
My Seven Guardian Angels


The A Team — Ed Sheeran

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The girl stared at her little blue sketchbook. She then picked up her pencil and began drawing. Her drawings were nothing special, but she was quite an amazing artist. Her works were so simple, yet so beautiful. But the reason she drew wasn’t only because she enjoyed it. No, it wasn’t that. It distracted her. It kept her away from reality.

“Look, it’s that loner again.”
“How sad, I heard her parents abandoned her.”
“How come she never talks? She’s so weird.”
“How pathetic.”

Hana walked down the broad hallways whilst holding her tattered sketchbook, trying to avoid some of the stares her classmates gave her. She didn’t glance back, but she could feel them piercing holes through her body. Hana was far from popular. In fact, she was at the bottom of the social status pyramid. But she still got attention, just not the good type. It’s when people look at you as if you’re some type of alien and talk about you behind your back as if you were clueless to the whole thing. She didn’t exactly have enemies, but obviously, she didn’t have any school friends either.

She made her way through the crowd and finally got to her locker. She grabbed the silver handle and opened the locker. Books, books, drawing utensils, notebooks, backpack, sweater, and more books. What more do you expect from a straight A student? Other than drawing, she also loved reading. Once she got packed up, she shut her locker and walked towards the exit of Seoul High. Hana walked down the steps and felt the cool breeze of fall hit her face lightly. It was that time of year again. The beginning of another yet agonizing, boring, and lonely school year.

The trees’ leaves were already beginning to change color. The temperature was beginning to drop and the days were starting to get shorter. The essence of Fall was in the air. Hana checked her watch. It was time for work. She began picking up her pace to make sure she wouldn’t be late again.

The door opened, revealing Hana panting and tired out. She had ran all the way from school since she forgot her bus card at home. She was quite a forgetful girl at times.

“There you are,” Eunae smiled and stopped wiping a table.

“I- I’m sorry f-for being late. I .. forgot my bus card,” Hana stuttered, trying to regain her breath.

The older woman shook her head and laughed. “ Aigoo, Hana. It’s fine. It wasn’t really busy today anyways.”

Hana walked over to the counter and put her stuff down. “Thanks, Eunae.” Hana and Eunae were good friends. Ever since Hana got the job at the cafe, Eunae, her co-worker, was always there to help her and Hana began opening up to Eunae. The two girls were about 4 years apart. Hana was 17 while Eunae was already 21. They both had opposite personalities as well. Hana’s more of the shy and timid type and she was easily pushed around. Eunae on the other hand, is very outgoing and bubbly, but she is not easily pushed around. She’s not afraid to speak her mind either. So basically, Hana’s an introvert and Eunae, a extrovert.

“Hey, can you help me with something?” Eunae asked.

“Sure,” Hana replied.

Eunae cleared and began playing with her fingers. “Ahem, well...” She paused and glanced at Hana who stood at the counter, unpacking her things. “My boyfriend asked me out on a date today and I kinda told him that I was free... I mean you could fill in for me, right, right?” Eunae pleaded.

“Fine, when do you have to go?” Hana asked. She was used to this. Ever since Eunae got a boyfriend she would always ditch work to go on dates with her boyfriend. Hana got used to it after a while so she didn’t really care about it anymore.

“Thank you so much!” Eunae grinned and ran over to hug Hana. “Actually about now. I’ll tell the manager that you filled in for my shift.”

“Aish, just go and have fun,” Hana rolled her eyes.

“I will,” Eunae stuck out her tongue playfully. “You should get a boyfriend though.”

“Ani, they’re just a waste of time, and I don’t think anyone would like me anyways.” Hana shrugged.

“So pessimistic.” Eunae pouted. “Well I’ll be going now.” She took her purse and waved to Hana as she left.
Hana waved back and put on her cafe bib apron. It was required for the workers to wear it during their shifts. Hana didn’t mind though. It wasn’t anything too fancy and she could just wear it on top of her school uniform so she didn’t have to go through the trouble of changing. It was a simple white apron with cute designs and a black bow on the side. A perfect cafe uniform.

Customers began coming in and Hana began working. She worked from the time she left school until about ten PM at night. The cafe she worked at was called ‘Bubbletea & Sweets’ since it was mainly known for it’s delicious bubbleteas. As well as a waitress, she was also a cashier. Since the shop did not have that many employees, she had to take an extra job.

A typical day in the life of Kim Hana.

“Kamsahamnida,” Hana thanked the last customers of the day and closed the shop down. The manager was sick that day so she was all alone. She put on her backpack and closed the lights to the shop. It was time to go home. Hana groaned, remembering that she had forgotten her bus card at home. Walking late at night by yourself can be pretty dangerous. Especially if you’re a girl. She shook the bad thoughts away and began walking. There were still a few people roaming around on the streets so that made her feel a bit more safe. As she was walking, she noticed a man sitting down on the sidewalk. Torn clothes and weary eyed. He must’ve been a beggar. People all walked by, not paying attention to him at all. As if he didn’t exist. Hana immediately felt pity for the old man. He looked so helpless. She walked over to him and took out the little money she had with her.

“I know it’s not much, but here,” Hana whispered and put the money into the man’s cup. The man was startled by her kindness. His eyes softened. “Thank you so much,” he spoke with a raspy voice. Hana smiled and bowed before continuing on her way again but she was stopped by the old man. “Wait.” She turned around and looked at him strangely. What more did he want?    

“What’s your name?”
“K-Kim Hana.” *Why would he want to know my name?*   
“Thank you, Hana.”
“You’re welcome.” She replied and was back on her way, walking home.
The man’s eyes were still on her as her figure got smaller and smaller in the distance.

By the time Hana got home, it was about 10:30 PM. She unlocked the door to her apartment and was greeted by darkness. “I’m home,” she muttered. There was no response, not even a sound. She was all alone once again.

Thank You Note!

So this is a short first chapter. I'd like to thank Jin-Ah for being a beta-reader and helping me correct my errors. ♡ 

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LadyAthena #1
Chapter 3: Aww Hyunseok is so nice :) Will be waiting for your next update!
Chapter 3: yes, hyunseok is nice c:
i wonder how infinite and hana
will run into each other again.. lol.
well, update soon! ; u ;
chikorquotes #3
Chapter 2: gull mah feels. u da pro writer.
i shall give you a gold sticker ;u; like mail a gold sticker to you or something LOL


On a serious note, you have a very capturing way of writing. I haven't read enough to judge on your characterisation skills but so far so good.
But seriously, I have a feeling the manger is a vampire. ;)