Chapter 37

Lunatic Shadow


For a second you stared at Myungsoo cynically, as if he sounded like he just lied. But if he did, that would be his worst. "They already found him.." he uttered as his lips curved for a scowl.


You fiddled with your fingers as you hear half of you, telling you to scream, shout, and be hysterical. You tried to fight your emotions by closing your eyes tight, and holding onto the fabric of your shirt, trying to calm your nerves down if that was even possible. You couldn’t embarrass yourself by looking so demented in front of your friend, and in front of Myungsoo.


"Did you hear me?" Myungsoo asked as he placed a hand on your shoulder. His voice was starting to sound precarious. He even looked scared and nervous.


For another second, you opened your eyes and tried to push Eunji away from you, out of your room. She couldn’t comprehend what you meant by your actions, but she politely left your room without taking a minute to ask about how you feel. She somehow got a hint of what you were about to do.


When she had already gone out of your room, Myungsoo could only comfort you with a tight, and secure hug. Preventing your feelings from being torn violently as if with a sharp knife. He knew you would eventually cry out and scream in mental pain, he just happen to have memorized your actions to its fullest. "Don’t blame yourself. It's not your fault." he maundered as his fingers acted to move your hair away from the tears falling on your cheeks, trying to avoid them from sticking onto your face.


You weep indecently in front of Myungsoo, the only savior you knew at that very moment. You didn’t care about how ugly you looked in front of him when you're sobbing like a lost kid, you didn’t care if he thought you really were an insane person, you didn’t care about anything at all. All you could do was just to let your emotions out.


Minwoo was such a nice person, if people could only see that exact soft spot inside his heart. How could you lose such a great person in a glance? Everything happened a bit too fast, that you didn’t know which one's real anymore. You've already lost a special person before, and now a friend.


".. How.. How did he--" you managed to speak in between your teary orbs.

Myungsoo hushed you as he placed a hand around your waist, gradually pulling you even closer until you couldn’t breathe out. "I don’t think you can handle it yet. I'll tell you more about it later. For now, just relax, and get yourself ready."


"Ready??" you asked, a hint of confusion in your voice.


Still with his hand jailing you he said, "Police. They’re going to be here soon."


You felt goose bumps grew all over your frail body like they were moss growing out just anywhere they'd probably fit in. Police. You've talked to a lot of these when Kwangmin died. It even arrived to the point where they suspected you because you always become too emotional, whenever the dead person's name was mentioned. You knew you couldn’t do it, give everyone the truth about what happened when you really wanted to. Sometimes, what you wanted to say just won’t come out of your mouth. Sometimes, you wanted to say so many things but you would always end up saying something else, entirely different from what's running through your head. You're completely not guilty about it, you just don’t have the courage to fight your weird mentality.


Your eyes flickered in disgust when Myungsoo told you about what happened with Minwoo's body, and how they found out it was him. His body was torn apart, like it was a piece of paper lacerated into tiny pieces. "They said that, it might have fallen from the mountain, down to a creek. And then some animals ate his body."


You pulled away from the tight grip around you as you discharged yourself from what seemed to be, an imprisonment around Myungsoo. You tried to break away, and you did. But his hands held onto yours like you're going to run away. "Are you okay?" he asked.


You nodded unsurely, trying to organize your thoughts, "Myungsoo.. Minwoo's body isn't yet decomposing.. His disappearance had not even reached a long 24-hour period. How could some stray animal eat his flesh, if it's still active? If it's still fresh?"


Myungsoo faltered hesitantly before he nodded, ".. I think you're right. But we can never tell. Why don’t we just, leave it to the investigators?"


You tried to forget about your assumption quick. It's senseless to think about it now. To think about your thoughts. You're no investigator, you're no bright student. You're just someone average who couldn’t do anything for the people you loved.


Myungsoo then lead you to sit down back on the couch and relax yourself. Several minutes later, someone suddenly opened the door to your room. You thought it was the police, but it was someone else you thought would never find out about what happened to your trip.


It was Youngmin.


He was wearing a black trenchcoat as he gazed at you with his transfixed orbs. Myungsoo stood up from his seat as he uttered, "When did you arrive?"


