Plain Old Ordinary


Ordinary clothes?........Check

Ordinary uniform?.........Check

Ordinary hair?............Check

Ordinary shoes?........Check

Ordinary school?........Check

Ordinary life?.........Big check

Life for Su-Jin is plain old ordinary. She may seem like your ordinary Joe, however her life takes a spin into the 4th dimension as she finds an ancient book from her no longer ordinary school.

After a strange encounter with a cute bunch of bunnies, Su-Jin finds herself trapped in the midst of darkness. Her life locked forever in the empty book which writes it's own story as if the prophecy is repeating itself. Will Su-Jin be able to complete the path of answers in order to unlock the truth? Or will she forever fall within the power which comes with it?



She ran for god knows how long. 

Click, clamp, click. The sound of her black stilletos filled the empty, long hall. Her knee- high, red ,spaghetti strapped dress glistened in the light of each candle that past by.

1, 2, 3, 4.......20.​  She unconsciously began to count each set of lit wax.

"______!" She screamed. Suddenly, the world around her stopped. Her surroundings no longer moved as everything faded away. 


Hello, please stay with me on my first story! It is a fantasy featuring.......




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