The Feelings

The Beat to My Heart

Seohyun's POV

 {Thud} "Hi unnies, I'm back from my interview!" I say as I walk through the door with my heavy luggage. They all greeted and hugged me. "Oh, hi Hyunnie! Do you need some help?" Said kind Yoona. "It's okay." I reply with a smile, and head toward my room. As I unpack everything, I think about my friendship with Yoona. I've always liked her as my favorite unnie, but now, I was feeling something different about her. Everytime I heard her voice, it felt like there were butterflies in my stomach. When I looked at her, I just couldn't help but stare. Her face was so beautiful and perfect. But what am I thinking? She's a girl, like me. Besides, she would never date me. That's why I kept avoiding her. But even as I tell myself not to think about it, I can't help myself when I look at her. A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts. "Seohyun? Are you in there?" It's Yoona. "Uh, y-yes, I just need to do something."I reply as I furiously unpack the rest of the stuff. "Well, can I talk to you after dinner tonight?" What? She wants to talk to me? I can feel my heart beat. 'It's probably about something else.' I think, and say "Okay." "Okay, well see you later." I hear, and then footsteps going to the kitchen. A part of me wants to stop her and tell her how I feel about her, but the other part doesn't have the courage to. I sigh. I unpack the rest of the luggage, change my clothes, and read a book. I wish real life was as simple as a book...                                __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

"Why are you avoiding me?" I freeze as I hear those words. Yoona seems hurt. "W-what? I'm not avoiding you." I say with a weak smile. "Well, you always turn down my offer in helping you, and go out of the room when I come in. Why?" I'm helpless. What should I say? Yoona is hurt, and it's all because of me. Should I just tell her right now? But if I do, it might become awkward between the two of us, and she might never speak to me again. I  just can't do it. "Yoona unnie, please understand. I'm not avoiding you. You know that you are my favorite unnie." She sighs. "Okay then. I'll believe you." And with that, she walks out of the room. I want to cry. Yoona looked so sad. And I just can't keep this secret to myself any longer. I should tell someone. Someone who I trust... 'Taeyeon...' I think.           ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Yoona's POV 

Why is Seohyun avoiding me? I thought we were friends... But actully, I've been feeling a lot more for Seohyun. She's so innocent and pure, like an angel. I don't know. Why am I thinking this? I want her to know that I like being around her, but how can that work out when she's avoiding me? I'm really sad. I guess it would never work out anyway, since Seohyun is too innocent to date another girl. But I love her. That will never change. I wish she knew...

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soonyu #1
Chapter 2: YYYEEEEE yoonhyun yoonhyun
Chapter 2: Yoonhyun already official?? cool!
soonyu #3
Chapter 1: innocent? kkkk
more more ^.^