Introduction & Rejection

My Seven Guardian Angels

Introduction & Rejection

Music : N/A

Hana sat on the floor and tried to process what had just happened within the last hour. She sighed and eyed the seven boys. They were all roaming around her room and examining every little detail. How did they manage to convince her to let them into my apartment again? Oh, right. They forced her to. They claimed to be ‘angels’ of some sort, but do angels even exist? This was all too surreal to be true.

“Is this where you live?” One of them asked. From what we know so far, his name is Sungjong and he’s the most youngest and easygoing one.

“Yea,” Hana mumbled. Her living space was very limited since she didn’t have much money to support herself. There is barely anything in her apartment as well. It only included necessities like a small couch, table, t.v, etc. Just enough to get by the day.  

“It’s kinda small,” Myungsoo, the one with the cold gaze, commented. He’s the straightforward one if you haven’t noticed. *Yes, my apartment is extremely small. Sheesh. They should be lucky that I was kind enough to let them in.*

“I know.”

Dongwoo shrugged and sat down next to Hana “We will have to make the best out of it.” Hana hoped that he was not implying that they were going to be living with her. She already had enough problems to deal with, plus she can barely support herself, and now these boys randomly pop up into her life and complicate things. This is not going to work out for sure.

“What do you mean?”

He rolled his eyes and flicked her forehead. “We are living with you from now on.”

“No,” Hana replied. There was no way on Earth that she would be okay with living with seven complete strangers under the same roof. And if they were going to try and convince her, it wasn’t going to work. Hana groaned and massaged her forehead. *They’re beginning to give me a headache.*

“But you have to.”
“No, I don’t.”
“Yes, you do.”

“SHUT UP,” Sunggyu shouted. Silence. Everybody stopped in their tracks and decided it was best not to anger him any longer. Sunggyu was known to have a short temper after all. Hana flinched a little when he started making his way towards her. He stopped right in front of her and bent down until they were at eye-level with each other.

“We need your help. Please just help us this once. We will be out of your life in no time after we have finished what we came here for.”

She felt guilt at that moment, but more than that she felt pity for them and Hana hates pity, because she knows what it’s like. They all looked so desperate and hopeless that it made it so hard for her to simply say no to them. Her heart told her to help them and her brain told her to reject them. But what if she let them stay with her? There’s a problem: money. Hana cannot afford extra food, clothing, beds, or anything else. Her part time job only pays enough to get through the day.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t help you all.” Hana didn’t want to reject them like this. She felt so heartless at the moment but there was nothing she could do. Hana studied their faces, finding traces of hurt and sadness. Except for one of them, the one with the cold gaze — Myungsoo. He kept a straight face and said nothing.

“I hope you all underst—”  

“Let’s go. She’s a waste of our time,” Myungsoo hissed and walked to the door. He spared one more glance at the girl before he slammed the door open and left.

“It’s fine,” Sunggyu smiled a bit before leaving along with Myungsoo. The rest of the boys followed suit reluctantly. Hana sat there by herself and stared at the door in which they had left from. She kept feeling like she had done something wrong and cruel but it’s not like there was anything she could do. This wasn’t her problem and there was no need for her to get involved.  Hana walked towards the door, closing it gently and locked it.

Hana kept telling herself that she had done absolutely nothing wrong, in hopes that it would make her feel better. However, she still felt bad for the mysterious boys who had left. Maybe they were actually being sincere. Maybe they were telling the truth. Maybe she was wrong. Hana sat down on the couch and the t.v. Maybe watching some shows would take her mind off things. After flipping through channel and channel, Hana found herself irritated that nothing good was on; or at least nothing that she considered to be a good show. Feeling bored out of her mind, she decided to go back to the cafe. Maybe Hyunseok needed help. Then again, it was just Hana who needed some company. She shook her head and went to grab her coat and boots again.

After a 15 minute walk, she reached the cafe safely. When she walked into the shop, she saw Hyunseok at the cash register, helping a customer who was debating what item to choose from the menu. Hana immediately felt better seeing his face. He just had that effect on her. As Hana would say, Hyunseok is a happy virus. His smile was so contagious and he always lightened up her mood whenever she was feeling down.

Hyunseok pointed to a picture on the menu and said, “I recommend the chocolate angel cake. That’s one of our most popular dishes.”

“Okay, I’ll take one of that then,” the lady smiled and blushed. Hyunseok attracted many female customers from his looks. He had the face of an ulzzang and many ladies would swoon over him, not that he noticed since he’s pretty dense.

“One chocolate angel cake coming right up,” he gave her a thumbs up and her change back. When he noticed Hana standing there, his face instantly lit up and he waved at her. Hana waved back and put her stuff down.

“Need any help?” Hana asked.

“Nah, but I could use your company,” Hyunseok grinned.

Hana was really lucky to have a friend like him. She just hoped that he could get her mind off things.   

Isn't Hyunseok so nice? ♡ c: I am running out of songs. . I can't find anything that fits this chapter. I don't think it matters if there is music or not since people don't really listen to it at all. So there might not be anymore songs on top not that it would really matter otl. e u e' But anyyways, please comment and subscribe if you like this fic!
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LadyAthena #1
Chapter 3: Aww Hyunseok is so nice :) Will be waiting for your next update!
Chapter 3: yes, hyunseok is nice c:
i wonder how infinite and hana
will run into each other again.. lol.
well, update soon! ; u ;
chikorquotes #3
Chapter 2: gull mah feels. u da pro writer.
i shall give you a gold sticker ;u; like mail a gold sticker to you or something LOL


On a serious note, you have a very capturing way of writing. I haven't read enough to judge on your characterisation skills but so far so good.
But seriously, I have a feeling the manger is a vampire. ;)