Chapter 39

Lunatic Shadow




And in the end, this was what he had to say :




"Hey, don't be silly Woohyun. It's not funny." you grabbed the board and the pen Woohyun was holding before taking a step back.  You placed it on top of the table and headed back to Woohyun with a mad stare. "Woohyun, you don’t know Youngmin. And why would he do such thing? I don’t know why you had to say something like that."


Woohyun stared back at you, his eyes begging for you to believe. How he wished he could speak, so he could tell you exactly what he wanted to say in words. But then, he could never make you believe in something you didn’t want to believe either.


"Now what? You're going to stare at me like that forever?" you mumbled in complaint. Woohyun forced a smile as he waved his hand, a signal for you to leave. "Alright then, if that's what you want. I'll leave. But don’t you dare say things like that to me again okay?" you muttered, leaving him alone inside the room. You got your bag as you walked out, seeing his friend and his parents sitting patiently near the reception area.


"Are you going home already?" Woohyun's mom asked.

You nodded once with a frown on your face saying, "Unfortunately, yes. He said he wanted to take some rest, so I guess I'll just go back some other time."

"Oh I see, take care on your way home then." she replied.


You once again nodded at her before taking a bow for respect.


You walked outside in the cold wind,  catching some leaves falling from the trees you walked past by. You took your steps slowly, still bothered by what Woohyun told you earlier before you left the hospital. Just, what was he talking about? Does it really concern Youngmin? Or maybe not.


You stared at the blue sky over your head, trying to clear your mind for a second before coming up with a decision.


"I haven't apologized to him yet." you mumbled when you thought about what happened last night when Youngmin sent you home. "But-- but he called me a liar.." you added.


But being the puzzling girl you were, you still decided to pay Youngmin a visit. At around lunch time, you rode the bus off to your boyfriend's home. You didn’t inform him about your visit, but you told your brother about your unplanned meeting.




Youngmin was outside, watering some of his mom's plants in the garden. He had no classes that day and he didn’t have any assignments or projects to work on either. In fact, he was trying to make himself busy because he knew he had a conflict with you last night and so he couldn’t come to see you in your home or maybe ask you out on a date.


"Youngmin? You have an appointment today. You should go and take a bath already." his mom told him.

Youngmin shook his head and said, "I'm not going. Please tell Mr. Kim."


He looked dull today, and he had been watering the plants for hours now, unaware of the fact that the plants were  already drowning. He was a bit spacing out, unable to think normally. He knew that eventually, he would have to apologize for being so childish towards you last night, he just don’t know when to.


Half an hour later, he saw you walking towards their front gate. He was surprised that he didn’t know what to say. He rushed towards the gate and opened it for you, his eyes b with joy. There was a moment of silence until your eyes met. "Uh-- sorry for not calling you ahead of time.. It's not my plan to come here today, but I wanted to tell you something."


Youngmin had a frown on his face as he hold onto the ends of his sweater. Staring down at his feet, he tried to utter words, "Are you here.. Are you here to break up with me?"

At first you were a bit confused, like you'd always be. But then, that was just non sense. You came to pay him a visit and to say sorry. "Uh-- why would I do that??" you asked.


Youngmin looked up at you and mumbled, "Really? Then.. Why are you here?"

"I came to apologize about last night. If I had a reason I could've told you about it already, but seriously. I got none."


He let out a sigh of relief. Holding your hands in his, he beamed you a smile of assurance that your apology has just been accepted. "Would you like to come inside?" he asked, cheering himself up in amusement. You nodded in agreement before you walked with him towards their front door. You were welcomed by his mom, who had always been around every time you pay Youngmin a visit. But you were most glad about the absence of his dad because he's always at work.


Youngmin lead you inside the living room while his mom prepared two cups of tea for the two of you. The awkward feeling was already gone, and so you tried to make yourself comfortable inside the house. "I'm so glad you came. You know what, I got nothing to do today and I was really trying hard to make myself busy." Youngmin uttered as he sat too close beside you.


You let out a chuckle, pinching his cheek in adorableness. "I knew you'd say that. I actually came to the hospital, because my brother's friend wanted to see me."

"Your brother's friend?"

"Yeah. Woohyun. Do you know him?" you asked.

Youngmin shook his head in haste as he told you, "No I don’t. But you've already told me about him once I guess."


"Oh, is that so.."


"Snacks coming !" Youngmin's mom suddenly walked inside the room with a tray on her hands filled with a platter of cookies and two cups of tea.

Youngmin stood up and helped his mom place the tray on top of the center table. She smiled at you as she said, "You can stay until dinner time Seong eun. Youngmin's dad and I are going to have our dinner outside."

"Like a date?" you asked with a smile on your face.

You could see how her wrinkles formed into a smile, "Sort of. Today is my husband's birthday, and this guy right here refused to join us." she uttered as she pointed a finger at Youngmin.

Youngmin could only let a silent smirk escape his lips, "No mom. It's a date between the two of you."

"Okay then. Have fun." she uttered before leaving the room with a smile on her face.


"Yay! Mom's leaving ~" Youngmin chimed with a grin.

