Chapter 19

A May-December Romance
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Kim Kibum’s flared nostrils was a dead giveaway that he was pissed. Of course, of all the restaurants in the whole of Seoul, I had to bump into his royal highness at Entrecote when at dinner with my secret boyfriend. My palms began to sweat as though I was a student who was caught by the discipline master for breaking a school rule. As always that damn Choi Minho had been right. Although Key now displayed a most genteel smile towards Sehun who was still holding on to my hand  - he was always kinder to children - there was no doubt about the glint of anger that flashed past his pupils

“Key, hello.” I squeaked, determined not to lose my cool.

Turning towards me with a raised eyebrow, my other best friend snootily said, “Yes, hello Amber. I didn’t know that you were this keen on French cuisine. If I recall correctly, didn’t you once mention French food is pretentious?” His first attack was swift and sarcastic - this was just a passing remark I had made months ago when I wasn’t into the mood for chi-chi dining but Key had a memory like an elephant and used it well.

Refusing to be intimidated, I swept my hand towards my companion. “Well, Sehun brought me here. You remember Sehun, don’t you?”

The ever polite boy stood up to shake hands with Key, oblivious to the tension between the slim man and me.

“Of course! Isn’t Sehun the cute barista from Soo Young’s shop?” Key intentionally stretched the word “cute” so that it became four syllabus. “Excuse me if I am wrong but it seems like both of you are on a date?”

The clueless Sehun grinned and told Key that he had guessed right. “Yes, we are celebrating our monthiversary.”

“Monthiversary?” Key’s voice couldn’t get any more higher pitched. He was now shooting imaginary daggers at me as I desperately wanted to dig a hole to hide in - I was going to pay for withholding information from my friend. I didn’t know who I wanted to smack more now - Key or Sehun. “Well, I won’t impose on your important night anymore.” My dramatic friend swept away, only to stop short after a few steps. “Say, Sehun. I’m having a house party, next Saturday. Nothing too fancy, something for close friends, why don’t you come over with Amber? And you can also meet the rest of the gang too.” He pointedly said that last part in my direction, probably knowing that our mutual friends were also in the dark about Sehun - Key just wanted me to die horribly.

“Of course! We will be there.” Sehun easily answered for us. Key raised his eyebrow at me once more at the boy’s use of the collective term before moving off. Boy, was I in trouble with the Almighty Key, I could smell the arsenic in his wake.

“Key seems nice. And friendly too.” Replacing the napkin on his lap, the boy remarked oblivious - now I also wanted to strangle the boy.

“Sehun, help me order the steak frites, medium rare.” Pushing my chair back, I got up to go after Key. “I just need to ask Key something.”

Running in the direction that Key had gone off in, startling the other diners along the way, I turned the corner. With his arms crossed waiting for me, the man knew that I would follow him - if I didn’t try to make things right immediately, he would make my life hell.

“So that’s the child you slept with?” Key never minced his words

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Chapter 16: Wow the description of making love
Chapter 10: I am now 29 years old , I guess I will act like she did at first
Chapter 8: just saying that I am reading this once again ,like the first time. Hoping for sehun and amber to end together with a happy family
Chapter 47: Why...Just why you.have to do this to me..? You left me broken hearted... But I have to tell you, you're really really great writter.. Thank you for writing this painfully beautiful story...
Chapter 1: Here I am at Chapter 1.. I came from A Little Crush for.another Hunber, I hope this time I won't be sad.. Still have 46 to go, but GOOD JOB AUTHOR..!
Chapter 47: Oh my lord .... the fic is soo good that i want a sequal ... there is no fics can compare to this one .... i loved it soo much ..every thing was in point
Chapter 47: Damn. This was a good, addictive read. You certainly have a talent for writing! <3

At the last chapters I just kept having EXO's Hurt play in my head, then the end was more like Peter Pan.

Chapter 8: How old is Amber in here? 29? Like she's only 2 years older than him
KimJonginGF #9
Chapter 31: you give the light to my life with this epic fanfic . i love you , authornim ! hunber~
Chapter 47: Nice job btw, but seriously ... LOL