I'm So Sorry

Malhajima… Tteonajima!


it's been long times

I want to say sorry. 

I have wrote the story line for the sequel.

But my friend can't write, she stopped writing and i still can't write the story by myself (i have no confidence to write).

I'm really sorry.

If any of you want to help me to write the sequel please let me know (cz of my poor english, it'll be easier if you can speak bahasa)

I'll be happy if someone can help me to write the sequel.

Thank you so much and I'm really sorry.



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brattygurl #1
Chapter 3: I'm sorry to read that you may not be able to give us the sequel. I really wanted to know what would happen to both of them. If Hae would be happy as the father of his brother's kid, whether Hae's brother would return, and if Hyuk would try to move on. The first part was so sad. I think you'll probably do a good job writing the story on your own. Everyone has to start somewhere and it'll probably turn out much better than you think, but I can understand that you'd rather wait until you can find a writing partner. I hope you find one soon so you can let your creativity flow. Good luck and don't give up!
Chapter 2: made a sequel plsssss like hyukjae meet donghwan or hyukjae is pregnant kkkkk just kidding i love this story
Chapter 2: made a sequel plsssss like hyukjae meet donghwan or hyukjae is pregnant kkkkk just kidding i love this story
Chapter 3: hello just read it,and kinda sad coz we wont read the sequel,this story was heartbreaking T^T

That's why i want to help. I wont be able to write since i've stopped myself (XD),but I have a friend who's still semi-active here,I'll try to ask her. From indo right? me too ^^ so just PM me,but if you already found some1 then it's okay :)
ELFhyukhae #5
Chapter 3: i can help if you want to it's kinda funny but my english is bad too cuz it's not my main language ... ><
MyeolchiHyuk #6
Chapter 3: its okay..

ELFhyukhae #7
Chapter 2: Sequeeet!!! iam dying here~ pleaseeeee pleaseeeee :'( :'( :'( :'( i'm crying nooow u know :'( and it' was super cool
yekung #8
Chapter 2: pls sequel!!!
Vanillia__ #9
Chapter 2: this one deserves a sequel!! it can´t end with such sad ending!! btw this is a really good story! ^^
Chapter 2: pleasseeee ,,we need a sequel T.T the ending is soo badd.. T.T