Don't Hate Me


Eli encounters racism at school. I don’t have a specific age for Eli, but I imagined him pre-teenager. Takes place in the Washington DC suburbs.


The title is taken from Epik High's new song.


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Hye-Yong #1
Chapter 1: This just raised my Asian pride. I used to be the only Asian in my school too. I got made fun of but just telling them i knew martial arts made them shut up right away. I got so many things to say to people when they break out the racist crap. "Your dad stole my dad's job!" "If your dad was good at it then he'd still have it, oh wait. You outsource your jobs to Asia anyways so I guess your dad's just lazy." Or "My country made those things you're wearing on your back if you want me to go back, send those shirts back if you hate us."
Chapter 1: Ahh that's quite sad. Eli being bullied because he was asian. But I love how you describe the familu though. It's lovely :)