You took a sip on the tea that was prepared for you, taking a bite of the cookie afterwards. "Tish ish yumme." you mumbled as you chewed on your food.


"Tell me. You missed me, don’t you?" Youngmin asked, wrapping his arm around your waist and hugging you sideways.

You stared at him as you gulped the cookie down your throat. "I came for an apology, that's all. In fact, you called me a liar last night. Don’t you think you owe me an apology too?"

He gradually moved closer to your ear, making you giggle uncontrollably before he let out a whisper, "Can I.. Can I just kiss you instead?"

You moved away from him and pushed him slightly, "An apology is an apology Youngmin."

Youngmin frowned at you, pulling the ends of your shirt like he's badly asking for something.

"Yah, stop that. You're pulling it off." you uttered, flashing him a glare of disagreement.


An hour later of chit- chatting, Youngmin's mom left for her date. Youngmin had a devilish smile on his face as he watched his mom drove out of their property. "Seong eun? cutie.. What would you like to do today?" he asked with a flirty tone in his voice.

You let out a chuckle, thinking about what probably was on his mind.


He hopped on the couch and turned to face you, his arm resting on the headrest of the sofa. He had a sly smirk on his face as he stared at you from head to toe. "What are we going to do now?" he asked once more as he bit his lower lip.


You turned to look away from him, spotting a vase of effulgent daffodils on the corner of the room. "Are those daffodils?" you asked, gradually changing the topic.

Youngmin flicked your cheek as he mumbled in an annoyed manner, "Seong eun. Look at me."

Still with your head facing the flower vase, you uttered, "No I won't."

"Yes you will."


"Come on, I just want to see your face."

"Nooo~" you chimed as you kept your head tilted at a certain direction.

".. Fine." he uttered coldly. You could guess he just left the room when you heard someone slammed the door shut.


You scratched your head annoyingly before cursing under your breath, "Aish, there he goes. Mad again."

You stumbled to get out of the living room and searched for Youngmin's bedroom. You knew where it was exactly, in front of Kwangmin's room where you used to get naughty with him. You took a step in front of the door and without hesitations, you knocked on it twice, calling out for his name.


"It's open. Come in." you could hear him saying.

You took a gulp down before slowly getting the door to his room open. He was on his bed, playing with a little console game in his hands. You walked towards him and sat beside him on bed. You could see how serious he looked. In a couple of minutes he got totally into the game. "Shall I go home?" you asked.

He ignored your words. You pouted, but he doesn’t seem to have seen it because he had a fixed gaze on his game. Staring at your feet blankly, you heaved a sigh. "Guess I should." you mumbled before standing on your feet.




You were about to leave when his hand suddenly pulled you by the arm. Casting off the console game he was playing with just a moment ago, he threw you harshly on bed, trapping you in his arms until you could barely move. He lingered on top of you, as he run a finger through your soft hair. You could feel the warmth of his breath hitting your face as he stared at you with such wonder and admiration. You were hesitant and you could feel your heart beat getting faster.


"Youngmin.." you whispered his name.

"You're not going anywhere, you're not leaving me." he muttered monotonously.

"But I--"


Finishing your sentence off, he placed a soft kiss on your lips, gradually affording you some satisfaction. You kissed him back without objections, even asking for a more intense desire. Close enough, you wrapped your hands around him, closing your eyes in acceptance. As the kiss got more passionate than it could be, Youngmin's hands gently moved and pulled your legs, wrapping it around his waist and pushing himself suitably on the space in between your bodies.


Pushing him away for a slight second, you let out a gasp escape your lips as you allowed the two of you to breathe some air. Youngmin noticed the move he just made and so, with a hint of embarrassment on his face, he apologized. You shook your head, giving him the assurance that it's okay. Seeing that expression on your face, Youngmin once again kissed you but this time, he made sure you would crave for him after a second or so. He started trailing butterfly kisses all over your jaw line down to your neck, sending shivers down your spine.


He rummaged through your neck until he found your sweet spot, making you moan in too much pleasure like you've never done before. Hearing your soft voice utter in enjoyment made him more intensified. Bit by bit, he started pulling your shirt off, revealing your most radiant skin. You could feel your cheeks get warm, feeling shy of what he just saw. He bit his bottom lip as his fingers got in contact with your bare skin. His lustful stare made you feel the same thing. He his lower lip as he touched your chest, throwing himself back on top of you as he kissed you around your lips, making you groan, asking for more than satisfaction.


You chased after his lips until it finally landed on to yours. Gasping in excitement, your fingers clutched onto his hair as you pulled his lips to kiss you more deeply. You had never even thought you'd be doing that activity with him that day.


Still with lust arousing madly all over your body, you pushed Youngmin sideways, taking the opportunity to hover on top of him. He heaved a pant as he started unbuckling your bra, unable to control his temptation anymore. As he kissed you breathtakingly, you could feel his hands ing your skirt off of your frail and thin body.


You had to admit, you just can't get enough of those luscious lips he had. And so for the activity to go on, you violently removed his shirt, concealing his cute muscles. By the time you had him all over, he did the same to you before he put you back to the first position: him over you.