Youngmin could care less about Myungsoo's question, he quickly got rid of it, "If you could please leave us alone for a moment, that would be wonderful." he muttered with a mocking stare.


Myungsoo couldn’t talk back, because you were there, and he didn’t want himself to look like the bad guy in front of your boyfriend. He walked out of the room silently that you could not even hear his footsteps slowly vanishing from your sense of hearing.


For a second you felt afraid. That stare from Youngmin, you knew it wasn’t because he might have known about Minwoo's death. You knew that was something else, his tone when he spoke was somehow menacing, and you just can't avoid having contact with that feral stare of his.


"Listen. I only want a simple answer for this simple question of mine.. Why." he asked as if he wanted you to speak out normally. But you were afraid. It even scared you more when he started speaking, when he asked. You felt like you could touch him in a single movement, but something was distancing you from him.


"Answer me." he spoke once more, his voice getting deeper, and his stare starting to drown you in such a benighted place called hell.


You remained seated, your hands on your lap, squeezing the tiny ruffles on your dress as you stared down on your feet, your eyes about to get teary again. You didn’t answer. You just let out a sigh, trying to bring some confidence into your voice when it seemed like you had lost them all. How you wished Myungsoo would come back inside your room without permission, to take you away even just for a moment, make you escape this simple question of Youngmin-- Why.


You could feel your body shiver in such a cold manner, your lips trying to part for a sentence. He noticed your fear, so he took a step forward, towards you, trying to bring you some courage he knew you would never have. He placed a finger below your chin as he lifted your head up when you moved reluctantly. He stared at you again. Those icy orbs of his that always seemed to capture your soul whenever he stare at you fixedly.


"I won't hurt you. Just tell me why, I had to hear it from Eunji." Youngmin uttered before he let out a harsh, loud sigh.


Trying to bring trial and error into occurrence, you looked at his eyes as you spoke indistinctly in such a low voice, "It was all a coincidence that Minwoo and I became partners."


"Are you sure?" he watches you carefully as you tried not to move your eyes to look in a different direction-- because if you did, he would probably think you're lying.


You nodded, followed by a simple, "Yes."


His chocolate brown eyes were sure captivating, but it can turn you into his slave.


He then pulled back before sitting down beside you, acting back to normal. He was so mad. But he only needed an explanation from you and he'll be fine. "I'm sorry I had to torment you. Were you scared?" these words suddenly came out of his mouth.


You shook your head, lying about fearing him for a couple of dead minutes.


Youngmin let out a sigh, before he kissed your cheek, "Everything's going to be fine. Just stay with me."


You wanted to ask, "Stay.. With you?"


His words were not meant for what happened to Minwoo. It didn’t mean like you should stay with him the moment the police and some other people arrives. It didn’t mean like, he's going to protect you because you're now part of the suspects list. It's not like he thought you were guilty, maybe he's saying it in an entirely different way-- that part puzzling.


Sungyeol got there after 4 hours. The police came, and you were done giving them your statement. Youngmin and Myungsoo was with you, and you weren't afraid of the officers at all, when you thought you would probably freak out. But that's right, things are different now. When you faced the police when Kwangmin died, you were alone. Myungsoo was not there to cheer you up, Youngmin was not there to have you build some courage, and your brother was physically with you, but was mentally far away.


Minwoo's parents came, and they both wept in tears when they saw his body being carried by a stretcher, straight to that hospital car, along with some relatives.


You felt really sad about what happened. Yesterday you were laughing and arguing with him, and now he's gone. Just, how did it all happen?


"We're going home." your brother Sungyeol scurried and got your things inside the trunk in an instant. He then got inside the car and waited for you and Myungsoo to get in.


"You're going with them?" Youngmin asked as he watched you walk towards your brother's car with Myungsoo trailing behind you. You nodded at him in reply.


"I'll be driving alone." he muttered.


You turned to look at Myungsoo with a what-should-I-do face. "She's going with us Youngmin. You're a grown up so go back to your hell home alone instead. Seong eun, get inside the car, NOW."


You obeyed him like it was automatic. Youngmin followed you with his gaze before he glared at Myungsoo as he approached, "Who do you think you are. You're just some baby sitter for her when I'm not around." he whispered.


