bristol what are you thinking?! Bae then grabbed Chanyeol's arm and dragged him to where I was standing. Bae then introduced us. "Chanyeol Oppa, this is Bristol. Bristol, this is Chanyeol Oppa."  I bowed respectfully. "Hello." Chanyeol laughed. He has a nice laugh. Wait what did I just think?! "No need to be respectful. Just call me Chanyeol. Maybe later you can call me Chanyeol Oppa." he winked. I laughed. "Alrighty then." I then remembered about Soccer. "Chanyeol?" Chanyeol was still looking at me. "Yes?" I coughed. "Do you know when the Soccer Tryouts start?" Chanyeol grinned. "I see we got an athlete here. And they start next week. It was in summer but for the people who couldn't or just moved here, they get to try out." I nod and sigh in relief. "Kamsahamnida" Chanyeol nodded. 'If you need any help I can be of service." I laugh. "So polite." Chanyeol smiled. "Yes I try to be to the students." I frown. "Your not a student?" Bae laughed. "Of course he is.' She answered for him. "He just loves making people think he is older." She looked at Chanyeol. "But I am older than you Park Chanyeol." Chanyeol's cheeks flared up with color. I laughed at the two. Chanyeol looked at his watch and said, "Bristol, whos class are you in?" I looked at Bae for the answer. "She has Mr.Khan." Chanyeol's smile widened. "Great! I am the TA of Mr.Khan. He is also the coach for the Soccer Team." I beamed and jumped around happily. "Yes! This is perfect! I could easily talk to the coach!" Bae then realized she was out of the conversation. "I have Mrs.Lang for the time being. See you Bristol!" She hugged me and I saw her mischievously smile. Chanyeol then asked, "How old are you?" I smiled. "18. How old are you?" Chanyeol was still smiling. "I'm the same age as you." My smile widened also. Mr.Khan then called his class. Chanyeol grabbed ahold of my hand. "Lets go." I blushed without meaning to. His hand was warm and soft but slightly rough. Well this is different. When we made it to the lines Chanyeol playfully pushed me onto a number. I blushed even more and laughed. Mr.Khan then called everyone by name for attendance. He then called my name. "Kim Bristol?" "Here!" Mr.Khan looked at me and smiled. "Ah Miss.Kim. I have spoken with your parents, they say you wish to join the Soccer Team?" I nod and smile. "Yes. I would really love to join." Mr.Khan chuckled. "Ok then. We will have our tryouts next week next Monday to Thursday. People who make it on the team come on Friday." I nod and put on a serious face. "Sounds fair." Mr.Khan nodded and then continued to give attendance.

   Chanyeol watched me the entire time. I tried to look away elsewhere. The coaches allowed us to have free play. That we could do what we wished, as long as we ran or moved around. I grabbed a soccer ball and started kicking it around. Bae then popped up. "Hey~" She said in a sing song voice. I laughed softly. "Hey. Want to kick the ball around with me?" Bae made a face. "Uhh no thanks." She then smirked. "But I know someone who would." She then turned and called, "Chanyeol!!" Chanyeol was talking to one of the coaches. He looked up and waved. Bae motioned for him to come over. Chanyeol said something to one of the coaches and walked in our direction. "What on earth are you doing?" I hissed at Bae. Is she trying to set me and Chanyeol up?! Chanyeol walked up in front of us. "Hey. Whats up?" Bae grinned. "Bristol want to kick around the soccer ball and well you know I can't kick it right soo do you want to play a little soccer with her?" Chanyeol looked at me and nodded. "If you want." I nod and smile. "Sure. Whats the harm?" Chanyeol chuckled. "I won't go easy on you." i smirk and raise an eye brow. "I wasn't asking you too. Plus we are just kicking the ball around. unless you want to play a real game." Chanyeol shrugged. "Ok lets kick the ball around but after tryouts, me and you go against each other." I grin. "Your on skyscraper." I then backed up and put in a powerful kick. Chanyeol stopped it and kicked it back easily. I laughed as I kicked it back. Bae just watched us in amazement. I decided to surprise Chanyeol with a surprise kick. I kicked it with everything I had and it went a little in the air. Chanyeol's eyes widened when he realized it aimed for his stomach. He then caught it. "Yah thats not fair!" Chanyeol laughed. "I'd rather live than make things fair." I victoriously grin. "I win~!" Chanyeol rolled his eyes but still smiled. "You won't win on Monday." I scoffed. "Psh don't you be talking smack." The bell then rang and I started walking away without another word. I heard Chanyeol laughing behind me.

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Chapter 11: Your author just realized how stupid she was... xD that U-KISS is in the story and used it as K-Pop stars... *facepalm* I am sorry for my stupidity...
Chapter 8: OMG HAHHAHAHAHAH U-KISS IS IN THE STORY!!!!! And hahhahaha I love this chapter!!! I loved the Bristol and Kai moment!!! It was hilarious!!! And btw your new story sounds very very interesting!!!! And I can't wait for Bristol and Chanyeol moments!!!!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!!!
Chapter 4: Yea!!! I can't wait to read the next chapter!!!!! Hahha wow 2 love interests already!!!!!!! Hhahaha i can totally imagine Chanyeol laughing!!!!!!!! This chapter is amazing!!!!!
Chapter 2: Omg!!!!!!! Haha I can't wait till the rest of Exo-K enter!!!!!!! And I SERIOUSLY CAN'T WAIT TILL CHANYEOL SHOWS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: So awesome!!!!!!! I can't wait to continue!!!!!!! Especially when they meet EXO!!!!!! ITS SUCH AN AWESOME DESCRIPTION!!!!!