Trying to hold in the pleasure you wanted to shout out, you clutched on the bed sheets tightly as his fingers dared to move on the most sensitive part of your body. Letting your emotions out, you whimpered in pain when you felt his fingers running in and out of you. You could guess there were two of his. It was your first, so it has to be painful.


Your knees were shaking and you couldn’t keep your back flat on the surface of the bed, it keeps on raising itself as your head tried to pull back. As your screams grew weaker, Youngmin took the opportunity to get himself what he wanted. Spreading your legs wide, he stared at your face, begging to let him enter your most precious body. You nodded once in agreement and it didn’t even take him a minute to begin ing in and out of you.




An hour or two after your first ual activity, you woke up beside him, his face in front of you. He was on a deep slumber and he seemed thirsty for some sleep. You couldn’t help but stare at his angelic face before trying to get up even with your lazily laden body. You wanted to take a nap some more, but you were afraid that his parents might come home earlier than expected. You didn’t want to look like the flirty type in front of his parents when you actually looked like the quiet type of girl who would most likely, respect her own self.


You grabbed your clothes on the floor and started dressing up. You had some questions playing in your head, like what could've possibly made you do it?


Youngmin looked like he'd be asleep for long, and so you decided not to disturb him from his slumber. You groaned as you stretched your body wide, wanting to go back to bed and sleep until tomorrow. But that was not possible. It's your brother's rule not to sleep on a boy's room and you just broke it.


Half of Youngmin's body was exposed and you thought he might catch a cold so you covered him with a blanket before sitting down beside him and sending him a peck on his cheek. He moved a bit, but not completely waking himself up. You let out a sigh as you thought to yourself, "It was quite painful, but it was great."


You gazed around his well-lit room, spotting and taking a step towards his study table. You could see how well- organized his things were, and how you wished you were as tidy as him. Scanning through some pictures on his table, you saw one familiar photo which you could guess, was taken two years ago.


It was your picture with Kwangmin. You looked really young in the photo, and when you turned your eyes to look at the figure beside you, you noticed how Kwangmin's face was rubbed out with a red crayon. You frowned, thinking how Youngmin hated his brother so much, your ex.


Being the busybody you were, you opened one of his drawers, seeing a set of photo albums placed nicely in accordance with the dates. There were his oldest photographs which were taken when he was still young. He had a copy of the wedding album of his mom, and his real dad. Fieldtrip photographs during grade school and summer outings with the family were there too. He looked so happy back then. It seemed like the smile on his face he had before doesn’t exist now.


One thing you noticed about the photographs, either Kwangmin's face, or Minwoo's was erased, doodled on, or cut off. You could understand why, because you knew about the hatred he had towards Kwangmin and his cousin Minwoo. But you were confused as to why it had to arrive to that extent.


You quietly closed the drawer after you had placed all the photo albums back in place. After another, you opened the next drawer and saw his notebooks, books, and maybe a collection of collage. You didn’t take your time looking at those when it really didn’t catch much of your interest. He had countless school stuffs placed all over his study table. His books occupied three drawers and the only drawer left unopened was the one on the bottom.


You got on your knees as you opened it effortlessly. Seeing a wooden silver box, your curiosity arouses as you saw how beautiful the container looked. You slowly pulled it out from the drawer, thanking God that it had no keyhole or anything that would make it remain locked.


As your fingers slowly lifted the cover up, you saw something covered with a black fabric. It looked heavy and fragile so you tried to be extra careful on touching it. You slowly run your fingers through the cover, revealing something dangerous and life-threatening..


.. A gun.





*** holy cow. what's the gun for? OH NO YOU--

Anyways, sorry for informing you late about the rated M part. i unticked on the Rated M checkbox because i didn't want to spoil you even before you would start reading the chapter. I was going to make it ty, but too bad. i on it. and sorry if I on the romantic part too. tahahaha. XD oh well. i enjoyed my summer vacay so much that I updated late.

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Mental breakdown.


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Chapter 52: omg... what was that... such a cliff hanger... tell me authornim that you'll have a sequel for this oh please do make a sequel i beg of you....

it was nice and sorry.. i told you that i would read this by tye week end but decided to read it today.. i liked it and enjoyed reading but not the last part where youngmin showed up....!!! i want to know seungeun's reaction when she sees youngmin omg!!!
maiquie24 #2
Chapter 21: I don't know why but i was watching Boyfriend's MV for "Witch" and it just reminded me of this story
Chapter 52: Such a cliffhanger. Is there a sequel to this story???
I loved this so much. I read it in a day and a half.
Really good job ^_^
Chapter 52: Hanging >< sequelll pleaseeee
yeejler #5
Omg sequel plsssss...hw can u leave us with a cliff hanger *cries*
Chapter 52: Sequel please
Chapter 52: I just found this fic and it's amazing xDD I need a sequel please >>
tsuukyuu #8
Chapter 52: Dah dah dah daaaahhhh........cliff hanger.... eunsoo youngmin good or bad...
Chapter 52: Omg.. please let Myungie win for good at the next squeeelll >.<