Myungsoo let out a chuckle, he knew he couldn’t be defeated, not against Youngmin who had always been lacking some disrespect towards him, "So what if I am? At least I get to spend much, more time with her, rather than you." he uttered before he opened the car door for himself.


Before Youngmin would go back home, he went to follow the car that leads to Minwoo's corpse. There were his relatives' vehicles too. Maybe it's time for some reunion, he thought.


"You okay?" Myungsoo asked when he saw you looking so devastated. You were pretty much quiet the whole road trip. Sungyeol noticed about your silence too, and now he's starting to worry. "Seong eun." he called out for you.


You didn’t snap. Hence, you continued to stare blankly by the window, your presence somewhere far away. Myungsoo was seated beside you and he seemed to have found out about the indifferent look on your face. "Seong eun. Please don't freak out. Not today, not now." he uttered.


You let out a sigh, fidgeting your body to the sides, giving your brother a direct look as he drove. "Sungyeol.. One question though." you muttered.

Myungsoo turned to face you as he tried to listen with what you were going to say.


"What?" your brother asked back.


"Did you.. Did you tell Youngmin about what happened? Did he ever call you?"


Your brother shook his head saying, "No. I never did."


You leaned back on your seat as you stared at Myungsoo. He was gazing at you, smiling like crazy. "You've been thinking of a lot of things lately. Why don’t you just relax. Leave all your worries to us." he said.

You nodded at him before you closed your eyes to take a nap.




"Look who's here." a girl with brown, curly locks spoke as soon as Youngmin got inside the room, where Minwoo's body laid.

Youngmin ignored what she had to say. She continued to walk to see Minwoo one last time before he would return back to Seoul. Minwoo's parents were there as well. Family relatives, cousins, nephews, and nieces. They all stared at Youngmin with such dislike. Some of his aunts would pull their children away from Youngmin. Some would get out of the room, and some would tell him to go away.


"What are you doing here?" one of his cousins asked. She was five years older than Youngmin, her name's Min and she's not scared of anything at all. She was one of his closest cousins, back when they still lived inside the same compound.

Youngmin turned to look at her with a bright smile on his face, "I'm here to see Minwoo. He's still my cousin after all."

She moved closer to Youngmin as she whispered, "They don’t like you in here. You should go home."

"I will. Eventually. They don’t have to fear me like I'm such a bad person. I've recovered, and I'm okay now." Youngmin muttered with a frown on his face.


When he was about to walk out of the room, the girl who spoke earlier when he got there talked once more. "How are you Youngmin? You've been away for so long. Did your treatment go well?" she jeered with a sly smirk on her face. Her arms were crossed over her chest and she was standing proudly in front of him.


Youngmin again, ignored her talk as he shoved the girl away from the door. "Those ing people who discriminate me..


.. should die too."




*** Is this some sort of a massacre? =_= my gaaawd ~ NO !!

Sorry pipol. i made another boring update. the weather doesn't help me get some better ideas. it's really hot. =_=  but I ship Myungsoo X Seongeun. :))))

Anyway, please do comment and subcribe :) ***



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Mental breakdown.


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Chapter 52: omg... what was that... such a cliff hanger... tell me authornim that you'll have a sequel for this oh please do make a sequel i beg of you....

it was nice and sorry.. i told you that i would read this by tye week end but decided to read it today.. i liked it and enjoyed reading but not the last part where youngmin showed up....!!! i want to know seungeun's reaction when she sees youngmin omg!!!
maiquie24 #2
Chapter 21: I don't know why but i was watching Boyfriend's MV for "Witch" and it just reminded me of this story
Chapter 52: Such a cliffhanger. Is there a sequel to this story???
I loved this so much. I read it in a day and a half.
Really good job ^_^
Chapter 52: Hanging >< sequelll pleaseeee
yeejler #5
Omg sequel plsssss...hw can u leave us with a cliff hanger *cries*
Chapter 52: Sequel please
Chapter 52: I just found this fic and it's amazing xDD I need a sequel please >>
tsuukyuu #8
Chapter 52: Dah dah dah daaaahhhh........cliff hanger.... eunsoo youngmin good or bad...
Chapter 52: Omg.. please let Myungie win for good at the next squeeelll >.<